From the Dead

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Damon and I make sure we have everything set up.

"Damon, can you get the snacks set up?"

"Caroline, it's Ember's birthday party. Do we need snacks?" He sighs then looks at me.


"Yeah, we need snacks. Make sure you set out pickles, she loves pickles. I hate pickles though." He smiles at me.

"Right away Miss Salvatore." He kisses me gently and I giggle.

"Why thank you Mr. Salvatore." Caroline laughs.

"You guys are giving me OTP feels. Stop being cute." Damon looks back at me.

"OTP?" I smile then reply, "One True Pairing." He kisses me again then I hear the 3 month old Damien crying, so I go into the nursery and pick him up.

"Are you hungry?" He lets out a little coo and I smile.

"I take that as a yes." I give him a bottle and he drinks it hungrily. I sit down in my Mother's rocking chair and I smile at my son. I take him out into the living room.

"Look who decided to get up." Damon smiles and walks over to us.

"There's my little man. How about you help me hang some streamers for your sissy's birthday party." I hand Damien to him then I take out my phone and I text Tyler.

Me: Hold off on bringing Em home, postpone till 4:00.
Tyler: Sure thing.

We continue decorating at Caroline's orders. She can get annoying, but she also singlehandedly organized every school dance I went to since we were in Middle School. So, it's worth it.

"Okay, so we have the drinks, the decorations, the food, the gifts and the guests." Damon and I both nod.

"Great! And Damian's going to be here, right?"

"Yeah. She doesn't know that. We do." Damian walks in at that minute.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore." I go lay Damian back down in his crib then I check the time.

"Everyone hide." Damon pulls me down and I smile.

"Damian." I whisper. He turns his head toward me.

"Stay hidden until my cue." He nods in response and I hear Tyler at the door. We jump out and yell surprise when she walks in.

"Happy birthday." She smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks Mom."

"Now, the best surprise of all." Damian stands up and smiles.

"Hey Em." Damon snakes his arm around my waist as we watch her run into Damian's arms. I don't really know what's going on with them. They're not dating, but they're not just friends either. *Sigh*. This is confusing. We let her talk with Tessa and Damian for a while, and at that point in time there's a knock at the door. I take a drink out of my glass then I head over there. I open the door and I scream. I hear my glass fall and break on the floor. I trip over my own feet and words and fall backwards. I begin crawling away.

"No. No this isn't happening. You aren't here, you aren't real." He steps into the house.

"C'mon, love. I'm quite real." Damon runs over.

"Klaus. How the hell are you here?"

"Well, I'm a ghost." Ember runs in.

"What the hell? Klaus? H-How-" Caroline and Tyler run in.

"Oh my god."

"Surprise. Happy birthday, Ember." She glares at him.

"I killed you. I tore your heart from your chest. You're not alive." He chuckles.

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