Chapter 6

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*Lauren's pov*
I woke up with my head on somebody's chest and my hands intwined with someone else's. I shifted my head and was met with sparkling brown eyes. She smiled at me softly and place a light kiss on my forehead.
"Good morning." She said her voice scratchy because it was morning.
"Good morning. I'm sorry for the awkward position." I said a blush forming on my cheeks.
"Don't worry it's fine. As long as you ok." She said softly her eyes staring into mine.
"I'm more then ok." I whispered out. I realized how close our faces where when I could feel her breathe on my lips. My eyes traveled down her face to her lips and then back up. I saw her eyes do the same and we slowly leaned in.
"Mila it's time to get up!" We heard from downstairs.
"Be down in a minute Dinah!" Camila yelled back and then looked at me.
"So that's your friends name." I said with a small chuckle.
"Yeah. Um do you want to use the front door and meet Dinah or go down the balcony?" Camila asked me nervously.
"I think I'll take the balcony. Just so that Dinah isn't freaked out when I walk down the stairs." She nodded her head and I got up making my way towards the balcony. "Thank you Camz." I said smiling sweetly. "For last night." I explained.
"No problem Lolo." I heard her say as I made my way down the balcony and back to my house.

*Camila's pov*
I got changed into some black skinny jeans and a light purple top before walking down to see Dinah at the bottom of the stairs giving me the look.
"What?" I asked incessantly.
"I think you are forgetting an important detail. Werewolf. Amazing hearing when I choose to use it." She said sarcastically.
"Ok. Look I'm sorry but I kinda owed it to her. She was scared because of something I did in my wolf form." I said walking past Dinah to my shoes.
"You know what I think?" Dinah said and I looked up to see a smirk on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"I think this little fur-ball has a crush on a little green eyed girl." Dinah said pointing at me and then the direction Lauren's house is in.
"Look even if I did Dinah it would never work out. I'm not like her." I said frowning and walking to the front door. "Come on let's just go." I said as I walked to the car. This time Dinah decided to drive and I was completely ok with that as I stayed up most of last night just listening to Lauren. Her breathing and heart beat were so calming and every now and then a little noise that sounded like a snore would occur and make my stomach do flips.

We pulled up at the school and the constant chatter filled my ears. I tried to block them out but when you're so tired it's hard to block out all the noise. My ears picked up the sound of her husky beautiful voice and I found myself listening in to her and her friends while lifting my head to find them. I motion with my hand for Dinah to do the same and she got the picture. We weren't trying to be creepy or anything we just needed to make sure that if Lauren talked about the wolves again they wouldn't believe her.
"I'm serious guys I really did see them again. One even pounced on me." I heard Lauren say to her friends who where just laughing. "Wait I have proof." She said reaching into her backpack and pulling out what she wore yesterday handing it to the girls whose mouths where dropped open in shock. "Told you." Lauren said with a smug look.
"What are you going to do?" Her blue haired friend asked.
"I was thinking of telling the station. Just incase they find it a danger to have the wolves in there and need to like relocate them or something for peoples safety." Lauren said and I turned to Dinah with a scared face and she sent back a worried expression, almost like she was about to puke. "I mean the new girls Camila and Dinah live right infront of the forrest, it's practically there back yard." Lauren said and I smiled at the thought of her wanting to keep me safe and I saw Dinah smirking.
"Do want you want Lauren. It's your choice. Just make sure you take these." Her short friend said handing back the clothes. "For evidence that something is out there." Lauren nodded and took the clothes and then she turned and looked me dead in the eye. I looked away quickly and turned to Dinah who ran to the bushes and started vomiting. I sprinted to Dinah accidentally using some of the speed that werewolves can have in there human form.
"What is it Dinah? Did you eat something we aren't meant to?" I asked nervous as I thought that maybe she had eaten a plant the we can't eat.
"No." Dinah said back with a rough voice. "Just I got really nervous and scared and it just happened." She said standing up straight.
"Do I need to take you home?" I asked rubbing her back and looking at her pale face concerned.
"No just give me some of your gum please." She said and held out her hand. I slipped two pieces of gum into her hand and she smiled at me gratefully as she put them in her mouth. I looked around to make sure nobody noticed the scene but saw Lauren staring at me with her mouth hanging open and I knew that she saw how fast I ran. Her eyes stared at me intensely and she had a look of confusion and wonder on her face. I pretended like nothing happened and walked with Dinah into school.

It was now lunch time and I had stacked my plate with pizza and put a can of pepsi on my tray, Dinah had the same just with far less pizza. We walked towards the register to pay and put our trays down.
"Paying together or separate?" The lady asked.
"Separate please." I replied as the women punched some things into the machine.
"That'll be $5.90 please." The women said and as I reached into my back pocket for my wallet I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned to see Lauren. She took out her wallet and handed over the money before I could protest. We walked out of line and I waited for Dinah while Lauren stood next to me.
"Not to be rude but why did you but my lunch?" I asked turning my head to face Lauren.
"I bought it as a thank you." She replied smiling at me.
"You didn't have to do that." I said with a slight frown on my face.
"Hey no frowning." She said pointing at my lips that turned into a little smile after the gesture. "I also wanted to ask if you and Dinah would like to sit with my friends and I." She said as Dinah walked up to us.
"I don't know it's kinda up to Dinah." I said turning my head to her.
"What's up to me?" Dinah asked confused.
"Would you and Camila like to join my friends and I for Lunch?" Lauren asked looking nervous. Dinah looked last Lauren at her friends who where looking intently at us all.
"Would they mind?" Dinah asked and Lauren shook her head no in reply. "Then sure we would love to join you." Dinah said and my smile widened at her acceptance of the offer. We walked over to the table and went through the awkward introductions before taking a seat. Dinah sat on my left while the girl I've now identified as Ally sat to my right. Normani sat infront of Dinah whilst Lauren sat infront of me. Dinah and Normani for into an intense convocation about Beyoncé which made me smile at my best friend whilst Lauren and Ally where talking about some hangout they had going on. I was looking at Lauren just admiring her. The way her lips moved when she talked. The way she listened to every word Ally said. The way her eyes where so many different shades in one. The way her hair flowed down the right side of her body. She was absolute perfection. My thoughts where interrupted when I noticed Lauren looking at me and the rest of the table as well.
"I'm sorry what?" I said looking away from Lauren and at everyone else.
"I asked you if you wanted to come to our hangout next Friday." Lauren said looking at me hopeful.
"Hang on." I said pulling out my phone and looking at the calendar. Shit full moon. I frowned and looked up. "I'm sorry but Dinah and I can't go." I said to Lauren who looked really upset but tried to pretend like she wasn't.
"Aw why not Chancho?" Dinah asked giving me the puppy dog eyes.
"Because we have something on CheeChee." I said frowning and showing her my phone.
"Oh." She said and lent back on her chair looking really sad.
"If you guys get the chance to come after whatever you're doing it at my house." Lauren said smiling at me.
"Ok thank you. Well just have to see." I said with a small smile. Convocation slowly took over the table again until Normani interrupted.
"Hey Lauren maybe well see those wolves you don't shut up about."
"Wolves?" Dinah and I questioned trying to act like we didn't know about it. We are the god damn wolves.
"Yeah Lauren keeps seeing these wolves in the forrest. She doesn't shut about them, especially the white and grey speckled one."I saw Dinah trying to hold back a smirk while I tried to keep the blush from appearing.
"I'm surprised you haven't seen them. You live right infront of the forrest." Lauren said eyeing me as if she knew something.
"Yeah. Guess we never paid attention to the forrest." I said shifting under Lauren's gaze and looking at Dinah.
"Well eventually they might not be there." Lauren said still looking at me. I felt my eyes widen a little and worry take over me and I saw the same from Dinah.
"W..what do you mean?" I stuttered out.
"I told the station during morning tea and they said they'll sort it out because it's dangerous for them to be there." Lauren said shrugging.
"But they are wild animals shouldn't they be allowed to roam there just as long as they don't bring harm to anyone." Dinah said eyeing Lauren angrily.
"I was attacked by one, it leapt on to me and ruined my clothes." Lauren said back. I saw Dinah start to turn read and I felt tingles in my body from anger as well.
"Dinah I need to go the bathroom. Come with me." I said standing up. "Thank you for lunch. I hope we can hang out again soon." I said as nicely as I could getting 'sure thing', 'no problem' and 'me too' s in reply as we walked away. We ran out of the school and to the nearest forrest.
"Dinah we need to calm down otherwise we might transform." I said to Dinah who still looked furious.
"How can I? She told the fucking station about us." Dinah said in a growl.
"Dinah calm down. Remember what happened last time when we got so angry and we transformed." A look of pure guilt took over Dinah's face and as she calmed down.
"I'm sorry." Dinah said with tears in her eyes.
"It's ok we didn't transform. We are ok." I said stocking Dinah's hair softly while in a hugging embrace. "Come on let's get back to school. We are already late for English." I said standing up and walking back with Dinah.

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