t w e n t y - n i n e

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[ rain ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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"You're all overreacting." Hoseok claimed, though he flinched a little when Yoongi dabbed the cut on his face with a warm, wet cloth.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, kicking off his shoes as Jimin closed the door behind him. He felt like a fish out of water, since this was Yoongi's place and he barely knew the guy.

"He got mugged." Jimin informed the newcomers with a frown. Then he pulled the two boys nearer and spoke in a hush. "I asked for you guys to come cause you need to talk to Yoongi." He said seriously. Then he headed over to where Hoseok was getting treated and took the cloth, motioning to the oldest that he'll take over.

"Hi." Taehyung said awkwardly as Yoongi approached.

"Hi Taehyung." He replied, acknowledging the boy and clearing his throat, "So... you two are together?"

Taehyung pursed his lips, unsure of what to say. He glanced at Jeongguk, and to his surprise, he felt the younger's fingers wrap around his, squeezing gently.

"Kind of." Jeongguk said timidly, the tips of his bangs covering his eyes.

Yoongi didn't really have such of a reaction. He just nodded before continuing. "I don't want to pry into your business. I really don't. But Jimin told me about... things." He bobbed his head again, a habit of unease. "And I thought you should know that when I was at the bar with Hoseokie, your brother showed up."

"M-my brother?" He stuttered out. Taehyung felt Jeongguk's hold tighten and he immediately started stroking the younger's hand to soothe him. Even though he himself was panicking.

Jesus, was the entire world at that one single party? What the fuck?

"Yeah. I even thought you were the same person." Yoongi admitted, "He lied, saying that he was dating Gguk and wanted your number."

Dating Gguk? He's mine.

"He didn't get my contacts, right?" Taehyung questioned, eyes wide.

"We didn't give it to him, but..."


"I think he and his goons were the ones who attacked Hobi." Yoongi revealed, "They took his wallet and his phone, which he could've-"

Right on cue, Taehyung's phone rang. He tensed, letting go of Jeongguk's hand and fishing the device out to check the caller ID.


"Oh hell no." He grimaced, a chill coursing through his body as he dropped the phone onto the couch like he'd been electrocuted. "I'm not answering that."

"Block the number for now." Yoongi advised and Taehyung obeyed.

Jeongguk met Taehyung's gaze, and their silence spoke volumes. It was like the world refused to give them a rest. Wherever they go, something's stopping them from existing together in the same place, with the same capacity of love and adoration for each other, home in the caverns of their chests. Jeongguk was the first to look away.

"Is Hobi-hyung okay?" He said in that small voice of his that had Taehyung's heart aching.

Yoongi's solemn expression melted away into fondness. "Yes, Gguk-ah. He's just a little roughened up. Luckily I drove by and saw him."


The trio's attention were brought back to Hoseok, who was thanking Jimin for handing him back his sweater. Jeongguk wondered why Jimin was here, then a smile tugged at the corners of his lips when he remembered how Jimin had always been at the top of Yoongi's call-for-help list. At least that warmed his heart for a good moment.

"I'll drive you home this time." Yoongi told Hoseok before turning to Jimin. "You too, dwarf." Jimin rolled his eyes with a lighthearted scoff.

Taehyung hooked an arm around Jeongguk's shoulder, a troubled glint in his dark irises. "Let's go?"


Everyone exchanged goodnights before parting ways. It was getting a little chilly, and Taehyung offered Jeongguk his jacket, but the younger declined politely. The awkward blanket of silence that draped over them was enough to keep him from the cold. The car ride was a little stiff, neither uttered a word as they stared down the passing road with thoughts wandering.

Jeongguk pressed his fingertips against the window, his mind instantly clouding with the memory of rain from the first day he meet Taehyung again.

He had a fascination for rain. He loved the way it played with his surroundings like puppets, bringing out this ever-changing scenery of foliage. Even the most subtle shifts in lighting patterns tell a new story. On rainy days, hedgerow is a palette of crisp to dark green, nurturing their colors with the glossy shine of droplets.

One day it overflowed with a generous amount of sunshine and warmth, the world filtered with brilliant unfettered golden rays. Then the next hour it was consumed by the dark, threatening storm with every ounce of lighting streaks.

Jeongguk used to love surprises like these. But now he wasn't quite sure if he appreciated the inconsistency anymore.

Afraid that the best things in life both started and ended with rain.

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HOW is this book almost at 4k y'all 🥺
I've been too busy with schoolwork to come across any quality BTS memes so here

HOW is this book almost at 4k y'all 🥺I've been too busy with schoolwork to come across any quality BTS memes so here

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