[ 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 ] (𝟏𝟏)

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would y'all be mad if i made this slow burn 👁️👁️


your knees buckled and you sunk to a sitting position against your door as you felt almost numb. your thoughts processed rapidly, your stomach's acidic bubbles rising in your throat. you wiped away the few tears running down your cheeks as you heard a knock on the hollow door,

"y/n? are you alright?" spencer asked. swallowing the bile at the back of your throat,

"yes, i'm fine." standing back up, you opened your bedroom door and pushed past him. you walked in a straight line towards the table where the file lay. spencer's body turned as his eyes followed you,

"you don't seem fine." he observed. you whipped your head towards him,

"don't profile me." you snapped. you saw his hands tense uncomfortably in his pockets,

"would you like me to come back later?" he offered, "can't be too long, though. we're going to the crime scene in approximately 4 hours-" he started. you began to intervene but someone else did it for you. spencer's phone rang in his pocket and he rolled his eyes. reid pulled it out and glanced back up at you, then back at the screen,

"one minute.." he muttered. answering the call, spencer turned his back and walked to the far side of the room. you crossed your arms, tapping your foot against the wooden floor impatiently. he was speaking quietly into the phone and you could barely make out any sensible words. within a minute, he hung up and turned back to you,

"they identified the body." he said as he slid his phone back into his front pocket. your arms immediately uncrossed and your expression became eager,

"who is it?" you spluttered out,

"13 year old girl named cynthia charles." he sighed, shaking his head. you let out a long breath, and a chuckle of relief. 

it wasn't your sister. your body immediately relaxed. you felt like you could catch a break. the name rung still in your head,

cynthia charles.

not your sister. you wiped your forehead as you smiled. spencer furrowed his eyebrows,

"am i missing something here?" he scoffed. you looked at him and shook your head, the smile fading from your face as you realized the killer was still out there,

"no, no, i'll explain later." you said, crossing your arms once more, "would you like to stay for breakfast or something?" you offered. spencer caught onto the sudden and strange relief and attempted not to ruin it for you,

"oh, um, sure." a weak smile appeared on his face,

"great." you nodded, walking to the small kitchen that had few utilities. spencer sat at the table as he studied the papers. his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth as he sat in thought. 

you began to cook scrambled eggs, your mind wandering,

"you look so pretty-" he grunted, "all tied up like this."

you nearly dropped the spatula you were using to cook the eggs. reid lifted his head,

"are you alright?" he asked. your grip tightened around the utensil again and you very slowly nodded,

"just fine." you clenched your jaw. forgive and forget. forgive and forget. 

"you are going to watch me fuck you. and you won't make a sound."

you cleared your throat and shook your head, hastily blinking your eyes. this behavior caused spencer to look up again, 

"y/n..?" he muttered. you turned off the stove and rested the spatula against the pan. your eyes meeting spencer's,

"what if i don't want to forget?" you exclaimed suddenly. spencer's eyebrows raised,

"what?" he asked, 

"i said, what if i don't want to forget?" you repeated yourself, your cheeks and face hot,

"why don't you want to forget, y/n?" his eyebrows lowered. your name rolled off his tongue so smoothly, causing a shiver to roll up the back of your body,

"i just-" you thought, afraid of the word vomit that might tip out of your mouth, "might not want to." you blinked slowly, suddenly feeling vulnerable. spencer stood up from the chair as he crossed his arms across the front of his body. he sighed and scratched the back of his head,

"well what do you want me to do about your feelings, y/n?" he let out an exasperated sigh. embarrassment coursed through your body in painful waves,

"my feelings?" you started, "reid, do you not realize that you were the one who asked to stay in contact?" your voice got slightly louder, anger bubbling inside your chest. spencer's body tensed, his heart racing,

"that was before i knew who you were." he spoke quietly, almost as if he regretted even the thought of saying it. you froze, your mouth open, but no words being able to spill out. you eventually gathered the scrambled words in your mouth and spoke,

"so everything we did just meant nothing?" you asked again. spencer had shut down. he closed himself off from you. at this point, you knew he wouldn't open up to you,

"i should be going now, agent y/l/n." his tone was even yet sharp. you shivered again, but not from the way your name rolled off of his tongue like butter. he called you agent.

he never did that.

"fine, dr. reid, leave." you shot a glare at him and got one in return. he swiped his coffee off of the table and pushed out of your hotel room, not glancing at you once.

hello sry for the short chapter wattpad has been acting weird and i have no patience lately LMFAO

butttt, the picture i posted on a long way down is in fact the cover for the 2nd book which is in the works rn 🙈

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