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Hope you Like my story! ^^


It was a normal night like any other. Nene was washing the dishes like she always do every night, she was tired because of all the work she had been throughout these days.

I wish I could get a day off. She said to herself as she dried her hands. Being a 24-year-old worker at a Starbucks is not easy. Especially when you have to work overnight.

When she finish all of her chores, she quickly turned off the lights and went to bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Nene suddenly opened her eyes as the sound of like a plate falling from her kitchen. In a hurry, she got up, grab her Pepper Spray and headed downstairs. She turn on the light switch on but there were no lights.

"Must be a blackout." She whispered to herself, Nene slowly went to her room, grab the flashlight from her drawer and headed back downstairs.

She tiptoed and turned on her flashlight at her kitchen. A sound of an animal was there.

"Raccoon? That's what this is all about?" She sighed in disappointment. And grab the Raccoon and set it free.

She looked at the clock and it was 3:30 AM. She shook her head and began walking back to her room, but stopped as she sense a creepy aura behind her. It was like someone was breathing heavily.

She turned around, eyes closed and sprayed it at the person. But no scream was heard by Nene.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a boy with an old ripped clothes on. He was looking down and saliva dripping from his mouth.

"A-" Nene tried to scream. (But her head was underwater- jk jk) but the boy covered her mouth.

"Don't scream or I'll haunt you. Feel free to ask any questions but don't scream." Nene nodded and he pulled his hand from her mouth and looked up.

"Kay! Sorry for the inconvenience. I just happen to pass by your apartment! I see that your decorations inspired me! What's your secret?" The lights quickly turned on as this boy was shouting in joy. Now this leads to Nene at asking questions. She also noticed that his clothes changed.

"U-uhm.. Who are you?" She asked, hoping that the boy would answer her question. The boy stared at her eyes for moment and smiled.

"I'm Hanako! The ghost of this building you live in. I died 50 years ago but my memories is still not gone! If you heard rumors about me, then you might know a bit about all of this building." Hanako answered. He's right, Nene did actually heard rumors about him.

His real name is Yugi Amane. A 26-year-old man who lived exactly where Nene live in. He may be a 26 year old man but he looked like a 14-year-old boy.

"Nene-chan? Are you up?" Nene's neighbor, Aoi. Knocked at her door that made Hanako flinch.

"Uh, yeah! Why do you ask?" Nene shouted back. "Because it's 3 in the morning and I happen to see your apartment lights turned on. Are you getting some water?"

"Yeah, I was thirsty." Nene was exhausted and told Aoi that she was going back to sleep. Aoi agreed and went back to her apartment door. Which is next to Nene.

She also wanted to ask more questions, but since she was too tired, it is best to go to sleep. Hanako also followed her to her room but she wanted some privacy and just stayed at the living room.

(Hanako don't stay at the living room. If you know what's the meaning of this, then you're smart ;) )

Morning came, and Nene just got ready for work. Hanako keep insisting to bring him to work since he was bored.

"Stop it! You're an earth-bound spirit right? You can't even get out from our building!" Nene push Hanako inside. Now that made him mad.

"Who says that I'm an earth-bound spirit?! I can totally go outside like the past few weeks!" Nene sighed and just nodded. She's not in the mood to argue with we

Hanako screamed in joy, and keep bothering Nene till she's now at work.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy af.

It has been 2 months since Hanako had been living with Nene. Sure that he might be a pervert sometimes but he's surprisingly kind and dependable. He's also a good listener whenever Nene was sad or her parents almost got divorced.

But he always demand Nene to clean the bathroom since Hanako live there.

After being friends with Hanako, Nene met a few other Mysteries that is also friends with Hanako. Nene almost fainted when she found out that the Owner of the Building is also friends with Hanako.

(Its Tsuchigomori-sensei you guys)

She then saw Hanako playing with some pink-bunny-like ghosts which you call Mokkes.

After a few more months. Nene started to realize that she grew feelings for Hanako. She wanted to confess to him but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Until one day.....

Nene was walking home from home one night, she didn't bring Hanako with her this time because he kept bothering her.

She yawned, feeling a little bit exhausted from work. Till she saw the Mokkes were jumping up and down at her apartment door. Curious of what's happening right now, she went to then and leaned down.

"Hey there little Mokkes, what's up?" Nene asked, leaning down.

"There! There!" The little Mokkes pointed out the window. Nene was confused but still followed the orders the Mokkes gave her.

She looked at her window but it was dark. The girl then look at the place where the Mokkes were, but they were gone.

Must've seen a candy. She thought to herself. She grab her apartment key and began to reach the door.

But Nene push the door a little. It was unlocked. Nene was sure that she locked the door before she had gone to work.

She open it and saw candles and roses scattered onto the floor. She thought that it might be Hanako pranking her again.

"Hanako-kun! I know you're pranking me again! Come out." Nene shouted upstairs. But no one was answering. Even the candles and roses were heading to her room.

She followed it till she saw Hanako with a fancy suit in her room. She crossed her arms and raised a brow.

"What's with all this?" She asked, but Hanako looked away, feeling embarrassed as ever.

"Yashiro, I have something to tell you." Hanako said in a low tone. Since it was very quiet, Nene can hear what he was saying.

"Spill the juice." Man, Nene is being cool right.

"I like you." Hanako didn't stutter but just mumbled. Nene was surprised, she was planning on confessing her feelings to Hanako today. But instead, he confessed.

"Sorry. But I don't like you." She said, Hanako was about to burst out crying but she continued.

"I love you."

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