[ 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐮𝐩 ] (𝟐)

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hello again, sorry if this chapter seems rushed/too long, i just want to get past the boring parts and to the good parts for u guys lolol 

to your surprise, the work day had gone by fast. you were, unfortunately, out a lot later than you'd wanted to be. 10pm to be exact. the funny thing is, you and spencer were also the last ones out of the office. 

your eyes followed employees leaving the bullpen, slowly filing out of the now dim room to leave you and spencer at your desks alone together. your eyes narrowed towards the top of spencer's head that peeked over the desk dividers. you shook your head and focused your attention back on your lamp lit papers that were itching to be finished. with your forehead pressed against the palm of your hand, you continued to complete the files. minutes later, you noticed spencer turn off his desk light and stand up with his satchel already on his arm. you lifted your head and glanced back at your paper, then to him. without thinking, you acted,

"spencer?" you asked. spencer looked over at you, 

"yes, y/n?" he answered. you huffed, 

"do you have any more information on this case..?" you muttered, your voice hinting with annoyance. spencer picked up on that annoyance, sliding his hands into his pockets as his eyebrow twitched upwards,

"which one?" he asked, walking around to you. your eyes stayed on him. he reached his destination, your desk. he poked his head over your shoulder, his chin barely brushing your body. you tensed and let out another annoyed sigh. you couldn't ignore the attractive cologne on him, which made you even angrier. you clenched your jaw as he looked down at the sheets on your desk,

"are you almost done?" you muttered. spencer squinted at the papers one more time as he took in a long breath,

"speak up, y/n." he said softly. you shivered as you felt his breath against your neck, his lips just barely brushing against your jawline. blinking slowly, you repeated,

"are you-" a pause, "almost done?" you said louder,

spencer respected your wishes with a sly smirk, leaning up from you, 

"i'll give you more information tomorrow. goodnight, y/n." his hazel eyes bored lazily into yours and you broke eye contact, spinning back around to your desk,

"yup, goodnight." you felt his eyes on your back, pinning you in your chair. he cleared his throat and you finally felt the tension break as his footsteps away echoed in the quiet room. you let out a breath you were holding and packed your stuff up slowly. you didn't want to be in the same elevator as him. 

spencer's smirk didn't wipe off his face until he entered the elevator. he liked how annoyed you got by his presence. 

the teasing was fun.

once you'd left base, you began to drive home. driving at night was peaceful and you thoroughly enjoyed it. rain hit your car in small pelts. the soft music echoing inside of your car collected in the back of your mind as thoughts raced through your head. part of you was excited to go to this masquerade, the other disappointed. you hadn't ever spent much time with everyone on the team, let alone go out for a drink with them. you shook the guilt away. there was always time for that another day. 

you heaved a sigh of relief as you grabbed your bag, exiting your car and locking it behind you. you kept your head low to shield yourself from the rain as you walked up your driveway to the front door. you fumbled with your keys for a moment before you grasped the key to your front door. you opened the door, shuffling in. you slammed the door behind you and sighed. you slipped off your heels and moped towards your kitchen in search of wine.

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