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               My friend Karina I met through my mother. She has the daughter of one of her work colleagues. I do not know what was going on with her father because we never talked about him and he was absolutely not present in her life. All I knew was that they were divorced.  It all started innocent with sleep overs, then she got into High School and she was a magnet for drama.  She  was only interested in bad boys and expensive clothing brands. She even had a system to manipulate her mother. Each time she found an clothing item that had a high prices she went home,  start a fight with her mother. Claim that she does not love her and stoped speaking to her. The next day she had the desired Item in front of her door and they reconciled.

            At one of my birthday parties she met my friend Andy and became obsessed with him. He was a player and did not want anything to do with her after he had her. I had to always lie that I had plans with her each time he called to meet. This way she could come along and make it look like a coincidence. When she fell for someone she secretly checked his mobile for text messages from other girls and she filled her room with printed pictures of Andy.Then she moved on from him and somehow got involved with some of his not so innocent friends. It started to become like a marathon of relationships with all kinds of weird guys and she somehow met other gangs. I was smaller than her. One year only but more reserved in taking risks. She dragged me in all these situations. Karin was very beautiful, tall and charismatic. We used to go meet some people that seemed dangerous and she was involved with one of the guys. While staying at the table with them kind of uncomfortable and sort of shy. I got kissed by force by one of the guys and that was the end of it. I told her I am never going back there again. At another party I got bullied a lot because I did not want to sleep with a guy. We barely escaped from that house and that neighbourhood. I did not thing it trough to understand the meaning of "each guy had to bring at least 3 girls to the party", conditions.  At another party we left before the party was filled with real mafia people.  I felt as if i went straight into a hip-hop video.Some old dude dressed in black with gold chains everywhere sitting on the couch with two very skinny girls with  short and tight clothing. He brought the alcohool, the sound system and even the music type changed.  People started acting like he was some kind of master and they his servants. We did not like and we decided it is time to go. It was a really dangerous neighbourhood ,at night, and her boyfriend offered to walk us.  She insisted she had a  black belt in Karate. Which was a lie. She reassured him we were safe. Finally they guy gave up and we had to walk the whole tram line to get back home. I promised myself, that night, I am done going to parties with her. So we only met in the club mostly but there she brought another guy. This was the cherry on top. He was her cusin who came from a small town to live with her in the city because we was involved in a gang rape scandal. She had a crush on him too. 

  Her mother  was only seeing  her daughter as a nice girl influenced by bad people. So she convinced herself I was a bad influence. She kept trying to create problems for me, her purpose was me quitting the friendship with her daughter. She even went to my school teacher when Karin joined me on a mountain school trip. I could hear her from the other room telling her that I was a bad person. Luckily my teacher knew me better. One night we were on another mountain trip with my school and we were all in a club. The owner of the club liked her and started to dedicate songs for her . Together with the dj they invited us , the next morning, to meet us in the forest where they will come with some Turkish friends and a car. Suppose we went on a trip together. I wanted to say no straight away, but Karin made a sign to me and told them we will come. We just need some sleep. Of course the next day we were on a train going back home.           She acted wearder and wearder and I had enough . We did not have a fight, we just mutually lost touch. For her it was more than that, she lost touch with reality, completely. That was the beginning of another crazy level in her life. I found out from my mother who was still connected to her mother that she started to date rackets and do cocain. Her mother dragged her in in some place to recover. 


Andy has been in my life for a long time. It all started when he joined in fourth grade. We had this popular guy who felt his position as the cutest in the class was threatened by him. So he decided to turn the girls against him, by criticizing his clothing. That was the difference between them. The popular one was rich and Andy wasn't.  Most girls  decided to surround the popular guy and stare at Andy. I decided to take a stand. I said: " You are so superficial! Nothing is wrong with him!"  I became his only friend at that point. Our parents became friends too, especially our mothers. It was all nice and fun while we were little.

Then he changed when he got into a new High School. In a bad way. Girls started to have crushes on him somewhere before high school. He slept with most girls in my class and other classes and especially the ones that treated him badly when he was little. he also got into drugs and orgies when he got into High School. It was all gangs and the conversations became boring. All commercials to sell drugs. None of it was interesting to me.  We had a deal. Whenever he and his friend came to stay overnight at my place to bring a girl. He met Lili at my birthday and even hooked up with her. They kind of dated for a while. One time in school she was asking me what she should buy for him as a gift for his birthday. I suggested then that the only thing that would make him happy would be a joint. But she did not know where she could get one. My school was famous for drugs but we did not really care. We wanted to have some fun. Rina and I got this plan to make a fake joint and see if he gets it. We picked some grass from the garden, replaced the tobacco inside a normal cigarette and closed it from the top. She came back saying he liked it but after he smoked it withhis  friends, they realised it was fake and were upset with Lili.  Andy used to  come with female colleagues until last time he didn't. I was so upset I made them  feel so uncomfortable and I ended the meetings at my place. They invited  me and Lili  to my ex colleague house.  We had some nice time listening to music but they went inside the shower and told us to get naked and get in there with them. We left the party while they waited. That was the end. I never looked for him and he never contacted me ever again. Last i heard from his mother he quit 12 grade and got more involved into the "business". 

Now that I left everything wrong in the past I was ready for something new and different. 

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