one last time, and its over

945 26 36

Inspired by: none.

this is now the last chapter of the book :(

And I regret it by making it short


This is now the time.

Hanako inhaled, calming himself down as he awaits at the Cherry Tree. He had told Nene to meet up with him there. But it seems like she doesn't trust him after that incident.

But luckily, she accepted.

He was filled with mixed emotions, whether he should be worried or not? Happy or sad?

It was hopeless, hopefully he doesn't mess this up.

She should come here any minute now... He thought to himself as he sat down, leaning his back on the tree.

"Don't mess this up, Supernatural." He said as he faced the tree with a face. The tree groaned and nodded.

After 30 minutes of waiting, Hanako eventually got worried. But he still needs to wait more, it was now 6:00 PM.

Where exactly is she?

"Still waiting I see? I bet that she ditch you and already went home after that incident." The tree chuckled, and Hanako glared at him. The tree immediately went silent.

After a few seconds, Hanako heard footsteps coming from their direction. He looked up and saw Nene running towards them. The ravenette quickly got up and fixed his old uniform.

As Nene was now in front of him, she felt like she was going to fall, by she held her knees for support and pants heavily.

"H-hanako-kun..i-im s-so sorr-y.. I-i got w-work up too h-hard.. I'm really sorry for being late!" Nene bowed and keep on apologizing. Hanako smiled and patted her head.

"It's fine Yashiro. As long as you're here, it's okay now!" He chirped. Making Nene blush.

She stood straight and stared into Hanako's eyes.

"So, what's this ‘important discussion’ you're going to tell me?" Nene asked, putting her bag down, in case it's something important.

"Well, it's not really important.." Hanako grab Nene's shoulder and stared at each other.

"Yashiro, I like you! P-please go out with me!" Hanako shouted.

Seconds went by and still silence.

"Oh! Is this another fake confession? Yeah, some of the students are acting really lovey-dovey lately. I know just the answer!" Nene inhaled.

"I'm sor-" Nene was cut off bybhanako covering her mouth.

"Yashiro, I'm serious. This is not a fake confession, it's real." Hanako said sternly. Even with a straight face.






another story or else ill fucking fuck up ur life


As the day went by, and it was now the last period of their class. Nene hurriedly went to the bathroom, being greeted by her ghost-of-a-boyfriend.

"Yashiro! I really missed you :( should you skip class for once? It doesn't hurt!" Hanako whined, clinging onto her radish leg.

"My grades are falling Hanako-kun, and I need to focus. Don't worry, once I'm done— we'll hang out 24/7 :)"

"Yay!" Hanako happily chirped and started to peppering Nene with kisses on her cheeks, which she giggled.

While Kou on the other hand, became a third wheel.


Whew! I am sad while listening to Tiny Light. And writing this :,)

I really wanna thank you to the ppl out there supporting my story, I always check ur comments 24/7 whenever im stressed or sad. U guys made me happy.

Thx for comforting me, making my happy mood back, and loving my story.

Words can't express how happy I am to have u as my readers. :)

Thank u all, I was left in a darkness where no light was found.

But when u all supported my story, I found light for the first time. And the light is getting bigger and bigger, until my world is nothing but brightness.

(wOw, what a gReAt speech u had back there)

I really really really wanna thank u all..

U guys made my day..

And Hanako kun. The anime I've become obsessed with, thank u.

And also Nene, if someone hates u just say

"Fuck off motherfucker :)"

Also don't worry about me, I'll write another chapter where I  will interview u about my story :)

And another chapter for tagging people :)

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