Chapter 13

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*Camila's pov*
I woke up on the cold floor my head leaning on the front door slightly. I sat up with my back pressed to the door and ran a hand through my hair. I really did not want to think about what happened last night so I pushed it to the back of my mind and stood up going to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I started to make coffee and glanced at the clock. 'Shit, I'm late for school' I thought. I finished making my coffee and put it in a travel mug and ran up stairs to get dressed. I put on some black skinny jeans, Dinah's shirt that had Bo$$ written on it in gold and some converse and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face to remove the tear stains and looked in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and looked extremely pale. I sighed at my appearance and tried to fix it a little with makeup. By the time I was done I had already missed my first two classes but I still decided to go anyway, even though I hated going to school these days. I ran down the stairs grabbing my coffee ,that was probably could but oh well and my keys before going out to my car.

When I made it to school I went straight to the office and signed in before making my way to English. When I made it to the door I heard Mr Tans voice booming through it about poetry or something like that. I took a deep breathe and pulled down the handle opening the door and when I stepped through all eyes where on me. I shuffled to the teachers desk and put the slip on it turning to walk away when the teachers voice stopped me.
"Nice of you to finally join us Camila. May I ask why you are late." He said and my breathe hitched. He had never asked me to speak before and now he was trying to get me to speak in front of everybody. Fuck no. I shook my head and walked down the aisle to my seat. My eyes landed on bright green ones at the back of the room. She was staring at me and looked deep in thought. I ignored her eyes on me as I slid into my seat. The teacher decided that he couldn't be bothered with my explanation and just continued teaching. I wasn't really listening to the teacher I was just watching him walk around the front of the room and occasionally he'd write on the board.
I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a voice next to me. "Hey weirdo, cat still got your tounge?" He said as he nudged me really hard and I nearly fell off my seat. "You know it's rude not to reply to people. Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" He continued and that comment hit me hard. I have no mother, I have nobody. He annoyed me for a while longer until I couldn't take it anymore. As the teacher turned to write on the board I turned and leapt onto the guy knocking him off his seat. I heard the teacher yelling at me in the background, along with some cheers from students as I constantly pounded my fist into this guys face. As I was hitting him it clicked, I had done this to him before. Yep it was Brad again. I internally chuckled as I hit him one last time before I was pulled off him by someone. I looked down at him to see his face covered in blood and I most likely broke his nose.
"As much as I'd love for you to continue, I don't want you getting into anymore trouble then you already will be." I heard a raspy voice whisper in my ear and instantly knew that it was Lauren's arms holding me back.
"Lauren can you escort Camila to the principles office, now." Mr Tan said as calmly as he could but I could tell he was pissed. Lauren bought me out of the classroom and we made our way to the office.
"So are you going to talk to me again or do I no longer get that luxury?" Lauren questioned turning her head to face me. When I didn't reply I saw her frown and turn her head away. "Ok fine but I need to ask you something." She said and I turned my head to face her letting her know to continue. "Can I please join you as a pack of two? I know that you still hate me after everything but I hate being alone." She said and she looked so desperate. I nodded and she smiled a little as we came to a stop infront of the office. "Good luck." Lauren said giving me a slight pat on my shoulder and walking back to class.

I gulped and walked into the office. He wasn't in there yet but I was told to sit and wait for him. After about five minutes he came in and he looked super pissed.
"Camila this is the second time you've been called into my office for this reason and I can't let you get away with it again." He said and it was followed by a small sigh. "Camila I know this is hard for you, loosing your friend and all but you're slipping. You where the perfect student when you moved here and I hate seeing you spiral out of control. You either need to fix this or leave." He said and paused for a minute. "But for now you are suspended for 3 weeks, I'll have someone drop by to give you your homework everyday. That's all, you can get your stuff and leave the school grounds immediately." He said and with that said I stood up and made my way back to the classroom for my bag. When I walked in the nurse was there and Brad was passed out on the floor. I held in a laugh and bit my lip to stop my satisfied smile from showing. That asshole deserved everything he got. I picked up my bag and when I lifted my head up I saw Lauren intently looking at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Before I left the room I turned and sent her a wink and her eyes turned bright red. Part of me may still be mad at Lauren but the part that loves her is so much stronger and maybe, just maybe I'll give us another go.

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