[ 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 ] (𝟏𝟒)

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once you hung up the call, spencer rushed out of his apartment, car keys in hand. he got into his car and began to drive to the given location. he sighed at himself, and at the fact he was wearing grey sweatpants with a deep red hoodie. he wore simple white sneakers he grabbed as he left, not caring to look at what pair of shoes he grabbed. he drove through the quiet night, his anger still evident.

you stood out in the front of the bar, beginning to shiver. you wrapped your arms around your torso as you began to shiver. it was a cold night, the unforgiving air finally beginning to sneak in the fabric of your clothing. you licked your lips, dry from the crisp air. you estimated you waited about another 7 minutes before you noticed a car pull into the lot. in the driver's seat was spencer. he rolled into the lot and you heard him unlock the car doors. you heard the door to the bar open and your head snapped back to see noah walking out to his car. like a bat out of hell, you booked it to spencer's car and got into the passenger seat. you noticed no emotion on his face when you got in. he simply stayed soundless for a moment before you broke the apparent thick layer of ice blocking the conversation,

"thanks for doing this," a hint of embarrassment shined through your words. looking at spencer, he nodded slowly,

"mhm." he hummed. one of his hands was on the wheel while the other rested on the middle console of the car. you felt awkward in the silent car, too afraid to say anything else,

"why'd you need me to pick you up?" reid finally asked. relieved he began to speak, you answered compliantly,

"it just went bad. he asked weird questions," disappointment fogged your voice. spencer picked up on the emotion and clenched his hand around the wheel. he made a small 'ah' noise in understanding. the silence formed once again and it stayed until spencer spoke once more,

"do you wanna stay the night? i don't mean in a weird way, just because the whole thing with noah. i wouldn't wanna be alone tonight, but that's probably just me," he cleared his throat awkwardly and you raised an eyebrow,

"yea, you're right," you sighed, "i'll stay. as long as you have a comfortable couch." 

spencer licked his lips and swallowed hard,

"sounds good to me."

 you went the rest of the car ride without any words to each other. spencer finally parked neatly in a spot out front of his apartment complex building and you got out with him. you slid your hands into your pockets sheepishly as he lead you inside. you couldn't help but smile as you saw his outfit. you rarely saw him in anything other than work clothes. you enjoyed seeing him in casual clothes, it was a nice change from what he normally wore. focusing back on your path, you both stepped into an elevator in order to get to his floor. you both stood close enough to each other for your arms to brush up against each other. both you and spencer acknowledged the fact you two were touching, but neither of you moved from the touch. finally, the elevator reached it's destination and spencer lead you out. following him, you kept your head up and alert. 

you had to admit, you were slightly paranoid about noah, but you had a feeling he wouldn't try anything. he was a good cop with a good job. you doubted he'd risk something like that. you zoned out for a moment, snapping back into your reality as spencer unlocked his apartment door. you entered his living room as he flipped the switch on. the walls were a gray, the furniture modern and simple. he had various plants around the room but they were all fake. a possible sign of disorganization in his life, showing that he didn't feel like he could control much. you set your leather bag down on the white marble counter top of the island in the kitchen. he walked over to his black couch and folded it out, converting it into a pull out bed. you blinked slowly, 

"i'm not going to bed right now." your voice was tired and soft. spencer turned his head over his shoulder and looked back at you,

"oh, alright." he stood up straight as he wiped his hands on his sweatpants. you stood there for a moment and looked around, unsure of what to do. you reached into your back pocket for your phone to check the time.

9:32 PM. 

you sighed, seemingly slipping into a trance of thoughts. spencer watched you curiously, noticing the atypical look you had on your face. you stared blankly at the wall infront of you,

"uh, y/n?" he said, craning his neck forward. you looked over at him,

"sorry." clearing your throat, you walked over to the couch, now a pull out bed. you ran your fingers over the soft covering until you stopped in your tracks,

"y/n i don't think i want to forget either." spencer's words were fast and in a neurotic manner. your body froze until you turned around,

"and you're telling me this now because...?" you c rossed your arms across your body, immediately putting a wall up infront of yourself. spencer slid his hands into his pockets. you picked up on the behavior. when someone puts their hands in their pockets, it's a signal of insecurity as well as lack of confidence. with the feeling of guilt picking and pulling at your skin, you relaxed your shoulders,

"i felt something i haven't felt before when i saw you get into the car with noah." he uttered. he looked at you straight on, seemingly gaining some form of confidence. you looked back at him with uncertainty,

"then why'd you say what you said the other day?" you kept your arms crossed. you didn't know if you should trust the situation so much yet, but deep down you knew spencer wasn't a liar. spencer's face contorted into a small frown,

"i-i didn't want to admit i didn't want to forget." he cleared his throat after trying to swallow the lump forming in his throat. you blinked slowly and took a few steps towards him and he watched you. you finally uncrossed your arms from around your body and wrapped them around his slowly. he stayed still for a moment before wrapping his around you. reluctant to do anymore, he kept his arms still and relaxed around you. he rested his chin on the top of your head and let out a deep breath,

"spencer reid." you sighed, shaking your head against his chest. he raised an eyebrow,

"w-what? did i do something?" spencer asked worriedly, the prompt obviously flying right over his head. you smiled and pulled away, 

"no, no, nothing. nothing." he looked down at you, a quizzical look on his face. your smile got wider and you let out a quiet laugh,

"don't be so worried, it's okay." you spoke softly. he nodded slowly,

"okay." he muttered. you took your arms away from his body and turned, walking to the pull out couch. you laid down and looked at the ceiling. spencer walked over and slid off his shoes. lying down next to you, he crossed his ankles and laid his hands across his stomach. you turned your head to the side to look at him and he did the same, your faces inches away from each other. your eyes blinked towards his soft lips, then back up to his eyes. you rolled onto your sides towards him. one of your hands wandered towards him, it finally finding a resting spot on the left side of his face. you leaned forwards and pressed your lips against his. he rolled his body sideways towards you, reaching his hands out and pulling your body into his by grasping your hips. you pushed into him and he rolled over, letting you take control. you rolled him onto his back with a slow push. you straddled his lap, bent over him as you kept your lips connected. you pulled away for a moment to look at him, at his swollen lips and flushed face, lying perfectly still under you,

"i'm glad you don't want to forget."


most likely no chapter tomorrow idk i started school today and have no time to write we'll see

august 27th 

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