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[ hand ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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"Mm." His voice was so soothing, even on the phone. It was no wonder Jeongguk used to fall asleep to it. "So you trust me now, right?"

Jeongguk felt the cold metal of the railing come in contact with his skin, littering his arms with goosebumps. Jimin's balcony had a nice view despite just being on the third floor. It was early Sunday morning and people were out and about on the streets, strolling around leisurely.

"What makes you say that?" The younger responded, pulling his cardigan closer.

A low chuckle emitted from the back of Taehyung's throat. "You gave me your number."

Jeongguk smiled. "I guess I did."

There was a comfortable silence before Taehyung continued. "Where are you? Home?"

"I'm at Jimin's— and by the way, I talked to him and he said he wouldn't come between us. He might need some time to fully accept you though-"

"Are you saying there's an us, Gguk?"

The suggestion sent a wave of heat to Jeongguk's cheeks and the boy resulted in stammering over his words. "I, uh— it's—"

"Actually," The older boy made a clicking sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth, something he does when he's teasing or in deep thought. "don't answer. I'll ask again when I get to see that cute, flushed face of yours."

Jeongguk shook his head, giggling. "You're impossible."

The younger peered down as he spoke and suddenly locked gaze with a familiar pair of cat-like eyes, looking up at him rather indiscreetly.


If the ravenette had given him a friendly wave, Jeongguk wouldn't have minded. But instead he turned on his heels instantly when caught staring and continued down the street, hands pushed into his jean pockets and taking long strides. Something about his suspicious behavior made Jeongguk's blood run cold.

"Jeongguk? Gguk, baby, you there?"

Jeongguk snapped back into reality, thoughts scattering. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I said I want to take you out. Let's... go somewhere." Taehyung said lightly.

"Tae." The younger smiled. "I'd love to."


Hearing the older unable to mask both the bashfulness and excitement in his voice made Jeongguk's stomach flip with exaltation. "Yes, really."

"Where do you want to go?"

The younger tapped his foot and bit the inside of his cheek. "I don't know. Surprise me?"

Taehyung laughed. "I got you." He promised, "Send me Jimin's address, if he doesn't mind, and I'll come pick you up once I get gas."

Jeongguk made a sound of annoyance. "You drive? Why'd you let me walk home after staying at yours then?"

"Because I remember you like your long walks."

That just made Jeongguk's heart burn with fondness. "You remember everything..." He said softly.

"Eh, it's hard to forget when you spend everyday thinking about it." Taehyung replied, and Jeongguk could hear the smile in his words, "Pick you up at noon?"


Jeongguk had a love-hate relationship with Taehyung driving him in his car. Taehyung looked really, really good with the wind in his hair, and one hand on the steering wheel, turning to the younger boy every few seconds to mouth the lyrics blaring from the radio. But Jeongguk couldn't help but hate the armrest and gear shift separating them. The younger folded his arms close and pulled up his hood, giving himself the warmth he craved.

"What're you doing?" Taehyung asked, watching him from the corner of his eyes.


"Yah, pull your hood down. I can't see your pretty face."

Now the blush that came with those words became another reason for Jeongguk not to pull it down, embarrassed by how easily Taehyung could turn him into a rosy-cheeked mess.

"Come on, Gguk." The older leaned to the side and grabbed at the boy's hood, pushing it back to reveal Jeongguk's fluffed up hair.

The younger reached up instantly to pull it back over his head. But the action was prevented when Taehyung caught his hand midway and intertwined their fingers.

"I won't hold your hand if you touch your hood again."

A fresh layer of crimson tinted Jeongguk's cheeks and he just sulked childishly in response. It's intimate and it's warm and the younger knew he could not give that up.

Taehyung laughed as they slowed at a stoplight. He turned to the younger and lifted his hand, kissing the back of Jeongguk's, all the while maintaining eye contact to see his reaction. The boy shrank into his chair sheepishly, his other arm coming up to cover his face.

"Cute." Taehyung teased, resting their interlocked hands between them and continuing down the road.

"So where are we going?" Jeongguk asked once he had somewhat recovered.

"I thought you wanted a surprise, baby."

The younger didn't know why he hadn't complained about being called baby yet. Maybe it just felt natural coming out of Taehyung's mouth.

"Just give me a hint then."

"Well, remember all those times you wandered into flower shops looking for Tiger Flowers?"

The younger nodded, doe eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Yeah. You mentioned it yesterday too."

Taehyung grinned, giving Jeongguk's hand a squeeze. "We're gonna go find you some."

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