[ 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ] (𝟏𝟑)

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note: i think i put the wrong song um oops

i wonder how many typos or words i repeat in this chapter i suck at proofreading <3

you spun lazily around in an office chair as you ignored the low voices of morgan and spencer conversing behind you as they surveyed the evidence board. you lifted your head and checked the clock on the wall. 


you sat up straighter in your seat as you pulled down your shirt. standing up, you grabbed your bag resting on the desk. reid and derek turned to watch you,

"where are you going?" derek questioned, raising an eyebrow as he shifted his weight on his feet. you looked over at him, spencer in your peripheral vision,

"the lead detective on this case taking me out tonight," you said with a small smile. derek grinned at you as spencer's face stayed dead straight. derek bumped spencer's bicep playfully. spencer missed the social cue, looking at him with confusion. you looked down and shook your head with a snicker. your eyes flickered upwards as you heard a door open. to no surprise, noah stood waiting for you. you peered back at derek and spencer, noticing spencer was twisting the cap of the dry-erase marker on the pen. you fixed your eyes back on his face, licking the corner of your lip. he noticed the small gesture, leering at you as he cleared his throat. an exaggerated simper pulled at your lips and you turned to walk and accompany noah.

 spencer's eyes bored into your backside, and you could feel it.

you walked with noah outside of the police station, making casual small talk. you reached his car, a classy black sedan. he opened the passenger door for you with a charming smile. you laughed quietly and slid in, sitting in the leather seat. he shut the door and walked around to the driver's seat. he got in rather quickly and started the car,

"sorry if i seem like i'm rushing, i'm just excited." he smiled, his face flushed a light pink,

"no, no, it's okay. me too." you managed a weak smile as guilt overflowed your body. it looked like spencer had watched you get into noah's car, but now he was walking past your side with his head low. his pace was brisk and impatient. you tracked him with your eyes through the side view mirror. he lifted his head as he crossed the street, his hands clenched in his pockets. you cleared your throat of any guilt, sitting up straight once more as the car started.

spencer stood right outside the police station doors for a minute, observing you and noah. noah did genuinely seem like a good person. no malice ever showed through in any of his body language. 

that's what irked spencer the most.

he was a good, smart guy.

spencer's body was tense and rigid as he walked down the low ramp to the parking lot, but he eventually relaxed as much as he would allow himself as he walked past your side of the car. his skin was tingling in bitterness, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was clenching his hands, his headache a bright ray of sharp pain in his head. getting into his rarely driven car, he started the engine with his hands gripped tightly around the leather covered wheel.

within 15 minutes, you and noah reached the bar. leaving your gun on your hip, you got out of the car. you on noah's arm, he led you into the bar. it was rather quiet, empty. fancy,

"wow, this is actually really nice." you said, your voice soft. the decor was classy, dark oak engulfing most of the tones. it was dimly lit to perfection. soft jazz echoed throughout the room and noah led you to a candlelit table for two. you let out a giggle of delight as he pulled the chair out for you. taking the cue, you sat down,

"this is actually really, really, pretty.." you mused, your voice trailing off as you continued to study the details of the room. putting your bag down on the floor, you focused your attention back on noah and he had a smile on his face,

"guess i'm not too bad at this, huh?" he flirted. you admired the dimples on his face for a moment before responding,

"no, no, not bad at all." you grasped the napkin wrapping the utensils on the table, unrolling it with your dainty hands. noah hummed quietly as he did the same. you rested the utensils on the plate, unfolding the napkin and putting it on your lap. you shoveled your hair over your shoulder so it'd rest against your back and out of your face. noah cleared his throat,

"i'm glad i persuaded you to come. i don't do that often," noah noted. you shook your head, a smirk tugging at your face,

"you're a ladies man, detective hill. i was just about to ask how many other women you've taken here," you looked at him with a slow blink. noah broke the eye contact and looked at his lap before reconnecting your eyes with his, 

"i may have met a few women before, but i've never taken them here," he began, his tongue flicking across his bottom lip. interrupting him, you spoke,

"so why take me?" you raised an eyebrow. noah swallowed as if he was anxious to speak,

"you just seem special." he finally admitted as he broke the silence. you couldn't help but blush,

"yea, yea, okay. sure." you let out a content sigh,

"so, why'd you join the fbi?" noah queried. your eyebrows raised just the slightest,

"oh so we're starting right off there? fine with me," you laughed quietly and took a deep breath as you began to speak,

"my father used to be an agent. supervisory special agent of the bau, to be specific." you nodded,

"and ever since then, it's sorta been my dream i guess." you winced at your response,

"sorry, that sounded extremely cheesy-" your lip twitched as noah cut you off,

"so you joined the fbi just for your father? not to protect and save people?" he raised a brow  in judgement. taken aback, your face contorted in confusion,

"i- excuse me?" you remarked, slightly dubious of the situation,

"you heard me. did you have any want to help people? or are you just selfish too?" he hawked. you blinked and stood up, the chair screeching across the floor,

"i-um-should go." you gave a brusque nod before snatching your black leather bag from the floor. you took your phone from out of your back pocket and went to your emergency contacts. instead of pressing penelope's contact name, you pressed spencer's. you didn't find this out until you lifted the phone to your ear and a deep voice answered,

"hello?" he spoke tiredly. you opened your mouth to speak but stayed quiet for a moment,

"uh, who is this?" you questioned, putting a hand on your hip as you waited for a response,

"spencer reid.. you called me.." he sighed with annoyance. you widened your eyes,

"oh um, my bad, i didn't mean to-" you began to lower the phone from your ear but stopped as you heard spencer,

"wait, y/n, what's wrong?" worry began to slowly drag on his words. you put the phone back to your ear,

"just-" you rubbed your forehead, "can you come pick me up at-" you turned around and looked at the name of the bar,

"heron lounge..?" you reached with a wince. 

the silence from the other side of the call was so loud inbetween you two. reid finally pierced through the ice,

"sure. i'll be there in a few." his tone was soft and kind, a change from what it usually was,

"see you then." you hung up the phone as soon as you could and put it back into your pocket as you waited, the soft sound of the night swamping you.

august 27th :)

𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬  ;  𝐬 . 𝐫Where stories live. Discover now