t w e n t y - f i v e

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[ explain ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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When Jimin told Taehyung Jeongguk was upset, all his rationalities went out the window.

He tried to be careful, tried to be mindful of protecting the younger. But after a full day of missed calls and ignored texts, Taehyung was suddenly desperate to meet him.

He brisk walked along the pavement at a frenetic pace, heading in the direction of the tattoo shop. Jimin said his work ends at around seven, so hopefully he'd catch him right before he leaves.

"Jeongguk!" He called, the name burst from the back of his throat when he saw the familiar hooded figure step out of the parlor. He picked up his speed.

The younger stood there motionless, doe eyes bigger than they normally were and hands taken out of pockets.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung said again, stopping in front of him, breath uneven. "Jeongguk, hi."

Jeongguk blinked at him, like his body wasn't quite sure if he should be happy to see Taehyung or sad to see Taehyung.

"I'll explain everything i-if you let me. Please?"

The younger didn't look too thrilled at the idea, flinching away slightly when Taehyung tried taking his hand- a habit of his.

Suddenly someone pushed open the door and disrupted the pair. "Is everything okay?" Yoongi asked, clearing his throat. He obviously didn't remember Taehyung, he was just one of the many many customers they had. All he saw through the glass was a stranger getting too close to his dongsaeng.

"It's okay, hyung." Jeongguk spoke for the first time, tone heavy, "I know him." Though he didn't seem that comfortable.

Taehyung swallowed, feeling small under Yoongi's intense gaze.

"Okay." Yoongi finally said, leaving the two alone.

Knowing Jeongguk might walk away before he could even give him his full story, Taehyung decided to get straight to the point.

"My brother found me. Remember him?"

The way fear surfaced from the depths of Jeongguk's chocolate irises was enough to urge Taehyung forward again, brushing their fingertips together.

"And I was scared- that if I were around you too much, they'd find you."

"Did he-" Jeongguk's chin trembled a little, hands fidgety at his sides like he was itching to touch the older. "Did he hurt you?"

Fuck. Taehyung snapped his eyes shut like his words physically hurt him. How was it possible... that after revealing the danger he was potentially in, Jeongguk's first concern was his safety?

Somehow that just solidified the guilt in Taehyung's stomach, the weight pulling him a few feet under. Jeongguk was too good- too good to be true. Too precious. And all Taehyung offered in return was wavelengths of pain and uncertainty.

Air was trapped in the hollow of Taehyung's throat as his fingers finally found Jeongguk's hands again, the pad of his thumb caressing his knuckles. Jeongguk just stared, though the older felt him relax at the touch.

"No, he didn't hurt me." Taehyung whispered, forcing his lips to form coherent words. "He just... gave me a not so pleasant call. B-but it's okay. Cause I got rid of him. And I'll protect you. And we'll be okay." He didn't know who he was trying to convince- Jeongguk or himself. "Gguk, you're shaking."

"I'm sorry." Jeongguk ducked his head down and tried pulling away, but the older just tightened his grip on his trembling hands.

"Don't be. I should be the sorry one."

"So he's gone?"

Taehyung didn't answer. He couldn't. So instead he lifted the younger's hand and ghosted his lips over the back of it. Jeongguk melted a little at every tender kiss, trailing from his wrist to his forearm. His face was set ablaze, seeing the older being so intimate in public and not having the will to pull away.

"Tae..." With every peck a fresh new layer of pink colored Jeongguk's cheeks.

Taehyung gave him a lopsided smile. God, how did he manage to survive a week without seeing Jeongguk in his flustered, adorable state? He practically lived for it. "Let's go." He prompted, gently pulling the younger along.

"Where are we going?" The younger asked innocently.

"Anywhere but here."

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1.73k reads... literally in shock
How did this happen oh my god
From the bottom of my heart thank you I wish I could befriend all of y'all
Especially the ones who leave comments
I read all of them

Here's a fast update as a thank you

Also I promised my friend eliza_eun I'd share this-

Also I promised my friend eliza_eun  I'd share this-

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I love her
And yes
Everyone calls me hay online

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