[ 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚 ] (𝟐𝟎)

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note: i will be posting the alternate ending tomorrow (:

also tw: hospitals, ers, icu, hospital room


everything went black.

you woke up to an electric shock through your chest, shaking your body. you felt something strapped around your nose and face. most likely an oxygen mask, you thought.

looking up, you saw EMT workers hovering over your body, their hands floating across your as your feeling came back. you looked at the ceiling as the flashing lights reflected the silver material. you groaned, everything felt as if it was in slow motion. you felt another great surge of pain as your eyes clouded up, your world going black once more.

emily and jj rode in the back of the ambulance with you, watching nervously as the EMT's worked. jj was on the phone with rossi the whole time, keeping him up to date on your status. a few minutes into the ride towards the hospital, the connection failed. jj and emily were alone in the back of the ambulance,

"any news on spencer?" emily nudged jj. jj crossed her arms, running a shaking hand through her hair,

"rossi wasn't saying anything about it. so, no. no news on spence.." jj spluttered. emily nodded, gazing back at you. your shirt and skin was bloodied, the workers still attempting to get your vitals stable. 

within another 30 minutes of restless work, the ambulance stopped in front of the ICU unit of a local hospital. the sweating workers wheeled you out of the ambulance, past emily and jj. right across the way, emily saw spencer on a stretcher. she widened her eyes as she saw a man on top of his chest performing CPR. other workers were pressing something to his bloody neck as they wheeled him in. jj gasped quietly,

"oh my god.." she muttered, a hand flying to her mouth. prentiss and jj waited outside the ICU unit for the rest of the team. they didn't have to wait long, though, due to the fact the rest of the team were right behind the ambulance the whole time, besides morgan. 

he hadn't left reid's side in the ambulance until they practically pried him off and wheeled him into the hospital. 

morgan panted as he stood with everyone, wiping his forehead. emily shook her head at hotch. he nodded towards her, a pained expression on his face. emily and hotch took the lead as they entered the hospital. everyone waited in the lobby in complete silence. hours went by and there was no word on you, nor spencer.

finally, around 10:45 PM, a petite blonde nurse came out with a clipboard,

"is anyone here for y/n y/l/n?" she said as she glanced down at the board. the whole team quickly stood up and she nodded,

"her vitals are basically stable. she's going to have to be kept under watch around the clock." she started, "she's lucky. 5 more centimeters to the right and it would've hit her heart. nearly a fatal shot.." she cleared her throat,

"fortunately, though, she's alive, but-" she began again,

"but what?" hotch asked,

"she is in a coma. she will be for about an estimated 5 days." she said, tapping her fingers gently on the back of the clipboard,

"but is she okay? for now?" emily intervened. the woman nodded,

"yes, for now. as long as she's kept under 24 hour watch." she shuffled her feet,

"i suggest 2 people in at a time." she started to walk away but morgan piped up,

"what about spencer reid? patient here? was wheeled in with y/n y/l/n?" he asked eagerly, like a child would ask it's mother for candy. the nurse paused,

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