Chapter 2

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*Camila's pov*
I woke up to my alarm clock going off and rolled over in my bed grabbing my phone and turning it off before dragging myself out of bed and down the stairs to Dinah's room. I opened her door and saw her spread out on her bed. Her legs and arms where dangling over the edge of the bed and I had to hold in a laugh at how ridiculous she looked. I walked over to her and started shaking her and calling her to wake up. Eventually she woke up with a loud groan making me giggle.
"Come on get ready we don't want to be late for our first day." I said making my way out of her room hearing Dinah mutter a 'Yeah,yeah.' Behind me as she got up and started her morning routine. I walked back up to my room grabbing some clothes and taking a quick shower. I hopped out and took a look at my face in the mirror and let out a horrified gasp at what I saw. My eyes had huge purple rings around them because of my constant crying and late nights and I looked pale. I got changed into my light blue denim shorts and an Ed sheeran sweater before grabbing my makeup bag and beginning to try and make the purple less noticeable. After my makeup was done I picked up my worn out looking converse shoes, as that was all I had, and my school bag. I made my way down stairs to see Dinah in a similar outfit but her sweater said Beyoncé in cursive writing and her shorts where black.
"Ready to go? We can just grab breakfast on the way." I said to Dinah who just nodded with obvious exhaustion on her face already. "Throw me the keys I'll drive today." I said not wanting Dinah to drive if she's still really tired. She threw me the keys and we made our way into the navy blue truck. I put the keys in the ignition and looked up only to see the girl from last night walking out of her house. Her hair was out and it swayed in the wind in what looked like slow motion and I felt my heart speed up again. She was wearing light coloured shorts like me and a Paramore band shirt. As I focused in on her more I noticed the sadness in her eyes and felt pain in my heart. She really didn't deserve to be unhappy. I may not know her yet but in my thoughts a girl as stunning as her deserved all the joy in the world.

I was interrupted by fingers snapping infront of my face. "Mila I'd actually appreciate it if you stopped staring that random girl down and actually started driving." Dinah said.
"Huh. Oh right sorry." I said looking down embarrassed and putting the car into drive as we made our way to school.
"Can we stop and get coffee and pancakes at Mc Donald's?" Dinah asked turning to face me a little in her chair.
"Sure. I think I saw one near the school when we drove past the other day."
"Awesome." Dinah said turning to look out the window looking pleased.

We had finally made it to school after eating our breakfast and I pulled in to a parking space close to the entrance and got out grabbing my bag and my coffee cup that still had coffee in it. When I turned I noticed all eyes on us almost like they were trying to work us out just by looking at us. I felt uncomfortable with all of their stairs and I felt Dinah grab my hand softly.
"Come on Mila. We need to find the office before the bell rings." She said softly sensing how uncomfortable I was with all eyes on us.
"I think this is our fault for turning up half way through the year." I whispered to Dinah and heard her giggle.
"Yeah but what else where we supposed to do?" She asked and I just shrugged my shoulders. As we made our way down the halls to the office I took in my surroundings. It was just like any other school, posters supporting there sport teams, labeled groups of people and boring classrooms. I couldn't help but silently hope that the green eyed girl went to this school. I felt this need to know her but I also knew that in order to discover her she had to discover me and that was to dangerous for her. I couldn't risk her getting hurt or freaking out when she discovers the true me. I gave up on the idea of me having any chance with her as I knew that it would be far to dangerous for her and that it'd probably end in disaster.

When I had come to that conclusion we were at the office and I sighed as Dinah opened the door and dragged me along to the front desk with her. "Hi um we are the new kids and we need our schedules." Dinah said to the front desk lady.
"What are your names?" She asked in a bored tone.
"Dinah Jane Hansen and Karla Camila Cabello." Dinah said and the lady nodded making her way over to a file cabinet and flicking her way through it until she pulled out two sheets of paper and made her way back to us.
"Here you go. Anything else?" She said handing the paper over.
"No. Thank you" Dinah said as we made our way out of the office. She looked down at the papers and a wide smile took over her face. "We have all the same classes Chancho." She said handing me my schedule with a grin on her face. I looked at the paper and read the locker number and then lent over to read hers.
"And our lockers are right across the hall from one another." I said smiling lightly. We made our way down the hall and found our lockers and conveniently our lockers where right next to the classroom we needed to be in. I put in the combination and started putting books inside my locker when I heard a loud bang and a book hit the side of my foot and bounced an inch away. I stopped what I was doing and bent down gently grabbing the book. I stood up and saw a girl bent over collecting books. I furrowed my books at how familiar she looked but brushed it off and walked towards her after shutting my locker. She was looking around the floor with a worried facial expression.
"Um excuse me." I said softly and she turned to face me but I was looking down at her book. "I think this is yours it flew down the hall and hit my .." My words caught in my throat as I looked up and saw the beautiful green eyed girl in front of me.
"Omg thank you so much. I need this for art class later it has my homework in it." She said in a rushed voice as she grabbed the book but I didn't let go. She looked up at me and our eyes met and we just stood there in silence for a while looking at each others eyes.
"Camila let's go class is about to start." I heard Dinah yell from down the hall. I took my eyes away from the green eyed girl letting go of the book and making my way to my bag that was on the ground infront of my locker. I bent down and took ahold of my bag throwing it over my left shoulder and looking back at the girl. I smiled when I saw her looking at me still and gave her a small wave turning away and making my way into class with Dinah.

*Lauren's pov*
It was now lunch and I was sitting at a table with my friends Normani and Ally. They where in a deep convocation that I wasn't paying attention to. My thoughts where only on the girl from this morning. Even though brown eyes where so common hers looked like nothing I had seen before. She had all my thoughts during all my classes I had this morning and I couldn't shake her. I looked around the cafeteria searching for her and eventually my eyes landed on her sitting two tables in front of me. She was talking excitedly to her friend from this morning about something. She was strangely intriguing and I wanted to know every detail about this girl. She had a mysterious feel to her but she also seemed loyal. I wondered why she had moved here and how long she had known that other girl. I was determined to befriend this girl and determined to discover the deepest parts of her mind. She had my full attention and didn't even know it yet.

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