Tk: oh, heya, Ken!
Ken, sighing: what do you want, Tk? Just- tell me what you want. I'm trying to meditate, okay? This is what I do now. Okay?
Tk, holding Matt's lizard: I was just making some yummy coffee! Just making a cup of coffee here with bobo! Me & bobo makin some coffee. Ya want some coffee?
Ken: um.. Uh, yeah, sure. I.... I wouldn't mind some coffee..
Tk, putting a cup full of red boiling liquid, which is getting progressively hotter, in front of him: here ya go, buddy! I made you some- uh- Its already here! :> drink ot quick- fast- drink it- drink it n o w .
Ken: ..Tk, that cup is bubbling. It's boiling, Tk..
Tk: nahhh it's just some yummy coffeeee- you need some creamer with that? *holds up some rat poison* I got creamerrr- *shakes it*
Ken: it is BOILING and it is RED What are you trying to give me, Tk?
Tk: It's coffee, K e n n e t h , Drink. the. coffee. /now./
*the cup is sizzling*
Ken: Tk, you're a dickhead.
Tk: well fine! If you don't want any of my yummy coffee, uh, *holds up the lizard* bobo and I will just go drink it all by ourselves! Good day, sir. Uh- get fucked. Goodbye.
Ken: it's just- I don't wanna drink it if it's-
*the cup crumbles apart and the liquid spills all over the floor*
Tk: e-e
Ken: ....what the fuck
Tk: I uh. Uh... I- ....u h . . . *looks at the lizard* rUN, BOBO! RUN AWAY! *runs off with it*
Ken: ....I hate this fucking place