come with me.

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Inspired by: Peter Pan. But in a different persona.


Cold. That's what the Earth had always been. Especially for Yashiro Nene, for her, Earth has always been that way. A cruel, cruel world we live in.

So many people that judge you, hate you, and even leave you behind. Nene had been through all that, since her parents divorced, friends using her. And even feel like living in prison where you can't be free.

When she was a child, she hoped that she would grow up to be happy. But, things started to change when she was 13. Nene had seen it all, her own two eyes. Her boyfriend cheating on her, parents fighting, friends leaving you behind. That's the cause of this miserable world.

Now, she's 16. Nothing had change at all. It's still the same. Over, and over again, in this eternal life. It's still cruel as ever.

She just wanted to be free. That's what she wished for. Be free from this dead world. Being free is the only thing she hoped for.

"Nene-chan!" Nene's neighbor, Aoi, and also a close friend of hers came running to her. They didn't go to the same school, but they're still walking home from school sometimes.

"Oh, hey Aoi." Nene smiled, a fake smile. Just like every day, she always wore that fake smile.

"How are you?" Aoi asked, Nene wanted to tell her that she's miserable. But not going to worry her. She just answered "fine."

They parted ways, heading to school was a lot worse. Even though you gotta go there and learn. But, there are people who is always annoying you.

Time skip: 1 week later.

It has been a week and Nene is even more miserable than ever. She started to cut her wrists because the blood dripping out of you're skin reminds her of death.

She wanted to die, yet she wanted to live.

But one night..

Nene got up in the middle of the night to get some water. She notice some shadow was moving fast from the window, she just shrugged it off thinking that it might be a bird of something.

"Hey." Nene froze, her eyes widen as soon as she heard that voice. Is there a thief? She thought. She can feel the cold wind pass right through her, which she can tell that the person was at the window.

"Oi, look at me would you?" The boy said again. Nene had no choice but to just turned around. And she did.

"Ah, that's my girl." The boy chuckled, standing on her window. The boy had dark choppy hair and golden amber eyes glowing in the dark, and not to mention he still had that old uniform. Not gonna lie, Nene was amazed.

"W-who are you?" Nene asked, still frozen at the spot. She didn't wanna scream because she thought that this boy might hurt her.

"Me? I'm Hanako! The one and only. Who grants people's wish who I take them to a land you could never imagine!" He reassured in joy. Then, he reached out his hand, allowing him to take hers.

"What about you? Do you have a wish?" He questioned. A wish? She never had thought a bout a wish before. Then it hit her.

"I do. I do have a wish." The boy then smirk and got close to Nene.

"And, what's that wish you wanted?" He politely asked, not even stuttering one word. The girl with fat ankles exhaled and inhaled.

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