Chapter 2

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Kush Lover

My alarm clock woke me up at exactly six o'clock, can you please tell me why school starts so damn early, like the sun barely came up and you want my ass to get up..

I sat up on my bed for about five minutes "at least it's Friday" I said under my breath

After getting dressed and doing the whole 'morning routine' I left the house

I walked over to Kyle's house for breakfast.. I didn't even ring the door bell I just walked in and there was pancakes on the counter "don't mind if I do" I said taking three

"Why the Fuck are you here?" Kyle said with his book bag on his shoulder "I was hungry" I said putting syrup on my pancakes

"Bitch this is not a restaurant" he said pouring him self orange juice "sorry"

"I'm surprised your going to school today" he said taking a piece of my pancake "yup I can't believe it either"



This is my best 'guy friend', I've known him since junior high school and when I say know, I mean know know

I know what type of girls he likes, I know what he looked like before puberty and he looked pretty bad.. pimples and all. I know his parents and I know they aren't here because they left his ass once again

His parents leave him a stack of cash and then they go on business trips, I told him one day they aren't going to come back but if it wasn't for his grandma, I think he would of died by now

"Aww Trisha" speak of the devil "hi nana" I said giving her a hug

"Kyle! give her some pancakes!" she said pointing to my empty plate "I already had some nana"

"Oh ok.. you guys don't want to be late for school so lets go" she picked up my plate and Kyle's cup

"Ok grandma" Kyle said picking up his keys

I got into his car and he started driving off to school

"You going to the party tomorrow?" I asked looking through my phone "I don't know, I think my parents are coming and you know how they are"

I nodded my head "yeh..."

"I know your ass is going, so I'm not even gonna ask"

"Shut up" I said pushing his arm "is Jay and Olivia going?"


He lit up a cigarette "Kyle take that out your mouth right now!" I said trying to grab it away from him "ok.. gosh I just wanted a few puffs" he said flicking it out side the window

"I told you to stop smoking... that shit is bad, I rather you smoke weed then that shit"

"I know, I can't quite that easy like you And plus I don't know how to roll" he said parking in the school parking lot "I know what to give you for your birthday" I said getting out of his car


"I'm not gonna tell you.."

"What's up bitches?" Jamie said lighting a cigarette "oh my gosh! I told you to stop smoking" I said smaking it out of her hand "I can't you know I've been smoking since 8th grade"

"Soo.. I don't care when you started you want cancer?" I asked pointing to the cigarette on the floor "no"

"Okay then..."

"Sorry Trishaaa" she said giving me a hug "yeh, yeh, yeh sorry my ass"

We walked into school.. my stupid ass school called Kremswood High but everybody calls it Wood high or at least my friends do..

I went to my third period class... and yes I did skip first and second period.. they should be lucky I brought my ass to school

"Trisha.. psst yo" I turned around and it was Fred


Ughh.. were do I start with Fred. oh right! he's the nerdy kid with swagg

I don't know how he does it, cause most of the time he's high as fuck! but he passes all his tests, gets girls and knows how to dress

Your probably saying.. he's pretty cool to me.. nahh he never really made it to the party stage. he's pretty cool at school but outside of school you'll never catch him.

"What?" I asked glancing at the teacher so she doesn't catch me talking "can I get an invite to the party?" he asked taking a bag of weed out of his pocket

What he doesn't know is that you don't need an invite to a party... unless its like a sweet sixteen or something but its not it's a house party so you just show up

"You'll give me that for an invite?" I asked pointing to his pocket "yeh" he said nodding his head

"Ok... ill text you the info" I wrote my number on a piece of paper, crumpled it up and threw it at him

"No throwing paper!" Mrs. Ellit said walking over to Fred

"Give it to me" she said sticking out her hand "but-"

"No buts hand me the note"

"It's not a note" he said staring at her hand "if its not a note, why won't you let me see it"

He put his hand in his pocket "ughh here" he took out the bag of weed and placed it on her hand

"Ohh shit.. here" he grabbed the bag of weed and handed her the piece of paper with my number on it

"Fred! why do you have drugs"

He shook his head "that wasn't drugs.. that was an illusion" the class started laughing "maybe your parents should know about this 'illusion'" she said putting the paper in her pocket

He shrugged his shoulders... "Wait!..can I at least get my note back?"

"I thought it wasn't a note" she said sitting down on her chair "ugh.. I mean can I get the paper back... damn" he said the last part under his breath

"At the end of class"

she wrote something down on her paper.. I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders

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