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Inspired by: a Tiny Light.


If only she could call him her beloved.





Drip drip drip.

The water drips loudly as Nene was lying in a dark room.

She could feel something drop on her cheek, she slowly opened her eyes to only find Hanako beside her.

"H-hanako-kun? Were you crying?" She asked, as she sat up. Hanako only stayed still, as he muttered inaudible words.

She slowly opened her arms and hug him, she expected him to hug back since he always does it every time.


He didn't hug back, she got worried and look around to find something.


"Yashiro..." Hanako mumbled, Nene turned around at Hanako with a confused look. "Hanako-kun, where are we?" She asked, waiting for his answer- only to never answer her question.

"Yashiro, I can't hear you anymore." Hanako chuckles sadly, Nene widened her eyes as she started to say that she's here.

"I can't hear you, but I know your here.." He smiled, as he faced her.
"Our bond has been cut. You will be able to live free now."

He tried to cup her cheek with his hand, but it went through her face. He sadly stood up and pointed at something from the dark.

"Yashiro, keep running that way. And you'll be able to get out of here." Hanako explained,
"W-what do y-you mean?" She asked feeling her chest hurts.

"Don't worry, I've got something else to do. Now go." As if he read her mind, she stood up and glared at him.

"No, I will not leave you here. Let's leave together!" She shouted.

"Yashiro, I know you're still here, just...go." He ordered, but Nene won't budge- she really wants Hanako and her to leave together.

She hesitated for a moment, then sighed.

"Fine. But you better come back!" She ran after her sentence.

Hanako only smiled and look back at her.

"Sorry.." Hanako then disappeared into dust.


Nene ran as fast as she could at the direction where she would be able to get out of here. After a few minutes of running, she saw a light. A tiny light.

She was relieved, and kept running. As the light grew bigger, Nene's eyes sparkled assuming that she's close to being out of this place. And wait for Hanako.

When she got close at the light, she closed her eyes, surprising herself like she got a gift.

Then she stood still, eyes slowly opened as she found herself in her classroom. The sun was setting, it was a sight for sore eyes. She never knew that her classroom were this beautiful till now.

"Yashiro-san!" She looked at the door to see Akane being badly injured. Nene quickly got to his side and wrap his arms around her shoulder for balance.

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