t h i r t y - f i v e

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[ hyung ]
0:58 ──♡───────── 3:47
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"Jeongguk." Taehyung drawled, each vowel dipped in enough honey to make the younger melt into the sheets. "I want you to think this through first." He left a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Gguk-ah... You'll be losing your virginity to someone who's not gonna exist in your life anymore."

"If that someone's you." Jeongguk replied, fully aware of what he was offering.

Taehyung just sat there for another minute, peppering his face with kisses and mumbling sweet nothings, giving him time to change his mind. But no- Jeongguk was sure.


The older boy brushed his lips against his earlobe, tickling the cartilage.

"Taehyungie, please."

"Okay." And with that Taehyung pressed his fingers under Jeongguk's chin, tilting his head up with ease. Jeongguk could feel his breath fanning against his neck. "Are you sure?"

Jeongguk couldn't help the laugh that rose from the hollow of his throat. "Do you need it written down on paper?"

Taehyung punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't act all smug." He grinned, "Your face is all red."

"I know, I feel it. You didn't need to point it out."

The older leaned forward and puckered his lips, playfully blowing air onto Jeongguk's cheeks as if it would chase the heat away.

The younger hid his face in his shoulder, giggling. "Dork." He said, "I do have one concern though."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, smiling as he reached for his hand. "Tell me."

"What if Jimin comes home?"

The older chuckled. "Well," He lifted his hand and kissed his knuckles, something he adored doing. "We're on the third floor. So if we throw ourselves out the window fast enough, the most damage we'd do is break our legs."

"Stop." Jeongguk's nose scrunched up cutely as he cracked up. "You're ruining the mood."

"The mood from when you offered to sign papers in order to have sex with me? Or the mood from when you said you wanted me and called me hyung?"

"Tae!" Jeongguk squealed, madly embarrassed as he buried his face in the older's neck.

"What?" Taehyung laughed, bringing an arm around his back to hold him close. "You've never called me hyung before."

"I thought it would sound cool." The younger admitted, voice muffled into Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung kissed and patted his head. "I liked it."

"Really?" Jeongguk raised his head hesitantly.


⚠️ honestly i don't even consider this part smut yet but here's your warning just in case (to the end of the chapter) ⚠️

Jeongguk's breath hitched when Taehyung swooped down and started planting little kisses on his jaw, taking his time as he drifted down. He tilted his head up, exposing his neck as an invitation. A wide smile spread across Taehyung's face, seeing how eager the younger was. He moved back, all of a sudden, and rested his back against the headboard.

"I want us to be comfortable." He explained, gesturing for Jeongguk to come over.

He found the shy look on the younger's face adorable as he grabbed onto his hips and tugged him down on his lap, allowing Jeongguk to straddle him.

Still The Same | taekook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now