t w e n t y

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[ happy ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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Seokjin poked his tongue against his cheek as he scanned Taehyung from head to toe, making the boy feel like some kind of scientific specimen. He turned to Jeongguk. "So you did get laid!"

Jeongguk groaned. "Hyung, we talked about this."

Taehyung's eyes dart between the two of him, confused. Jeongguk got laid and it wasn't him?

"I'm kidding, brat." Seokjin aimed his grin at Taehyung. "You got a handsome one here."

"Thanks?" Taehyung's voice trails up into a more high pitched tone.

Namjoon came to ease the situation as always, reaching out to shake Taehyung's hand. "I'm Namjoon and this is Seokjin."

The oldest rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Yeah. Just Seokjin. It's not like we're dating or anything you know."

Namjoon left a chaste kiss on his forehead as a cheeky apology and Taehyung couldn't hide the surprise on his face. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" Namjoon asked sweetly.

Taehyung tried not to look at Jeongguk, who was sending a hopeful look his way. "I'd love to, but I can't. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." The youngest said quietly and Taehyung wished he didn't have to leave.

"I'll text you, ba— Jeongguk."

That thankfully brought the smile back on the younger's face and Namjoon tapped on Taehyung's shoulder before he could step out the door, mouthing a silent thank you.

He hopped back into his car, needing a moment after getting his jacket stuck in the door. He leaned back and ran a hand through his hair, pushing back his locks as he tried to wrap his head around today's events. The skin around Taehyung's eyes crinkled as a boxy smile spread across his face.

Victory never felt so good. Seeing Jeongguk never felt so good. Everything was falling into place and Taehyung felt as though he had picked up the pieces he broke and fixed them new.

The sweet aroma of cherries made Taehyung even more at ease as he carried himself to the back of the shop, where Hoseok is already hooking his apron around his neck.

"You're lucky boss ain't here to tell you you're late to your night shift." The older punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Though I could tell on you..."

Taehyung just respond with a broad, effortlessly fond smile, knowing that Hoseok would never snitch and the cheery mood reflecting off his features.

"Woah dude." Hoseok placed a hand dramatically on his heart. "Look at you. You're happy. Like not just content— you're happy."

He's happy. And he had one person to blame.

"Yeah." Taehyung nodded. He just nodded because that was all there was to it, turning to stack the plastic tall cups and start greeting customers. "Hyung."


"I'm a smoothie boy!"

It sounded like the most absurd thing to say since no one would ever know the context. Hoseok doesn't quiet understand Taehyung's sudden love for their low-pay job. But Hoseok pumped his fist in the air and started hollering anyway, matching the younger's energetic aura.

The rest of the night was a breeze. Taehyung swayed to the background music through every order, flashing his smile and being extra friendly to everyone in his path- a certain someone on his mind. And Hoseok just admired the bubbly side of his friend from a distance.

"Goodnight, hyung!" Taehyung called as he twirled his way out the door, a closed sign hanging.

"Night, Taehyungie."

There was a bounce in every step he took and he fetched his keys once he located his car, feet slowing to a stop at the sidewalk. His phone rang it's usual basic ringtone— Taehyung had the sudden urge to change it to a recording of Jeongguk's laughter. Music.

Ugh, he was so disgustingly in love.

And for a quick second, he wondered if it was the younger who was calling him, hoping Jeongguk's voice would fill his ears but he was met with a chilling surprise.

"Been a while, hasn't it, brother?"

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