toilet bound living dead

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aha- ik this story is completed but this has been in my mind for a long long time now

ft. Dear My Living Dead

tbh...i really don't understand what the plot of Dear My Living Dead is.. sure the "mothers" are like the reason there's zombies?? or is it some kind of a plant?? and the ending..? uhm... i should read dear my living dead again

and abt Lily? yeah she's fine still cute and lovely as ever

and ignore the "creative" title over there :) if u don't ill cry


Nene groaned as she got up and scratch her throbbing head. When she opened her eyes, she was in some kind of a warehouse.. She looked around her surroundings and saw Hanako laying beside her. "Ah! Hanako-kun! Wake up!" She shook Hanako but to no avail, he didn't wake up.

Where are we? Wait.... Me, Kou-kun and Hanako-kun were fighting on some Supernatural and... Some dark hole suck us in except Kou-kun.... "Eep!" Nene squeaked at the sound of banging behind the door.

Curious she got up and look at the window and saw a zombie was the one banging.. Nene quickly backed away, fear overcoming in her body and began to shake Hanako awake again.

But the zombie has now barged in. Nene looked around for some weapon to find but luck wasn't on her side that time.

She closed her eyes, and her arms went up to her face to shield it. She expect that the zombie to attack her but there was none.

Nene slowly open her eyes, to see a ( LOL PLS BARE W ME I DONT KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE KARUTO'S FACIAL FEATURES SLSLSKSKSK ) boy with light blue hair and baby blue eyes with some kind of a weapon.. A gun.

Nene was astonished at the sight in front of her.

"Are you okay?" He said, holding out his hand for her. She accept his gesture and got up.

"Yeah, thank you!" Nene bowed, and look up again.

"My name is Karuto by the way." ( BAHAKSKSS DOES ANYONE KNOW WHATS HIS LAST NAME ) He said. "What's yours?"

"Ah! I'm Yashiro Nene, a first year highschool student at Kamome Gakuen! Nice to meet you Karuto-kun." She smiled happily and Karuto returned it.

They heard groaning behind them and saw Hanako began to slowly start to wake up.

"Yashiro?" Hanako said, and Nene went up beside him.

"Hanako-kun!!! I thought you were dead because you didn't wake up when I shook you so aggressively!!" Nene hug Hanako, and the 7th Wonder returned it too.

"Karuto-kun!! Lily has been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been?" They turned they're heads at the direction at the sound. There was a girl with light pink hair and the same color as her eyes, her hair was tied up as pigtails and was carrying a big ass weapon. ( LOL IM SRY IM SRY IM SRY )

Karuto immediately felt so relieved that the love of his life is here. He quickly hugged her, squeezing her as if his life depends on it...

Nene on the other smiled to hide her jealousy, the girl seems so cute and kind. Maybe Karuto love her.

Nene quickly moved on and did not like Karuto anymore. ( LMFAO what )

"Oh? Who arw these people Karuto? And why are they wearing weird clothes..?" Lily asked as he got out of Karuto's grasp and began to observe the two. "Wow!! You're so cute!" Lily pointed at Nene.

"Eh? Uh thank you!" Nene smiled happily at the compliment. "It really means to me." Lily's eyes sparkled and hug Nene.

"Eek! Lily likes you already!! What's your name?" Lily asked.

"Oh, I'm Yashiro Nene. A first year highschool student at Kamome Gakuen." Nene introduced, she looked at Lily again but there was a confused expression at the pink haired girl.

"Kamome...what? Nevermind, it's just that I'm happy to meet another girl!! Eep!!!" Lily hugged Nene again but this time, harder. "My name is Lily!! It's really nice to meet you Nene-chan!"

Hanako fake coughed, earning attention. "Uh, I'm still here?"

"Ah! Right, Lily is sorry....?" Lily gestured Hanako to give him his name to her. Which he gladly say it.

"I'm Hanako-san of The Toilet, a 7th wonder of Kamome Gakuen. My job is to make peace between humans and supernaturals, I'd prefer if you call me Hanako- kun :)." Lily gasped, more sparkles were in her eyes.

"A supernatural!? Wow Lily is so amazed! By the way Hanako- kun, I'm Lily and this is my best friend Karuto-kun." Lily introduce the two of them enthusiastically.

"Say.." Karuto spoke up. "How did you two get in here? I mean, this warehouse has been locked, so it's impossible that someone can get in here."

"Eh- uhm well...."

[After explaining bc of my lazy ass~]

"Ah, I see.." Karuto said, looking at Lily who nodded. "Do you guys want to come with us? It's really dangerous to wander off on your own with all of these zombies everywhere.." Karuto smiled politely and Lily is just..... Lily being adorable..

The two nodded in agreement and followed Karuto and Lily..

The walk seemed to last forever but they were now in their destination.

For what seemed like a church (which it is a church) in front of them. Nene was confused why they're infront at the church.

"Uhm.. May I ask why are we here..? Is this your home?" Nene asked, afraid that she might offend them by asking it.

"Ah, yes. Me and Lily lived here since.....well, we don't really remember.." Karuto trailed off.. After that he motioned for them to come inside.

"We'll let you two stay here until we know how to send you all back in" Karuto went somewhere, leaving Lily, Yashiro and Hanako alone together.

After a few moments in silence, the atmosphere was getting awkward and uncomfortable.

"Ah! Lily is so rude to our guests! Come this way Nene-chan and Hanako- kun." Lily led them to some 2 chairs, Nene sat down on the left, and Hanako.... Well, Hanako is just being Hanako.

"Lily have to get Karuto-kun alright?" Nene nodded, understanding. Hanako just flies around the place... Such irony. A ghost in a church flying around.

"Wow~ this place is huge!! Yashiro what do you think about this place?"

"It's great! Although I do kinda miss our world." Yashiro looked down and started fidgeting her fingers.

"Lily and Karuto-kun is back! We brought teas!! And desserts!" Lily chirped happily, putting the desserts and teas on the coffee table..

"Thank you!" Nene sip some tea and ate cookies. Hanako just didn't eat cause he's a ghost. Duh.

"Now, about this dimension of yours..... We found a solution." Karuto smiled, eyes closed as he sip his tea.

"All  you to do is..... WAKE UP!"

Nene jumped at the sudden shout and found herself in Hanako's bathroom.

"Senpai!! Thank god you're okay!!" Kou cried as he hug Nene. Hanako just looked at her confused..

"What..? Oh, so It's just a dream..." Nene trasiled off, looking at the floor.

"Anything wrong, Yashiro?" Hanako asked..

Nene just smiled and giggled.



lmFaO im sry

    i just noticed that karuto and lily can see hanako ;—n— im too lazy to even change it but meh

im not sure but.... nah nvm im just gonna uhm... *creating scenarios abt hananene then dies*

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