Chapter 9

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*Camila's pov*
Lauren and I had been dating for 2 months now and it was already getting quite serious but I was 100% fine with it. I loved her for everything she is. I loved both the good and bad in her. Before I met her I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason. Although she is so incredibly beautiful that's not why I feel I love with her. I fell deeply I love with who she is. Her mind was such a great thing.

It was currently lunch and I walked with Lauren to the table. Dinah still wasn't very fond of Lauren but I knew there must have been a deeper meaning behind it, yet I was grateful that she still sat at the same table. Dinah had become good friends with Ally and Normani and they sat at the same lunch table so I knew that is most likely why Dinah agreed to keep sitting here. When we sat down I grabbed hold of Lauren's had and ate with my free hand every now and then I'd rub my thumb along her knuckles. I looked at her only to realize her attention was on someone across the cafeteria. I looked in the direction and saw Brad who was looking back at Lauren. He noticed me and smirked and I scoffed. I hated that guy with every fiber of my body. He so desperately tried to steal Lauren from me and I could feel her pulling away. It was a scary thought. I stood up abruptly from my seat and all the girls heads turned to me. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said and Lauren went to stand up but I held my hand out to stop her. "Alone." I said and she frowned but let out a soft 'ok' and sat down.

On my way down the hall to the bathroom I heard steps behind me. Thinking it was Lauren I turned around saying.
"Lauren I thought I said I wanted to go alone." But when I saw who it was it defiantly wasn't Lauren.
"Oh honey, I'm not Lauren." Brads voice mocked me. "But speaking of Lauren, she doesn't want you anymore. Can't you tell." He said and I just stared at him and he continued. " she doesn't need you Camila. She needs a real man in her life. Somebody like me." He said smirking.
"No she doesn't she loves me. She would never go back to you. You're a cheating pig. Last I checked Lauren has taste." I snapped back. Just then I felt a fist connect with my face sending me to the floor. I felt him grab my collar and repeatedly throw punches on my face, but I knew it was hurting him more as my face was rock hard from being a werewolf.I rolled us over so he was on the ground and repeatedly hit him. My punches would be harder also considering the same fact as before. I hit him until he some how flipped us. He started trying to hit me but I saw his eyes welling in tears and a bone crunching noise. The cafeteria doors opened and I heard my friends voices but I blocked them out flipped Brad back onto the floor. As I hit him I started shouting. "Don'" I started growling and then Dinah came into view.
"Camila calm down. Run to the forrest. If you change here you'll be doomed." She whispered in a comforting voice. I leapt up and sprinted to the forrest and just moments after making it in I transformed due to anger. I heard a gasp behind me and turned to see Lauren with a shocked facial expression. I moved my ears to lay almost flat against my head and started whimpering and then Dinah came into view and ran to me.
"Shit." I heard Dinah say. Lauren got out of her shock and moved slowly my way.
"Camila?" Lauren asked her voice cracking. I nodded my head a little and she put her hand on my head gently patting the little fluffy bit of hair."You're the wolf I saw in the forrest." She thought out loud. "Shit I turned you in and whoever the other wolf is." She said.
Dinah moved forward looking angry. "Yeah and it's your fault if anything happens. Actually it's your fault for being so curious. Maybe you should've stayed out of it and it would be fine. Do you even actually love Camila or where you just trying to get into our private lives and work us out for your suspicious friends? You now what I bet..."Just then Dinah's anger got to much and she started changing. I started whimpering again and then Dinah fully transformed and Lauren's jaw nearly hit the floor in shock.
"This..this explains a lot." Lauren stuttered out. We heard the distant calls of the other girls and Lauren turned around to see where they where as Dinah and I took our chance to run away. In the distance I could hear Lauren's calls but I couldn't go back.

Dinah and I managed to make it home after having to walk the last mile once we transformed back. We got into the house and put clothes on. Dinah came in my room and threw me a bag.
"What's this for?" I asked Dinah raising an eyebrow.
"We need to leave for a while. We will come back but for now we need to lay low." Dinah said while picking some things up and putting them on my bed so I didn't miss them.
"Where are we going?"
"There's a little shack in the middle of the forrest towards the outskirts of town. It belonged to your dad remember." I nodded and then she continued. " When we had to leave to come here I grabbed the keys just incase we wanted to take a trip up there or for times like this." We heard a knock on the door and froze on the spot.
"Camila please don't shut me out! Just talk to me about this! I still love you I promise." I heard Lauren's calls. I felt tears spring to my eyes and Dinah pulled my into the hallway that had no windows. We heard Lauren knock on the balcony door and I held my hand to my mouth to silence sobs. Dinah pulled me into her side and held me tightly, occasionally playing with strands of my hair. After a while we assumed she was gone and got back to packing. When we had all we needed for the "trip" we bought it down stairs. Before leaving I looked out the front window and saw Lauren on her porch.

"Shit. This is going to be harder then we thought." I said to Dinah as I leaned on the wall next to the window.
"I'm sorry but if we don't leave now then we won't make it to the shack until really late. I don't want us driving to late at night." Dinah said I sighed.
"Ok fine. But this is going to hurt so much having to push the girl I love away." I said with tears in my eyes. I saw Dinah wince when I said girl I love but I just ignored it.
"I know it'll hurt but it's only for a while until this blows over. Like the stuff with Brad." Dinah said and I cried hard when she said his name.
"What if I loose her Dinah? What if I loose her to Brad?" I asked as she pulled me into a hug.
"Then she doesn't deserve you. If she goes to Brad again then she never deserved you. As the quote says 'if you love someone set them free. If they come back to you then they really where yours and if they don't they never where'. Set her free for a while Mila."Dinah said. I nodded and pulled away from the hug wiping my tears away and grabbing my bag.
"Let's go." I said and waited for Dinah to walk out first. I followed close behind her and tossed the bags in the back. I heard footsteps running to me and I walked towards the door.
As Lauren's arms wrapped around me she started begging me. "Please Camila don't leave me. Please I need you. Please... Please I love you." She said as I struggled against her to get into the car. When I finally opened the door it was time to get Lauren off.
"Lauren let me go. I'll come back soon ok." I said but her arms tightened around me.
"No!" She yelled. No I love you. Please don't do this." I turned to face her. "We can work past this, it's not even that bad." She continued.
"Lauren go. Be free." I said and she cried harder.
"Are you..are you breaking up with me?" She stuttered out and I felt pain in my chest and my eyes water.
"No I'm just giving us a break. I'll be back when this settles down and we've thought about everything. Then we can talk. Only you have to let me go." I said to her was a tear fell down my cheek. She let me go and I hoped in my seat I went to close the door but she grabbed my wrist gently.
"I love you Camila. No matter what. Don't forget that." She said to me softly.
"I love you Lauren. Don't forget that I do. I'm doing this for us." I said and just like that I shut the door and was off. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Lauren curled up in a ball on the ground crying her heart out and just like that whatever I had left in my heart cracked and I was completely destroyed. Every string in my heart was cut and I didn't know what it would take to fix it. Dinah put her soft hand on my thigh and squeezed it reassuringly and I sent her a soft smile in reply. It's going to take a lot to fix everything when we get back but I knew trying to fix it now would only break it more. I just hope Lauren realizes that.

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