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[ essay ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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"Where'd you find such a nice silk shirt like this?" Taehyung asked, not even bothering to hide the smirk on his face. He clutched onto the collar of Jeongguk's shirt before he could even finish buttoning up, his index finger brushing against the younger's bare chest.

"Taehyungie..." Jeongguk's face flushed a few shades darker, hand coming up to grasp Taehyung's.

"What?" The older feigned cluelessness. "It was an innocent question."

"M-my roommate." Jeongguk's cheeks puffed up in playful annoyance and the adorable sight made Taehyung swoon. "He said I'd look— um, good in it."

"I certainly agree." The older commented smugly.

Jeongguk just scoffed lightheartedly, turning away from him to continue fumbling with the buttons.

"You sure you don't want me to walk with you?" Taehyung asked, propping himself on the armrest of the couch and staring unsubtly at the younger.

"It's fine, Tae." Jeongguk reassured him. "I have legs too, you know."

The topic just caused Taehyung to drop his gaze lower to those thighs. Then he shook his head to avert his attention elsewhere.

Geez, Taehyung. How're you gonna earn his trust when you can't even control yourself?

Jeongguk made his way over to the door, hand over the knob as he glimpsed back. They held eye contact for a moment, and Taehyung wondered if Jeongguk's heart fluttered the way his did whenever they looked at each other, stealing each other away into a world known as their own.

"Thank you—" Jeongguk's fingers were fidgety again, an undying habit. "— for taking care of me."

Taehyung blinked, needing a moment to soak in the words. "Thank you for letting me."

Jeongguk's eyes twinkled with the timidness of a bunny. "See you later. Don't forget to bring a pillow to hug."

The sly reminder left a grin on the older's face as Jeongguk disappeared out the door. The younger strolled down the street, feeling a little overdressed for a causal Saturday morning and kicking tin cans that stood on the pavement.

Jeongguk already expected a bombard of questions when he walked through the door. Seokjin's question, however—

"Did you get laid?"


"I knew those leather pants worked magic." The older pumped a fist in the air while Namjoon just slapped a hand against his forehead.

"I did not get laid, hyung!" Jeongguk exclaimed, pink dusking against his cheeks as he shut the door behind him. God, sometimes he hated how little it took to make him blush. "I just slept at a friend's house."

"I bet he got laid." Jimin called cheekily from their kitchen counter.

Jeongguk didn't stop the broad smile from taking over his features. "Jimin-hyung!"

"Heya, bun." His best friend was quick to push himself off the marble counter to hug him. "You brat. Scared the hell out of me last night. I thought someone drugged you up." Jimin jabbed at the younger under the ribs, making the ticklish boy squeal. "I'm curious to know who your 'friend' is. Last time I checked, all the friends you have are here standing right in your kitchen."

"I've just seen him around and we started talking. It's not a big deal, hyung." Technically not a lie, but Jeongguk naturally felt guilty.

Jimin groaned dramatically, then grabbed Jeongguk's face. "Look at you- meeting new people." He wiped at his imaginary tears and faked a sob. "They all grow up so fast."

Jeongguk suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, then he picked up on a smell. "Mm... Are you guys baking something?"

"Yeah, Jin-hyung called me over this morning to attempt to make lemon curd tarts."

Seokjin raised a finger and added "I saw this lemon cream puff recipe online as well".

"You know," Namjoon spoke, "at this rate I won't be surprised if we start eating raw lemons for dinner."

"Starting Tuesday." Jeongguk giggled.

Seokjin draped an arm around Namjoon's neck and left a chaste kiss on his jaw. "You're just grumpy over that dumb essay you have to write for that college course I told you not to take."

"Ooo." Jimin leaned forward, showing over-the-top interest. "I love essays. Hit me with it."

"I'm fine with essays. It's just that the topic is so stupid." Namjoon snorted. "We're supposed to write about something exciting that happened over summer."

"Sounds like you're in primary school." Jeongguk giggled again. He was about to go upstairs to change, but the conversation was getting too good for him to leave and miss out.

"Okay." Jimin placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder and looked him dead in the eye. But Jeongguk had known him long enough to recognize the humorous glint in his half-moon eyes. "You start with a very expressive 'I shit you not'." He advised.

"Ha-ha." Namjoon drawn out every syllable to add emphasis to his sarcasm.

Seokjin smacked Jimin on the back. "That's too unprofessional."

Jeongguk didn't know why he expected something smart until the older continued.

"You should never use 'I' statements in formal writing—"

Jeongguk started laughing again.

"— it should be 'One shits you not'."

"Or!" Jimin riled up onto the balls of his feet, getting overly excited. "Or it could be 'The author shits you not'."

"Good lord." Namjoon buried his head in his hands.

To his misery, Jeongguk decided to join in. "It's best to avoid the general 'you' as well."

Jimin took the advice and came to a conclusion.

"Joon-hyung." Jimin bursted out laughing at the expression on the older's face. He was so done. "I think 'One would not be considered shitted' is a great way to start."

"I think I need to go lie down."

Jeongguk grabbed Namjoon's hands and started swinging it side to side childishly. "You love us."


Jeongguk was filled to the brim with happiness. Waking up to a angel called Taehyung that morning, then coming back home to mess around with and tease his favorite people. Jimin studied him from across the room, eyes narrowed and wondering what could've possibly made his best friend so happy.

"Wait— Fuck, is that burning?"

I just realized that that last part (with the joke) doesn't make sense if they speak korean but oh well please don't come at my stupidity thank you

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