t w e n t y - s e v e n

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[ harbor ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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"Sorry this isn't exactly the beach."

Jeongguk peered over the edge, Taehyung's arms around his waist in case he plummets into the water.

Jeongguk could almost taste the saltiness of the breeze on his tongue as he admired the waves that crashed against the new white paint along the sea wall. The fishing boats bobbed and creaked, tugging on their moorings to the piers. Behind them are the sherbet coloured houses that are tall with pointed roofs, huddled together like old friends reassured by their closeness. Never the same shade of color.

The sky was a new painting every passing moment, the airiness of the pastel pigments a beautiful contrast to the to deep turquoise hue of the sea. Above the gulls swoop over the canvas, crying in that repetitive way they do. Jeongguk wished the waters were endless, but somehow the sun-kissed buildings across the harbor made it even more real and lovely.

"It's okay." He smiled, holding onto the strong arms encircling his stomach. "It's pretty."

Taehyung parted his lips, wanting to tell him how pretty he was. But instead he just laughed, feeling incredibly cliche. Like he was stuck inside a book of a writer who stays up till one in the morning trying to come up with a decent plot all the while having two braincells left and a very overwhelming search history of word synonyms-

The remorsefulness was still there, unsure if Jeongguk had forgiven him. Taehyung just tightened his hold, hoping that that would somehow communicate to the younger just how much he meant to him. Jeongguk's smile bloomed twice as wide.

"It'll be dark soon." Taehyung murmured, nuzzling against the shell of his ear. "Want fish n chips before we head back to the car?"


They spent another half hour sitting on the edge of a dock, legs dangling as they fed each other fries.

"No." Taehyung said stubbornly, "Mayo is better."

"That's not true!" Jeongguk argued, "Beetroot ketchup is better."

"Beetroot ketchup." The older repeated with a playful snort, mouth full, "Don't use fancy words against me."

"Beetroot isn't exactly a fancy word." Jeongguk just dipped the last fry in the darker sauce, and held it in Taehyung's direction. "Try."

"You can have it, Gguk." The older chuckled, shaking his head, "C'mon, it's the last one."

"Just eat it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes excessively. "Fine." He complied, leaning forward and taking it between his teeth.


"Nope. Mayo's better with fish and chips." The older shrugged, chewing, "I'm sor- hey!" Jeongguk doubled up in laughter as Taehyung rubbed his shin. "You didn't have to kick me."

"It was either that or push you off." Jeongguk replied cheekily. Suddenly Taehyung scrambled to stand, hoisting the younger up and practically sweeping him off his feet. "Tae!" He squeaked, not used to being picked up bridal style. "What- what are you doing!"

"You seemed pretty keen on taking a swim." Taehyung noted, walking backwards slowly and eyes set on the far end of the dock.

"Taehyungie!" Jeongguk squealed, catching on to his intentions. He started thrashing about, Taehyung's fingers digging ticklishly into his sides. "Tae don't! It's freezing cold-" He shrieked when Taehyung broke into a sprint, burying his face in his neck and expecting to be thrown into the water.

Suddenly Taehyung slowed to a halt right at the edge and laughed hysterically at the way Jeongguk was clinging onto him for dear life. "Kidding."

"Ohmygawd." Jeongguk dropped back onto the ground with equal amounts of carefulness and franticness before punching Taehyung on the chest. "Don't do that- I almost had a heart attack!"

Taehyung didn't answer. He couldn't. He could barely breathe, holding his stomach as tears of laughter stung his eyes.

"Don't laugh!" Jeongguk said, but he couldn't help but erupt into a smile, seeing Taehyung happy like this.

"That was-" The older gasped, "-too good."

"Stop it!" Jeongguk was full-on grinning now as he smacked Taehyung again, "I thought you were actually gonna do it."

"Of course not." Taehyung wheezed, leaning against a pole as he calmed down. "I can't let you catch a cold." He flashed Jeongguk a bright, toothy smile, then reached down to pick up their leftover trash. The younger crouched down to help, giggling.

The walk to the car was mostly quiet, hands interlocked and matching each other's strides. Smiles lingered on their faces, feeling naturally cheerful with each other's company.

For a moment everything was perfect. They were in their safe heaven. A place where time didn't exist. Where Jeongguk had always been Taehyung's. And Taehyung had always been Jeongguk's. And no space or time sat between them. No nothing. Just each other.

They didn't even want to think about the cruel people out there who wanted them apart.

Taehyung's car unlocked with a satisfying click and he pulled the passenger door open for Jeongguk, who just stood there.

"Gguk?" The older said, puzzled by the slight pout on Jeongguk's face. He watched as the younger started playing with his fingers, a clear sign of nervousness. "What're you thinking?"

Jeongguk took his bottom lip between his teeth, unable to keep eye contact with Taehyung as he spoke.

"Isn't this the part where you kiss me?"

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