[ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 ] (𝟗)

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for the rest of the day, your legs felt weak and your head spun in circles, thought after thought, question after question. but, spencer acted as he usually would.

distant, sometimes friendly. just normal spencer. 

you, however, felt like you were going crazy. you had so many questions, so many. you didn't know how to act around him. you obviously didn't wanna make it awkward, but you also didn't want to act too cozy or something stupid like that. you still hated him but you felt a tiny part of you that didn't want to hate him. you knew what you were gonna do. that day after work, when you reached the hotel, you were going to go to his room and knock on his door. tell him you wanted to talk. being straightforward didn't seem that hard, 


you sighed heavily as you dragged your feet down the carpeted hall of the hotel. extending out a long breath, you opened your hotel door. the card beeped in the slot. your head ached from all the content pushed into your brain today along with the loud and obnoxious beep. you had no clue if you'd have enough energy to talk with spencer. who knows how it'd go down?

you dropped your bag onto the ground as you flipped on the lights, closing the door behind you. phone in hand, you walked to your bedroom and into your bathroom. you smiled as you saw the clean, luxurious jacuzzi tub. you figured you could talk to spencer another night. you wanted to spend your night alone, in your tub, relaxing.

that's it.

you dimmed the lights in the bathroom and ran hot water in the giant tub. your team was lucky, staying in a luxury hotel in vegas. you were on the 17th floor out of 25, giving you a view of the city. 2 of your bathroom's walls were completely glass windows, ceiling to floor. the sparkling lights danced and twinkled below you, stretching out across a vast plain of buildings and houses. you looked out at the stretch for a moment. the quiet buzz of traffic below filled the room, soon being drowned out by the running water. you slid off your clothes and walked out of your bathroom in your undergarments to grab the complimentary bottle of champagne along with glasses sitting on the table under the tv. you grabbed it with a relaxed sigh. you grabbed your phone lying on the bathroom counter as you made your way back to the tub, your feet pattering against the tile floor. you set your phone down on the thick side of the jacuzzi as you stepped in. you sank to your knees, then sat all the way down, your ass pressing against the textured bottom of the bath. you popped the champagne, flinching at the loud 'pop' noise emitting from the cap. you ignored the 2nd glass you'd taken, taking only one and pouring a small amount of the alcohol in it. you closed your eyes and leaned your head back, the bottom of the champagne glass just grazing the surface of the bubbling water. you crossed your legs underwater and opened your eyes in discomfort as images from earlier clouded your thoughts. seemingly just in time, your phone buzzed in a text. with a groan,

"fuck." you said, your tone short. you set the glass down on the side of the jacuzzi and grabbed your phone. the contact name said 'unknown'. 

why would spencer be texting you at 11pm? for no reason?

your eyes furrowed in confusion as you unlocked your phone. you tapped on your messages to read what he wrote,

s: we have talk

y/n: about?

you cleared your throat as you watched the typing bubbles pop up,

s: everything

you jumped in surprise as you heard a knock on your door. your phone buzzed in your hand,

s: im at your door

𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬  ;  𝐬 . 𝐫Where stories live. Discover now