Chapter 12

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*Camila's pov*
I was sitting on an old bench in the park as the wind hit my face and my hair flew in it. I looked down the hill at the kids on the playground. It's been two weeks since Dinah's funeral and seeing her lowered into a grave killed whatever was left of me. I felt empty. The wind was hitting me at a strong force but I was so numb to the coldness of it. What did I do to deserve this? I thought back on every mistake I made. Everything that happened in my life I blamed myself for. I did this to myself.

I saw one of the kids run to a bench near the playground and jump into their mothers arms. I envied that kid so much. My mother couldn't hold me like that anymore, nobody could. That kid probably doesn't realize their luck. They have it all, and even if they've lost someone they still have others. Who do I have? I go home everyday to an empty house. It doesn't even feel like home. I go to school alone. I kind of did that last one to myself though. Pushed everyone away, stopped talking and now I'm the weird, extremely suspicious freak. The reject.

I stood up from the bench hearing a loud creak as it was barely stable anymore and made my way to a little coffee shop across the road from the playground. I could hear the sound of music getting louder as I got closer and saw the sign on the door. 'Open mic night'. Dinah loved to sing, my thoughts said. I frowned and breathed out a long breath pushing the door open when a husky voice filled my ears.
"Ok my last song I'm going to play is called 'Always Attract'." She said and then started to play a guitar and sing.
(YouTube link: )

If it hurts this much,
Then it must be love,
And it's a lottery,
I can't wait to draw your name.
Oh, I'm trying to get to you,
But time isn't on my side,
The truth's the worst I could do,
And I guess that I have lied.

Keeping me awake,
It's been like this now for days,
My heart is out at sea,
My head all over the place,
I'm losing sense of time,
And everything tastes the same,
I'll be home in a day,
I fear that's a month too late.

That night i slept,
On your side of the bed so,
It was ready when you got home,
We're like noughts and crosses in that
Opposites always attract.

You've taken me to the top,
And let me fall back south
You've had me at the top of the pile,
And then had me kissing the ground
We've heard and seen it all,
No one's talked us out,
The problems that have come
Haven't yet torn us down.

Am I keeping you awake,
If I am then just say,
You can make your own decisions,
You can make your own mistakes,
I'll live and let die
All the promises you made,
But if you lie another time,
It'll be a lie that's too late.

That night I slept,
On your side of the bed so,
It was ready when you got home,
We're like noughts and crosses in that
Opposites always attract.

And you always have your way,
For now it's too soon for you to say,
Will we be always, always?

You had your way

"Thank you." She said and looked around the cafe finally. I turned to try and avoid her gaze going to the counter. I wrote my order on a slip of paper and handed it to the cashier who just smiled and typed in my order. I walked around a little to the little section where they serve you and waited for my drink. I hadn't really looked at any of the cafe because I was terrified of Lauren seeing me. All I knew was the counter was black and had coffee bags on top if it in some spots and their was a tiny stage with a guitar,microphone and stool. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and looked back at the person only to come face to face with Lauren, her green eyes piercing into my brown. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I felt a large amount of heat through my shirt. I wondered if she was sick or something but she didn't look it.
"I saw you come in, thought I'd say hi." She said offering me a soft smile and I just stayed silent and turned around. I felt her stand next to me and look at me. "So how are you doing?" She asked trying to make convocation, which failed. "Look Camila I really miss your voice and I'd do anything to hear it again. So please speak." She begged but I ignored her and just then my name was called. I grabbed my coffee, that I really needed as I hadn't slept since Dinah passed, and walked out of the shop. I made my way to the car but felt a force pull me back a little. I turned to see Lauren again and rolled my eyes. "Please Camila, let someone in. It doesn't have to be me, but someone. I hate seeing you like this." She said and looked teary. I just looked at her as she sighed, said goodbye and left.

Another full moon as a lone wolf. Yay. I made my way to the forrest across the road as I hadn't gone in the other one since Dinah, it was to painful. I made it to the clearing and waited patiently for the transformation. Once I transformed fully my ears where pierced with loud screaming. I panicked as I recognized the in pain scream. I ran in the direction of the scream and came across a wolf, but not an ordinary wolf, another werewolf. I stared at it until I noticed a ripped shirt on the floor and instantly identified it as Lauren's. I got angry and sprinted at the wolf tackling it to the ground. It's belly facing the sky. I growled at it and heard it whimper in fear a little I went to attack it again until I saw it. Bright emerald eyes staring at me and it clicked. Lauren. I got off her and backed away slightly. I just looked at her for awhile. She had a fully black coat except for a small patch of white on her stomach and bright emerald eyes that lit up the forrest around us. 'How?' 'when?' 'bitten?' I thought in my head.

I stayed with Lauren the rest of the night until we transformed back. She looked like she was in so much pain and that's when I knew for sure that she was bitten. "Go ahead ask." Lauren said with a emotionless face. I opened my mouth but no words came out, my jaw just moved up and down making me look like an idiot. "Fine." She said letting out a breath. "I'll just tell you how it happened if you can't speak to me." She said and walked to a log taking a seat and motioned for me to do the same. I sat at the other end of the log giving us a little space. "That day in the clearing when I got you mad and then Dinah... Well ya know." She said awkwardly and coughed once. "Well when you turned I was standing to close and somehow some of your teeth managed to pierce my skin. For ages I thought that maybe you had it wrong. That Dinah maybe had it in her blood or something and you thought it was a bite, but I was the one who got it wrong. Tonight was the first time I turned and it hurt like hell but I'm glad that you where there, even if you tried to kill me." She said and smiled but I frowned looking down. 'This is all my fault' I thought and there was no denying it was the truth.

I figured that I could talk to her at least for tonight as I am the one that caused this. I cleared my throat before talking.
"Where did I bite you?" I weakly let out.
"On my stomach. It actually scared." She said looking at me like this was a dream. "And you just spoke to me."
"Yes. May I see the scar?" I asked hesitantly. She lifted her shirt a little revealing a couple decent sized teeth marks. I raised my hand and ran my fingers across them gently and I could feel her heart beating on the skin and felt her shiver a little. "Do you think this is the cause of the white patch of fur?" I asked her.
"I have a white patch of fur?" She asked excited and I nodded. "Maybe it is why then." She said and smiled at me.
"I did this to you." I whispered out. "Why do I destroy everything I touch?" I let out and tears formed and I stood up. "I..I have to go." I stuttered out and ran straight home. Once the front door shut I fell to the floor. 'I did this.' 'I destroyed everything that mattered.' I sat there on the cold floor and just cried until eventually I must have fallen asleep.

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