Chapter 3

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*Camila's pov*
It was almost sun down now and Dinah and I had found a little clearing in the forrest while we waited for the moon to come up and the transformation to start. It had a little river full of clean water running through it and what seemed to be little fish jumping out of it every now and then. It was also had very green grass and a huge rock just randomly in the middle of the clearing.
"Ok so we have to stay close to each other at all times and not stray away to far. If anything at all is to happen and we need to find each other then meet back here. We good." I asked Dinah.
"Yeah we're good and the moon is about to come up in about a minute so I suggest you get ready." She said pulling her shirt over her head but leaving on her bra and stretchy pants and I did the same shortly after. We hid the items we didn't need behind the rock and nodded at each other that we where ready as we felt the transformation start. I felt pain all through my body as it slowly broke in parts to form me into a wolf and after suffering a little I was finally in my wolf form and howling at the moon and Dinah soon followed. My fur was a white colour with bits of grey in it and my eyes were a golden colour. Dinah was fully brown with a bluey-grey kinda eye colour. We decided to take a look around the forrest first before going off and hunting and found ourselves near our house again once we had finished. Dinah was trying to sneak up on a little rabbit while I stayed hidden in the bushes when I heard familiar sobs. I turned around slowly so that I didn't stuff up Dinah's hunting and got down low to the ground staring intently at the girl I'd grown to admire. I didn't even know her name but I found her so hypnotizing. As I looked at her I saw tears down her cheeks and her eyes where red and puffy. I moved forward a little and saw her look up which caused me to move as low to the ground as I could go. I heard a squeak behind me and I knew that Dinah was successful in killing the rabbit. I saw her out the corner of my eyes walk closer to me and she looked happy with the lifeless rabbit dangling in her mouth until she noticed that the green eyed girl was looking at her with her jaw dropped. I began to start freaking out in my head and stood fully up also turning to Dinah and nudging her into the bush me following after her. I knew we were doomed as a normal wolf was way smaller then us, we most likely where tall enough to be at a persons chest hight when they stood next to us.

Dinah and I made it back to the clearing as fast as we could and I began pacing along the river. I heard Dinah whimpering next to the rock and turned to her narrowing my eyes at her. Although in human form Dinah was taller, I was taller as a wolf and she found that very intimidating. She stopped her whimpering and I looked up at the sky, in a few minutes we'd be turned back and we'd now have to sneak out of the forrest and into the house so the girl doesn't get suspicious of us. I felt tingles over my body as I began the change back and once fully human again I went and put on my clothes Dinah following along shortly after.
"Next time when we are close to a border get low to the ground ok." I said angrily to Dinah as we could've completely blown our cover. She nodded quickly before letting out a soft sorry.
"It ok Dinah. We just need to be careful." I said with a soft smile that she gladly returned.
"Why do you keep looking at that girl anyway?" Dinah asked curiously while eyeing me suspiciously.
"Because she's intriguing." I replied with a shrug.
"Are you sure it's just that? I mean you looked at her like she out the stars in the sky this morning and then just before you looked at her like she was your everything." Dinah said.
"I think you are just over thinking it." I said and then opened the back door. "And even if I did look at her that way I can't do anything about it because it's to dangerous for us and I don't want her to get hurt or scared if she works us out." I said as I took a water out of the fridge.
"Well we have to let others in eventually or people will be suspicious or weirded out by us. We can let people in a little just don't tell them to much." Dinah said with a shrug.
"Well just see what happens but if it gets to risky then we are pulling the plug on those friendships." I said sternly.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going to bed because we have school again tomorrow and have to run around at gym and no you can't sit on the sidelines and read." I sighed at Dinah telling me I couldn't make it out and replied with a fine and goodnight before walking up the stairs to my room. I got changed into some soccer shorts and my old jersey that I now wear to bed and walked out on the balcony again taking a seat in the same spot as yesterday. The girl was still there and spatter a while of thinking I got up and opened the front door walking across the street. She looked up when she heard foot step and her eyes widened. She wiped the tears of her cheeks and put on a fake smile.
"You know you don't have to fake a smile for me. I may not know you but I saw you crying from my balcony yesterday and again today." I said softly still standing infront of her.
"Oh." Was all she managed to get out in her raspy voice.
"Let's try and be positive for a moment." I said and saw her eyes meet mine which caused me to choke on air for a moment. "I'm Camila." I finally said sticking my hand out and shaking hers before continuing. "And I'm your new neighbor and new student at your school who returned your book to you this morning."
"Oh you remembered that." She said chuckling lightly and causing my stomach to do flips. "I'm Lauren and thank you for this morning." She finished.
"No problem. So how long have you lived here?" I asked her taking a seat next to her on the steps.
"My whole life." She said facing me.
"Wow. That was me in Pensilvania and now I'm suddenly the new one." I said smiling at her.
"If you don't mind me asking why did you move?" She asked politely and giving me all of her attention. I began to panic as I searched for an answer that wasn't exactly a lie but not fully the truth.
"Um.. I moved her because I wanted to start fresh." I said looking forward at the spot where I had been looking at her from when I was in my wolf form.
"My friends think that you and your friend are suspicious looking but to me you seem quite normal." She said and I could see her looking at me out the corner of my eye.
"Yeah we get that a lot." I said turning to face her with a small smile. "You kinda..." I stopped when I heard Dinah calling for me with my super hearing. I turned my head and saw her at the window.
"You kinda what?" I heard Lauren ask and she was looking at me funny probably trying to work out why I stopped talking.
"I'm sorry I have to go." I said standing up quickly.
"No please don't go." Lauren said pleadingly.
"I... I'm sorry." I said before turning and running back to my house. When I got in Dinah ran to me. "What do you want I was talking to her." I said pointing in the direction of Lauren's house.
"She's asking you to many questions. I could hear you. I think she's trying to work us out. I want you to be careful Mila." Dinah said.
"I will. I just wanted to be polite. She's the girl whose book I returned this morning." I said and Dinah nodded.
"I just don't want to loose you Mila." Dinah said looking at me softly.
"You won't loose me and I don't ever want to loose you either. Promise me you'll stay with me through everything." I said looking at Dinah with hope in my eyes that she'd promise.
"I promise Mila, I'll stay with you forever." Dinah replied pulling me into a hug. "You'll never loose me." She said still hugging me.

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