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Inspired by: Yandere Simulator.

"Guess the rumor was a lie."

Amane Yugi has a crush on Yashiro Nene since the day they met. Like nothing can replace her. No one can, not even the prettiest girl in the world.

Nene will always be his No. 1, he promised himself that if they get together, he'll always love her and her always. Kinda cliché but that's how love works. Sometimes.

Since he's very shy, and stuff. Whenever Nene was talking to him, he would stutter out words that Nene couldn't understand. Like he's speaking gibberish.

And that's the problem, he always asks himself;

Why am I so nervous around her?! I can't win her heart like this, I need to change.

He sighed, Amane stared at the blue sky outside the window. While eavesdropping the conversation between Nene and Aoi.

"Hey, Nene-chan! Have you heard the rumors lately?" Nene squeaked, ready to hear some rumors.

"I heard that if you confess your love  at the Cherry Tree, they will accept it!" After that sentence, Amane widens his eyes. Surprised and excited at the same time.

"Is that really true?" Nene asked, raising a brow.

"It is! Many students always confess their love there and immediately  accept it! Isn't that entertaining?" Aoi cheerfully and quietly said.

"But, didn't Akane-kun confess his love to you yesterday?" Nene asked, and Aoi nodded.

"And we're officially a couple!"

That made Amane's hopes getting higher. His expectations are just too high than the tallest building, but he forgot something..

Too much expectations lead to frustration.

But, that advice his grandma told him was a long time ago, everyone forgot about it. Like their memories are blurry.

Amane then decided that he should confess his love to Nene on Friday, since everyone always do that. So maybe he thought he could do it too.

The next day.

It was Thursday, and Amane wrote the letter a little bit early. But he didn't care, he was just too excited about confessing his love. But also anxious at the same time.

But he didn't have to worry anything, as long as he has the Cherry Blossom then it's fine.

Yeah, fine.

He just have to wait for another day, to hand his letter in her locker. He just couldn't wait till he confess.

He also had a feeling she had a crush on him too. Since she's always nervously talking to him.

But, it's only a feeling.

Friday came, and it was lunchtime. Amane thought that he would invite Nene to eat lunch with him, so she could like him more.

If only he knew,

Amane eventually got to asked Nene to eat lunch, and she agreed. Not that she liked him, she just didn't have anyone to eat lunch with since Aoi and Akane was hanging out.

They chatted for awhile, knowing their things that could interest them. And etc.

And Amane couldn't wait till evening, the letter was in his hands, clutching it. Afraid of letting it go.

Evening came, and Amane rushed out of the door, running straight to Nene's locker.

The ravenette was panting for air. Who knew that the locker was far from their classroom?

Amane was looking around, trying to see if anyone was there. But, no one was passing by.

Before he could place the letter in Nene's locker, he kissed it and shoved in into the locker. He just kissed it, thinking that it might be a good luck charm.

It was sunset. They sky was mixed up with pink and orange, which this is a good day to confess. And even the Cherry Blossom leaves are falling, and the wind was warm.

Then Amane heard light footsteps. Signing that she was here. He quietly cleared his throat, so that his voice would not be too raspy.

Amane face Nene, his hands behind his back. Secretly fiddling it around. He usually do that every time he's nervous.

"Y-yugi-kun? You're the one who put the letter in my locker?" Amane nodded at her question.

"Y-yashiro-san, hear me out okay? T-this is very important!" Amane exhaled deeply.

"Ilikeyou! Eversincethedaywemetwillyoupleasegooutwithme?!" Amane bowed, and took out his hand.

(a/n: usually, in Japan. This is what they're confession is.)

Amane could feel the atmosphere getting uncomfortable, and the wind could only hear inside his ears. Amane just thought that she could take his hand as acceptance.


"Sorry, Yugi-kun. But, I only see you as a friend. And," she sighed.

"I like someone else." Amane just stayed in the position, and moments later, he's just standing there. Smiling.

"Oh, I'm very sorry to bother you Yashiro-san! Hope you get together with that boy." Nene felt guilty. But just nodded and walked off. Leaving him.

Just as Nene was nowhere to be seen. Amane sat down, his back leaning against the tree.

"Guess the rumor was a lie."

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