[ 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ] (𝟕)

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you felt sick to your stomach. 

how could you be THIS stupid? 

you cursed at yourself under your breath, spencer's curiosity altering towards you. you planted your face into your hands with a long sigh,

"what's wrong?" spencer said softly. you clenched your jaw and lifted your head. you glared at him,

"oh, nothing, spencer." you practically spat his name as if it were venom. he looked down,

"okay. i'm here if you want to talk." he replied. you pulled yourself out of your anger, for the most part, within a few minutes. your tongue flicked along your bottom lip, your arms crossing over your chest. spencer felt your eyes on him and he looked over,

"why couldn't you make it to the bar with the team?" you said casually, yawning. spencer raised his eyebrow, scanning your body language,

"crossing your arms across your chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness.. a person who's feeling awkward, cornered, or upset might show this behavior. in a group, the person who doesn't feel confident is usually the one who has his arms crossed." he rambled on for a moment. you rolled your eyes as you slowly shut your eyelids,

"what's on your mind?" spencer concluded. you opened your hazel eyes and looked at him,

"just trying to make small talk, reid." you said. his doubtful eyes met your fiery ones in a subdued nervousness,

"are you profiling me, agent y/l/n?" he whispered, leaning forward. his face was close to yours. your lip twitched,

"no, dr. reid. now i'd appreciate it if you got out of my face and answer the question." you spat, turning away as your face flushed. reid mocked your body language by crossing his arms, leaning back in his tan leather seat. you turned your head forward as you waited for a response,

"i was at an event for a bookclub." his lips pursed. your expression went blank as your thoughts processed.



those words echoed in your head as you zoned out. spencer watched you, a strange look on his face,

"i heard you weren't with the team. where were you, y/n?" he asked, an emphasis on the word 'you'.

you ignored the question for a moment. you connected with him on such a different level that night and over text, but how? you barely talked at work, never tried to. you thought you hated him-

and, and you do!

you do.

you d-

"y/n." reid sighed. you shook your head as you fell out of your unpleasant reverie,

"what was the question?" your voice quivered slightly. he squinted at you and repeated the question slowly,

"i heard you weren't with the team. where were you, y/n?"

thinking for a moment, you eventually mustered words out,

"at an event." you said. technically, it was the truth, but not all of it. you avoided eye contact and you could tell spencer noticed. he stayed silent for a moment then pushed on,

"i met someone there." he mentioned. you looked up at him,

"that's nice." your tone was blunt and cold. spencer cocked his head to the side just the smallest bit,

"she reminds me of you." he said, a strange tone suddenly in his voice.

you very slowly turned your head back towards him,

"that's nice." you repeated. his eyes darted to your bracelet then back up at your face. he hummed a 'yes' in response. you could tell something shift in his face. some mix of anger, confusion, and suspicion. his face suddenly went blank as he went deeper into thought. you felt your stomach drop and you suddenly got uncomfortable. you adjusted in your seat multiple times, the unbearable tension rising. it was so thick and heavy on the air around you, the entire mood changing. you quickly got up and began to rush past spencer towards the bathroom, but were stopped by a hand around your wrist. you were stopped in your tracks, your head snapping to the side. he looked up at you,

"we should talk later." he demanded,

"there's nothing to talk about." you muttered. breaking eye contact, you slipped out of his grasp. you started to walk towards the bathroom but felt a presence behind you. you rolled your tongue over over your top teeth. you slipped into the tight space of the plane lavatory. reid pushed his way in behind you. you pinned yourself against the sink as he locked the door, keeping his distance by leaning back,

"was it you?" his voice was cold, making your heart jump to your throat. 

"yes." your voice was barely a whisper. spencer stared at you. the silence was louder than anything you'd ever heard. your heart pounded in your chest, racking against your bones. he finally moved from his frozen position,

"why?" a hint of anger laced his voice,

"what do you mean 'why'? how would i have known?" you snapped back. he flexed his fist, clenching then unclenching it. he took a large step towards you. his body now close to yours, you met his eyes. 

fuck, how you hated him, but god damn, he really looked hot right now. his brown wavy hair framed his face perfectly. his jawline and cheekbones molded into flawless shape. you cursed at yourself in your head.

you couldn't be thinking this right now. you hated him even more now since this happened. the image he sent you the other night flashed in your head and your breath hitched. he opened his mouth to speak,

"i bet you still want me to do all those things i said to you, hm?" the frustration dragged on along his words. you averted your stare, turning your head to the side. he grabbed your face gently, yet with enough force to make you look at him. he waited for an answer patiently. you swallowed and shook out of his grip as you pretended to spit on him. he retracted his arm with a groan. you let out an obnoxious huff,

"are we done yet?" you hissed. spencer clenched his jaw,

"we haven't even started." he said. an ache slowly rose in your body, coursing through your veins, freezing you in your place. pressing your thighs together, you tried to ignore it as best as you can. spencer leaned forward. his face was inches from yours,

"you want me to fuck you with my fingers until you came undone all over my hand, hm?"

he began to recite from the text,

"bent over my knee, body bare. exposed. pull on your hair, make you choke on my fingers." he whispered, his voice spitting poison. the familiar pool of heat returned inbetween your legs and you glared at him,

"call you my slut, huh?" he questioned. you didn't respond, attempting not giving into his games. you squirmed needily under his body. spencer chuckled to the silence, 

"you're so afraid now. that's a change." he scoffed,

"am i the one you can't stand, y/n? am i the one that always tends to get on your nerves? now you're writhing under me for more of my touch?" he said sarcastically. you could feel the anger pouring out of him. you parted your lips to speak, but your words were interrupted. spencer put his hands on your cheeks, sliding his left palm to the back of your head. his fingers locked with your smooth hair as he slammed his lips against yours in a rage of passion and frustration. you resisted at first but soon became putty in his hands. the kiss was angry, hate filled. you pulled and pulled at each other, your hands exploring his chest and torso. 

around the body you'd been craving for the past few days. 

the body of the man you hated.

your body melted against his, your skin tingling in need. he pulled away and you once again tried to speak. all that came out was a struggled choke. spencer pulled on your hair, causing your head to jerk back. your jaw hung open as he kissed down your neck in a ravenous manner. he pulled away from you, keeping his fingers locked with your hair. you were leaned back against the counter of the lavatory, hands on his arms. you could barely see him from the angle you were at, but he looked down at you, a smirk on his face,

"i told you, we haven't even started."

𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬  ;  𝐬 . 𝐫Where stories live. Discover now