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This story is inspired by my trip. I have always been the one to sit outside after the fire has died down and I just wanted to share how I feel then with you.

Xisuma's POV-

I sit by the fire, alone as the flames start to dwindle. As the night goes on more sounds of the forest and lake come to life. Not birds chirping or the sound of leaves crunching under paws. The sound is soft just like a bass line. The same noise is produced over again by cicadas and frogs. Their chirping filling the night. Then there's the occasional hoot from an owl. I sit and just listen to the night orchestra play their music. As the fire starts to fade just into ashes if you look up the night sky is there to greet you. The stars almost look like glitter thrown on a black piece of paper because of how many there are. I could stare at them forever not having a care in the world for anything else. But all good things must come to an end. I watch as the sun rises over the horizon lighting up the sky like the many days it has before. The stars slowly fade away as more light fills the sky. Soon all the night sounds have stopped and all the stars have gone but this makes way for something new. The birds start to chirp and different mammals awake from there slumber ready for the new day. Then when the day is over the night will come again the cycle repeating and never breaking. The day comes then the night or the night comes then the day. No one really knows for sure but I know that I will be there to see it threw.

262 words not including the intro thing.

I know I haven't posted in a while but I'm going to do a new thing where I post one chapter on any of my books a week so you can look forward to that.

                                                 Keep shining like the bright stars you are 

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