author's note + what's next

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never in a million years did i think this book would be recognized and given so much love. i made a couple friends through this book as well. so thank you- a million times over- THANK YOU <3

what's coming up next:

(trailer to the book. shitty quality i know. i'm too broke to pay for sPeCiaL fEaTuRes forgive me LOL)

DREAMING ALONE is out!if you're interested in reading, i suggest following me so you'll be notified when i update :) no pressure though, your choice

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if you're interested in reading, i suggest following me so you'll be notified when i update :) no pressure though, your choice

i also have other stories that i'm excited to share, but will take some time to put together. do you guys want sneak peeks to those? or you want to wait till DREAMING ALONE is finished?

last thing i want to bring up-
i've caught myself comparing my writing to others a lot and beating myself up because of i never truly feel like i'm enough. i've come to realize that i deserve a break without feeling guilty, that i deserve to write what i want to write without searching for others' approval. and i'm saying this cause i've had people reach out to me and say they've been feeling the same way. so i'm here for you. and i'm not perfect, but i'm learning too. you're not alone.

i'm human as such as i am a writer. and i don't want to just be some random account of wattpad. i want to connect with you guys. i want to hear your thoughts and make you feel valued. i can't promise i'll be there every second of the day, since i have my own life to live and i'm aware of how online friends differentiate from real life friends. but know that my account is a safe place for you.

i know this might be stupid coming from a stranger behind a screen, but i am so thankful for every single one of you. every vote and comment makes my heart feel a little lighter. i'm excited to continue this journey with you guys.

hopefully i won't disappoint with my next story.

love you
please stay safe and healthy
pour cereal before milk for gods sake

- hay

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