Chapter 14

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*Camila's pov*
It was my first day of suspension and let's just say that I didn't move out of my bed all day. I couldn't be bothered to do anything. I turned my head slightly to read my clock, 3:30pm it read. Great whoever is giving me my work will be hear soon. Just as I thought that I heard the doorbell and groaned rolling off the bed. I ran a hand through my hair in an attempt to make it presentable and made my way to the door. When I opened the door I saw Lauren standing behind it looking all smiley.
"I bought you your homework." She said and held her hand out with the worksheets in it. I grabbed them and went to shut the door when I heard her talk again. "Um Camila, no offense but your house looks like a bomb went off." She said and gestured through the door. I looked around and she was right. There was picture frames turned to the side on the wall, clothes and shoes sprawled about everywhere, empty pizza boxes on the floor in some places and empty cans of drink everywhere. How had I not realized that I was living in what looked like a junk yard. "Camila." She said softly and I turned my head to face her and looked into her sad eyes. Oh god she's pitying me. "If you don't mind can I come in and help you clean it up." She said and I nodded opening the door a little more for her to come in. She stepped in making sure not to stand on any of the stuff sprawled about. She made her way to my kitchen and I followed. She had a horrified expression on as she realized that the kitchen was worse then the entry way but brushed it off and then got the garbage bags out of the cupboard. We cleaned up for a while and eventually made it to the lounge room. Lauren walked towards the lounge and lifted up a can. "Beer Camz really? How the hell did you even get any because (1) you are underage and (2) you don't even talk." I shrugged my shoulders and just started cleaning until I felt hands on my shoulders turning me to face them. "Camila when was the last time you showered?" She said with a concerned look. I shrugged my shoulders again and she dragged me up the stairs to the bathroom. "Now shower, I'll finish cleaning. I'm going to help you out Camz. I will not let the girl I love spiral any further out of control." She said and I opened my mouth in shock. She still loves me. "Yes that's right, I said it. I'm still in love with you Camila and I'm not giving up on you." And with that she turned and walked out the bathroom shutting the door and leaving me alone to shower.

I turned the water on hot the steam filling up the room and hoped in the shower. The water felt amazing as it ran down my back, my tense muscles relaxing due to the heat and pressure. I picked up the shampoo and began to run it through my hair washing it out and then doing it again with conditioner. As I was washing my hair I decided that if I was going to talk to anybody in this world it would be Lauren and well I'm kinda tired of not talking to at least one person. Once I was finished in the shower I wrapped a towel around my body tightly and walked out going into my room. When I walked in Lauren was sitting on the bed using her phone. She must have heard me because she looked up when I walked in and her mouth dropped.
"Sorry I just forgot clothes." I said and walked into my closet looking for comfy clothes to sleep in.
"Nah don't worry about it, it's fine." She replied and there was a pause before she spoke again. "By the way I finished cleaning and all the rubbish bags are out on the curb ready to get picked up tomorrow."
"Thanks." I said and took my clothes to the other room.

*Lauren's pov*
I'm not sure if she's realized that she was just talking to me but I'm not going to bring it up. I want to be able to hear her voice for as long as she'll allow me to hear it. I looked down at my phone when I heard it buzz.

From Dad
Your Mum and I will be gone for a few days so your home alone. No parties. I love you xx.

I sighed and slide the phone in my pocket just as Camila walked back in. She was wearing her Ed Sheeran sweater and leggings.
"What's the long sigh for?" She questioned in her soft voice. Her voice still wasn't back to the way it was after not talking for so long but at least it's something.
"My parents are going to be away for a few days so I'm going to be home alone." I said with a frown. She put on her cute letting thinking face which was a little pout and her eyebrows scrunched together.
"Well I've been living alone for a while and I've been feeling kinda lonely so... Maybe you could stay with me." She said and I looked at her shocked. I didn't expect her to invite me to stay as we are only just working stuff out again.
"Yeah. I mean you can stay in Dinah's room." She said and then looked down a little shy and whispered out. "Or mine."
"I'll sleep where ever you want me Camz." I said and looked up at her and saw her joy filled eyes. A look I hadn't seen in a while.
"Well if your into cuddling then please stay with me in my room." She said and I smiled at her.
"I'm all for that Camz."

*2 weeks later*
*Camila's pov*
I had been sitting with Lauren at lunch lately and slowly things where being put back to the way it was. Normani, Ally and I where back on speaking terms and friend terms and I was very happy. My feelings for Lauren had started coming back but did I ever voice that to her, no. I knew she still loved me as she had confessed it so many times but I just couldn't tell her.

I was sitting in the clearing of the forrest as the rain was pouring. I loved the rain and I refused to be that person that claims they love rain but always hides from it. I like the way rain felt, the smells that came with it and the way it made the earth look. Some would say the earth looked miserable but they obviously weren't looking properly. The rain made the colours of the earth stand out. The green of the trees and the ground and the blue of the ocean.

I felt a warm body sit next to me and turned to see Lauren who looked miserable.
"What's going on?" I asked her softly.
"How do you feel about me?" She asked as she turned to face me.
"I.. Um."
"What do you want from me?" She asked interrupting me.
"I don't know." I said softly and she stood up abruptly and I stood too. She tried walking away but I grabbed her hand and she spun around to face me.
"What do you want Camila!" She yelled as tears fell. "Why can't you love me again? What is stopping you." She said staring into my eyes intensely begging for a logical answer.
"Then what happened?" Camren's little voice interrupted the story and I looked up from the handwritten book Lauren and I wrote together.
"I kissed her passionately right there in the rain and told her I loved her more then life it self and that I wanted her in my life for as long as she'd let me. I now cliche." I said and messed up his hair. I didn't even need to read that part out of the book.
"What happened after that?" He asked his eyes shinning with excitement.
"I think that's enough now." My daughter Andrea-rose said picking up Camren. "It's late."
"No I'll tell him the rest of the story." I said to her and stood up taking my grandson in my arms with the book still in my grip and kissed my daughters temple softly. "I'll put him in bed and finish the story and then he can sleep." I said to Andrea-rose who just nodded in approval.
I laid Camren down on the bed and sat next to him brushing his dark brown hair out of his eyes.
"Ready for the ending?" I asked holding the book up and he nodded excited. I looked back at the book.

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