Chapter 10

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*Lauren's pov*
Camila has been gone for two days now and I'm so lost without her. Ally and Normani keep coming over trying to get me out of bed but I refuse to go anywhere. I need Camila because without her I feel like I'm drowning on air, I feel like she walked away and took my heart with her, I feel broken. I can't sleep because my mind is crowded with thoughts of her. My appetite is low. I call and text but all I get in reply is the phone company saying she has no service. She must be somewhere far away from people if she has no service. I kept thinking, what if she never comes back? What do I do if years from now she still hasn't returned? I felt my chest tighten at the thought and started to breakdown.

*Camila's pov*
It was late, but I didn't mind. I was sitting outside the shack on a little log. It was damp as the forrest was cold and dark. I looked around at the forrest. I took in the sight of the bright green trees and the forrest floor that was a mixture of grass patches and plain dirt. I took in the sounds of the forrest, the birds in the trees, the sounds the wind made when passing through each and every branch, every little detail. It calmed my ever racing mind and aching chest. Two day. Two days without Lauren was like a year without rain. I needed her. I craved everything about her. I wanted to go back but I was scared. I'm such a coward because I don't want to see the look on her face when she tells me I'm a monster. I don't want to be broken by the one person who has ever held my heart. Even if she tried to give my heart back I'd let her keep it because it will always belong to her. I took a deep breath and stood up. I'm done being a coward and I'm done thinking. I need to go back to Lauren. I need Lauren.

I ran back into the house calling for Dinah but got no reply. I ran into each room twice searching for her but still I hadn't found her. I called her name constantly, my voice cracking from time to time as tears slowly fell down my face and I started to break down. I was a mess on the floor until I felt strong arms around me. I began freaking out until I heard Dinah's voice.
"Camila it's me. You're ok. You're ok." She said stroking my hair while hugging me.
"I thought to.that you l..l..left me." I sobbed out.
"How many times do I have to tell you Camila. I'll never leave you." She said and placed a light kiss on my head. We sat in silence for awhile still in the warm embrace until Dinah spoke up again. "So why where you looking for me?"
"I need to go back Dinah. I need to talk to Lauren. I need Lauren back." I said desperately.
Dinah sighed before talking. "Ok pack your things we leave in an hour." And with that she got up and walked to her room.

We had finally made it back to our house. It felt different. I couldn't see Lauren on the porch where she spent most if her time and fear kicked in. I yelled to Dinah to take my bags for me and ran to Lauren's door knocking fast and repeatedly on the door. The door opened a few minutes later to reveal a tired and broken looking Lauren. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head.
" came back." She said and I pulled back to see tears.
"For you I'd always come back. If you still want me." I said looking into her eyes.
"I want you. Believe me I want you." She said and kissed me. "I don't care what you are, who you are or what you've done. I'll always love and want you Camila." She said and pulled me into another kiss. I felt myself getting brought through the door and eventually felt the softness of a bed below me. Lauren was ontop of me our hands intertwined above my head on the pillow. She stopped kissing me and went down to my neck sucking and biting. She bit my neck really heard and I let out a pained whimper that turned into a moan. I felt her smile on my neck and then kiss the spot coming up to face me, our breathing heavy.
"Who would've known Camila Cabello likes it ruff." She said smirking and I just put my arms around her neck.
"Just shut up and make love to me." I said pulling her in for a passionate kiss and making love was exactly what happened.

I woke up with Lauren's naked body cuddled into mine. She looked so peaceful, like she hadn't slept in years. I took in all of her beauty when I had the chance to freely stair at her without being caught. She had a soft smile on her face and dark eyelashes that where naturally long. Her hair was a tangled mess but still she looked beautiful. It was effortless beauty. I saw her stir in her sleep and gently placed kisses along her bare shoulder and she let out a soft raspy moan and opened her eyes to look at me. They sparkled with love and adoration and I couldn't be more thankful that she still saw me that way. She knew the good and the bad in me and loved both unconditionally.
"I love you Camila." Her raspy voice said cutting me from my thoughts.
"I love you Lauren." I said and kissed her forehead.
"What lips not good enough for you? Can't handle morning breathe?" Lauren asked with a cheeky smile. I lent forward and kissed her passionately.
"Better?" I said pulling away and resting my forehead on hers, our noses touching and breath felt on one another's lips.
"Much." Lauren said a soft smile forming on her lips.
"Come over later. I want to take you somewhere." I said.
"What do I wear?" She asked curiously.
"Something casual that's comfy to walk in." I said with a smile standing up.
"Where are you going?" She asked with a cute pout.
"Well I'm going to put on clothes, go to my house, shower,change and then you'll come over and I'll take you out." I said as I put my clothes back on.
"Or you could stay here and we could ya know." She said leaning on her side and twirling her finger around in a small circle on the sheet.
"Someone's horny in the morning." I said with a chuckle and she glared at me.
"I could have meant cuddle." She said defensively.
"Sure babe sure. I did it with you last night women." I said still laughing a little.
"I know but come on can you blame me." She said smirking.
"Ok I'm going to go now but be at my house in 2 hours." I said walking to her and kissing her gently before kissing her forehead and making my way to my house.

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