t h i r t y - s e v e n

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[ teasing ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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⚠️ warning (the entire chapter) ⚠️

Jeongguk's head was fucking spinning.

How in the world can Taehyung be so sweet yet so sinful doing this to him? Every time he edged him closer to an orgasm, every touch and friction was amplified and Jeongguk could feel his world falling apart until the older withdrew his fingers. And suddenly the euphoric feeling was stolen from him and everything was intact again.


And all Jeongguk could do was beg.

"Hyung please..." He pulled back to look into Taehyung's eyes, but his mind was too fuzzy to actually focus. "... stop with the teasing."

A low chuckle emitted from the back of Taehyung's throat. "I didn't plan on teasing you, Gguk. But you seem to really enjoy it."

"I d-don't." But the waver in Jeongguk's voice said otherwise.

"Hm? You don't?" Taehyung attached his lips to the younger's neck, sucking at the soft skin and leaving unapologetic love bites.

He kinda wished he could actually see Jeongguk from behind- his hole clenching around nothing. But that couldn't happen while the younger was straddling him. And he needed to watch Jeongguk's face for any signs of discomfort in order to care for him.

"I beg to differ, baby." Taehyung found himself smirking as he went back to fingering the younger, prompting Jeongguk to shake and whisper his name. "I think you love it."

"Wait- wait, Tae. Stop."

Taehyung stopped immediately, worry surfacing as his free hand flew up to cup Jeongguk's face. "I'm sorry." He said, "Was it too much?"

"No it was perfect." Jeongguk was quick to answer, heart warming at Taehyung's concern. "It's just... what about you?" He ducked his head down.

"What about me?" Taehyung caressed his cheek, tilting his head to the side in confusion until he realized what the younger was implying. "Oh." He let out a little laugh. "Jeongguk, this is about pleasuring you, making you feel good. Don't feel obligated to- oh."

Jeongguk had reached down and taken Taehyung's length into his hand, paying special attention to the older's reaction. Taehyung's arms fell limp to his sides, lolling his head back and closing his eyes.

"You do too much for me. Let me take care of you too." Jeongguk murmured, kissing Taehyung's forehead. "Tell me if I'm doing it right. I've... never done this before."

Taehyung just hummed, leaning forward to capture the younger in a lazy kiss. "So good." He mumbled.

With newfound confidence, Jeongguk brushed his thumb over his sensitive tip and used the leaking pre-cum as lubricant, spreading it all over and stroking Taehyung's cock from base up. The older sucked air through gritted teeth, unraveling under Jeongguk, grunting and moaning at every squeeze and twist of a hand.

"Fuck, baby." Taehyung nuzzled into the younger's neck, hips jutting upwards. "God you're too good."

"Don't bring God into this. It's past 12am. Which means it's Sunday morning and we're supposed to be holy." Jeongguk grinned.

Taehyung just laughed. It wasn't just the pleasure that made him feel good. It was the fact that it was Jeongguk who was making love to him right now. His shy Jeonggukie who couldn't even look him in the eye when they first met at school, was now sitting naked on his lap, hands wrapped around his member and making religious jokes.

This was the boy he fell in love with.

Suddenly Jeongguk fastened his pace, adding to the simulation and getting even more turned on when Taehyung moaned brokenly. One of his hands roamed to the area under the older's belly button, feeling the subtle clenching of his abdominal muscles.

Fuck, that was hot.

"Jeongguk. I'm- ngh, close." Taehyung managed to say. He removed the younger's hands and left a chaste kiss on his lips. It took him a moment to calm down. "How ready are you?"

"I'm ready, Tae." Jeongguk assured him, "Just- do something for me?" His cheeks deepened to a redder hue.

Taehyung nodded, attentive. "What is it, baby?"

"Take control."

Taehyung didn't hesitate, sliding the younger off him and flipping them over in one swift movement. Jeongguk only had a moment to catch his breath, getting a glimpse of Taehyung's darkened, lust-filled irises before the older dipped his head down to crush their lips together, tongues dancing and teeth clashing with imprecision. Messy. Hot. Hungry for more. A thin layer of sweat coating their bodies. Greedy hands and labored breathes. Moans traded between the two.

"F-fuck, Tae, please."

The older could hear the urgency in his voice but he chose to ignore it. Instead he kept his movements painfully slow.

"I have a question for you, baby boy." Taehyung reached for the condom packet, taking his time to rile Jeongguk up into a needy mess. "And you're gonna answer me honestly."

Jeongguk's eyes flitted between Taehyung's cock and the packet in his hands. Soon Taehyung was ripping it open with his teeth and rolling the condom onto his member.

"Tell me..." Taehyung pressed a finger directly onto the younger's entrance, pushing in just past the ring of muscle and pulling out right after. "... you like being teased, don't you?"

"Hyung~" Jeongguk whined, desperate. He tried reaching for him, but Taehyung was quick to press his small wrists against the mattress above his head with one large hand.

"Wrong answer."

Taehyung studied his features to make sure Jeongguk was doing okay before rubbing his hole again, keeping up the act. But fuck, the way the younger sounded when he was needy was almost intoxicating, like a drug he'll never get sick of.


Taehyung started applying more pressure, circling and probing and flicking at his entrance. All Jeongguk could do was lay there, all exposed and prone, unable to do anything other than thrash about in his hold, letting out strings of pants and moans. He unconsciously pulled at his restraints, but Taehyung was too strong for him to break free.

"Please- ah hyung I can't-"

"I'm waiting patiently, Gguk." The older simply reminded him.


There it was.

"Yes, hyung." Jeongguk whimpered, struggling to form a coherent sentence with the sensation tormenting him. "I... I like it when you tease me."

"Good boy."

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