Chapter 4

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*Lauren's pov*
I was standing out the front of the school with Ally and Normani debating in my head wether or not to tell them about what I saw last night in the forrest near my house. I eventually decided that if I didn't tell someone it would drive me insane and tried to get the girls attention.
"Girls I need to talk to you about something." I said and saw both of them look at me.
"What's up?" They both replied.
"Yesterday night I was sitting on my porch and I heard noises in the forrest infront of my house and looked up. After a while of staring this huge wolf came into view and it would probably come up to about my chest hight if I was standing next to it. It was brown and had a dead rabbit hanging from it's mouth. Then it was just staring at me and another one stood up next to it that was of a white colour with specks of grey and nudged the other one into the bushes. They weren't normal wolves guys. They were huge and I've never seen anything like them before." I said letting everything out. The girls both broke out into laughter.
"Nice one Lauren." Normani said still chuckling.
"You almost had me there Lauren." Ally said still laughing.
"I'm not joking. I really did see them." I said frowning at them. I saw Camila in the parking lot behind Normani and she looked freaked out while staring at me. Almost like she heard me and then she turned and started having an intense convocation with her friend, whose name I haven't discovered yet.
"Lauren, who are you looking at?" Normani said turning to look at where I was and Ally doing the same before turning back to me.
"Don't get involved Lauren. They seem friendly and all but there is something off about them." Ally said looking over her shoulder. I just nodded my head and turned around entering the school. Was I really going to do what they said, no. But did they need to know that? I thought as I made my way to my locker. I pulled it open and found a note inside. I scrunched my eyes up in confusion before opening the letter.

Dear Lauren,
I know I hurt you but believe me when I say that I don't love her. It was a mistake.
I love you and I miss you. Please come back to me.
Love Brad

I scrunched up the letter and shut my locker after getting out my books walking to the bin and throwing out the letter. I wasn't going to waste my time on a player like him. He didn't deserve my time. I thought as my made my way into the art room.

"Ok class today I want you to draw something that is stuck in your head. I want you to get whatever it is out on the paper. I want you to draw something like that because I want you to connect deeply with your piece." The teacher said before walking around their desk and sitting in their seat. I stared at the blank paper for a while before my thoughts drifted to two things, Camila and the wolves. I decided to play it safe and draw the wolves as I didn't want anyone to know my thoughts of Camila. I began sketching the wolves side by side and then the forest around. As I drew I found myself being drawn to the White wolf more then the brown wolf. I wondered if it was just the way they had been drawn or something else. The brown wolf stood tall with a rabbit in it's mouth but it looked like a happy dog that you'd see around, just really tall, next to the brown wolf I had the white wolf but this time it was sitting down and looking intently towards me. It's eyes where soft but it's posture was stiff and it looked deep in thought. I got lost in my drawing for a while before I heard the bell go off. I quickly put the drawing away and made my way out of class.

I was walking down the hall when I bumped into someone falling down but they managed to stay on their feet, even though the impact was hard.
"Hey are you ok?" I heard her ask. Omg it's Camila. "Oh Lauren, hey you alright?"She asked again. I slid so I was sitting up and looked at her.
"Yeah I'm ok." I replied looking at her.
"We really need to stop bumping into each other like this." She said and I broke out into laughter. When I finished laughing she had a huge smile on her face.
"Hey can you help me up?" I asked waiting for her to hold out her hand. She looked hesitant for a moment and her friend looked like she tensed up. Weird.
"Uh.. Um ... Sure." She said nervously holding out her hand. I grabbed it and my eyes widened.
"Omg you're so hot. How are you not sweating?" I asked her. "Are you sick?" I asked her softly.
"Um." She said looking at her friend. "No I think it's just that it's really hot today." She said looking at her friend who nodded hesitantly.
"Uh ok well um I should get to class." I said and heard her reply with a yeah as her and her friend walked off and began talking again. It wasn't even hot today. It was pouring down rain outside. Something fishy is going on and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I thought as I made my way to my class. When I say down I saw my ex-boyfriend make his way to me.
"Hey Lauren..." He started but I cut him off.
"Go away Brad. We are over. O.V.E.R. Please get that through your thick skull." I said not even looking at him.
"You know what, fuck you. I tried to fix my mistake but you are to damn difficult." He said as he walked back to his desk and slumped down in his seat. The teacher came into the room and began to talk but I got lost in my thoughts.

Why was Camila so weird about helping me up? And why did her friend get all tense? What are they hiding? Why where those wolves so big? Why had I not seen those wolves in the forrest until now? Why did it seem like Camila heard me in the parking lot this morning? Should I tell the police about the wolves roaming in the woods in case it's a danger? All questions I so desperately needed and wanted the answer to and I was determined to get the answers no matter what.

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