[ 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 ] (𝟓)

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your alarm rang at 5am as per usual. you rolled over to your left side, reaching your arm to your nightstand to shut off the loud and irritating buzz. within seconds of standing up, your ears rang and your head throbbed in vicious ripples of pain. you let out a piqued groan as your hand flew to your forehead. you swallowed down bile rising in your sore throat. taking a step forward, you proceeded to your bathroom to get ready for work.

spencer woke up with a pep in his step, re-reading the messages he'd shared with the stranger last night, even though he remembered them word for word. finally taking a break from his phone, he dressed himself. he put on a white button up as usual, and tucked a deep red tie under his collar. over the shirt, he slipped on a comfortable black cardigan. he tucked the tie into the cardigan before he grabbed a pair of black trousers to put on over his boxers. he grabbed a black leather belt with a squared silver buckle, leading it through the loops of the pants. he hung his leather gun holster on his belt before putting on a pair of black work shoes. he tied the laces before taking a second look in his mirror at himself. he readjusted his tie, wiggling it around to loosen it. the corner of his lips pulled down in a frown as he muttered under his breath,

"god. you better not mess things up, spencer reid."

you quickly put on your small amount of makeup as usual and dressed, putting on a pair of black lacey underwear with a matching bra. over the underwear, you put on a pair of black sheer tights. you decided on a long sleeve black shirt that rested higher on your collarbone to cover the light purple marks on your skin as best as you could. you'd just cover the rest on your neck with foundation. you put on a high rise skirt, colored a warm tan. as you looked in the mirror, something felt off. you made a soft 'oh' noise, tucking the extra length from your shirt into your skirt. smoothing down the wrinkles, you grabbed a pair of thin black heels and put them on over your tights. you fiddled with your bracelet and turned around towards your bed as you heard your phone get a text notification. swallowing down the thoughts that quickly flooded into your head through the open gates of your mind, you walked forward and picked it up. it was from your new 'friend'. with a smile, you slid open the message,

s (unknown): good morning.

you responded within seconds,

y/n (unknown): good morning

s (unknown): i couldn't stop thinking about you last night.

i couldn't stop thinking about you last night.

you read the text a few times over, your face hot.

y/n (unknown): me too 

s (unknown): i hope to talk later. for now i have to go. early job

y/n (unknown): ugh, me too...

s (unknown): ;)

you smiled at his response and shook your head with a content sigh. 

you reached the base right before 7:30,

"right on time." you whispered to yourself under your breath. you swung open your car door, bag in hand. you made your way to the elevator and to your floor as you always did. you were going to text your 'friend' while you got your cup of coffee. you entered the bullpen through the smooth glass doors, the atmosphere filled with low buzzing voices, the clicking noises from computers, and the sound of footsteps on the carpeted floor. all so familiar to you. you set your bag down on your chair and glanced up at your coworkers. you noticed spencer was staring at your bracelet, a slight expression of confusion clouding his face,

𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬  ;  𝐬 . 𝐫Where stories live. Discover now