[ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ] (𝟏𝟓)

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"i'm glad you don't want to forget." 

you looked down at him, one hand on his chest, the other on the mattress next to his shoulder. he kept both of his hands on your hips. yours and spencer's breath synced as you leaned down to his neck, planting gentle kisses and nips on him. he squirmed under you as you pushed your heat farther down onto his hard bulge. you leaned up from him once again after you were satisfied by the marks on his neck and collarbone. unbuttoning the buttons on your shirt, spencer kept his hands on your waist as he slowly rocked your hips back and forth on him, your core rubbing against the hardness through his pants. you quickly unfolded the fabric from around your torso, showcasing your breasts, cupped and held by the deep purple bra you put on earlier. you took his hands off of your waist and put his wrists together, keeping them bonded together by your fingers. you held them next to each other as you pushed them above his head. you snaked your hands down his body, beginning to slide his hoodie off of his body.

your body ached the same way it had before when you first met him, when he pressed his lips to your skin. 

he was addictive, like a drug.

your high.

your escape from reality.

spencer keeping his hands above his head, you finally slid his deep red hoodie off over his head. you tossed it to the side with your shirt and gently dragged the tip of your fingernails down his chest and body. you watched your hands, your daunting eyes flickering back up to his greedy stare on occasion. you readjusted yourself and took off your pants in ease, your nearly bare body still mounting spencer's. trailing your hand down to the waistline of his pants, you played with the elastic waistband hugging his body,

"imagine if i tied you up this time.." you said quietly. your voice was soft as you leisurely dragged your eyes back up to his face. the feeble lighting from the night shone through the windows just the slightest, illuminating your body and curves. spencer licked his lips as he watched your skin suck up the moonlight ravenously. his legs twitched anxiously and he finally realized he had to answer your question,

"no, no, please don't," he groaned,

"i can't just stare at you," he complained.

you raised an eyebrow and then sighed sympathetically,

"fine, but you won't get out that easy next time." you looked down at your hands working at his pants. spencer's stomach did a flip.

next time.

would there be a next time?

he hoped so.

 you twisted the strings of the sweatpants in between your index finger and thumb, spencer throwing his head back,

"please hurry.." he huffed and puffed. you smirked as you pushed your hair out of your face,

"i don't want too." you let out a dramatic sigh and spencer shot a scowl at you. you finally gave in, pulling the sweatpants off of his waist. you watched his hands twitch above his head in need. 

he wanted to touch you, feel the same feeling he felt before of his skin against yours. you nodded towards him and without any hesitation his hands roamed your body, over your stomach, breasts, collarbone, everywhere. you snapped the other elastic waistband of his underwear against his stomach in order to catch his attention once more. spencer's hand stopped at your waist as he rubbed his fingers against the silky lace lining on the edge of your underwear, his eyes eating you up as images ingrained into his head,

"god, you're beautiful.." spencer muttered under his breath. your body tingled nervously at his words and you shook your head with a smile,

"shut up." you responded quietly, leaning down and pressing your lips against his as if to silence him. he took one of his hands, entangling his digits with your hair as he kept the other on your hips. he hooked his finger around your panties and started to tug down. helping him, you slid them farther down your legs and ankles until they were off with the other pile of clothes on the floor. now almost completely bare above him, you began to pull down the fabric around his waist. his tongue poked out of the corner of his lips as his chest rose and fell in eager lust. he helped you slide the material down to his ankles. running your left hand down his chest, you lay down on him, kissing his neck as you took your right hand and reached far down, grabbing his dick. he put both of his hands on your hips. with his fingers rubbing back and forth against your tingling skin, you readjusted yourself as you teased the head of his length at your hot entrance. he groaned softly and you lifted your lips from his hot body, meeting his enraptured gaze from your teasing movements. spencer bucked his hips gently and impatiently. you took your right hand and planted it on his chest now, both of your hands now resting on his bare body. you shivered as your inner thighs tightened from his entrance into you. your lips parted, you let out soft moans as pleasure filled your body. spencer helped you rock back and forth, his hands still clamped down around your hips. he motioned you to lean down,

"come here." he demanded quietly. you nodded slowly, your eyelids flickering open and closed as the pleasure still coursed through you. obeying his demand, you angled yourself down towards him. he took one of his hands off of your hips, dragging it up your back gently. he unclasped your bra and assisted you in sliding it off. slanting back up, you began to move up and down on his dick as he trailed his free hand up your body and inbetween your breasts. he worked his fingers around your bust, causing even more pleasure to spike in your veins,

"g-god-" you stuttered out. your breath was now broken and uneven as you tried catching your breaths inbetween moans. spencer removed his hand from your chest and ran it up to your neck. he delicately wrapped his large hand around your throat, putting light pressure on the sides. he pulled you down slowly towards him, your hands now on the bed gripping the sheets. he bucked his hips, causing you to jolt forward. moans erupted through the room as he thrusted into you. your hair hung in your face and you closed your eyes as you tried to hide the pleasure. pulling your eyelids open, black dots clouded your vision as your head ached. the tension continued to build up as spencer continued to slam against your g-spot. you couldn't even hear your own moans anymore as you reached your limit, your legs quivering and tightening in a frenzy,

"s-spencer-" you cried out, hanging your head as you came undone around him, the headrush kicking in. he continued to thrust through your orgasm, your walls tightening around him. with a short groan and a tensed stomach, spencer finished inside of you. you panted heavily, sweat beading you and spencer's faces. he released his grip from around your throat, pulling his hips down to pull himself out of you. the cold air in the atmosphere stung your bare heat, the cold air contrasting with the warmth emitting from you. you felt the warm liquid spilling onto your thighs and spencer's waist. spencer sat you up as your body quivered gently,

"here, let me help you.." he said, care in his voice. you nodded and stood up, one hand on his arm. he slid on his boxers that were carelessly thrown on the floor as you put on the hoodie he'd been wearing from earlier. as he led you to his room, your face flushed pink as the embarrassment set in. he led you into his bathroom quickly, but with care, making sure you could keep up. pushing his brown hair out of his face, he turned on the shower to a hot temperature. you gave him a soft smile, 

"why're you doing this for me?" your heart ached as guilt raced into your body.

you'd never done or received anything like this from anyone before, which does say a lot about your usual type..

 spencer turned to you,

"i haven't treated you right before. i want to make it up to you." he said, averting his eyes as his stomach flipped with worry. you hugged your arms around your body and watched him as he took his boxers off one more. he stepped into the shower, hiding behind the curtain as he waited for you. you slid his sweater off over your head and stepped in. you stayed in front of him, your body getting chills as the hot water hit your chilled skin. you eventually got used to the hot water as spencer stood behind you, washing himself. he turned and grabbed his shampoo from the side of the tub, squeezing a glob into his hand. he lathered his hands up before running his fingers and palms through your hair. he massaged the shampoo into your hair with gentle care. your muscles finally becoming undone from their tight fit, you closed your eyes. within a few minutes he finished shampooing the roots of your hair. he turned you around, putting your head under the hot water coming from the shower head. he rinsed the suds out, focusing on what he was doing. you watched him with amusement, trying not to giggle at how hard he was focusing on not getting any in your eyes. after all the bubbles were out, he looked down at you with his hands on your biceps. you looked back at him and stepped forward into his arms. spencer raised an eyebrow but accepted the gesture, putting his arms around you.

at that moment, you finally felt peace in your life, standing under a hot jet of water in spencer reid's arms.

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