Chapter 11

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*Camila's pov*
I was all dressed in my dip dyed purple short shorts and black singlet when I heard a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and saw Dinah in the lounge room in deep thought. I looked at her for a moment wondering what was going on when I heard a knock on the door again. I opened it and saw a smiley Lauren in light blue short shorts and a plain white shirt with a leather jacket ontop. I grabbed her hand and kissed her lips softly.
"We need to go out the back door, so come on in." I said motioning into the house. She came in and we walked to the entry of the lounge room.
"Dinah, Lauren and I are going out for a while. Will you be ok?" I asked as I noticed she only just snapped out of her trance at my voice.
"Um yeah I'll be fine Camila. Just be safe ok." She said and I nodded. I went to walk away when I heard her voice again. "Love you Mila." She said.
"Love ya too DJ." I replied and pulled Lauren through the back door. We went through the forrest and got to the clearing Dinah and I always come too. "This is a little spot that Dinah and I found when you first saw us." I said and turned to her.
"It's beautiful." She said taking it all in. I went over to the rock and pulled out a blanket I had placed behind it earlier today and laid it on the grass next to the river. I laid down on it and motioned for her to join me. She walked over and laid her head gently on my chest I twining our hands. We laid in silence for a while until her voice broke it.
"How long have you been a werewolf?"
"Since I was born." I replied still looking at the sky.
"Is that the only way you can be one?" She asked with her head still laying on my chest.
"No. You can be bitten. The only downside with being bitten is the first transformation hurts like hell. I know that because I was there when Dinah went through it. She was bitten by our opposing pack and they just left her but I found her and bought her back to my pack." I said explaining everything.
"What happened to your pack?" She asked and I tensed up. The pain coming back.
"The opposing pack that bit Dinah came after us. They ambushed us as they where jealous of the amount of land we had. Dinah and I escaped but the rest of our pack where killed." I said holding back tears.
"Is that why you moved here?"
"Yes." I said as a tear fell.
"Maybe it happened so you could meet me." She said softly but that comment made me enraged.
"Are you saying that my family and friends all died just so I could meet you and fall in love!" I yelled standing up. "Are you saying that all those memories I made and all the joy I had was all meant to just vanish when they died all so I'd move and find you!"
"No I'm not saying that at all Camila! Calm down!" Lauren yelled in a firm voice.
"Then what are you trying to say!" I growled and I new this would end bad. " and don't you dare tell me to calm down!" I growled again and she stepped towards me but I stepped back. "You know what, you are selfish!" I said and at that I felt tingles in my body.
"How dare you call me selfish!" Lauren yelled and slapped my face. I fully transformed and she got hit in the process from being to close. I looked at her with soft guilty eyes and I saw her stand up. "Camila I'm fine don't worry. I know you didn't mean that." She said softly walking towards me. I heard calls in the distance of officers and then I saw Dinah come I to view. She dived in between Lauren and I.
"Don't.touch.her." I heard Dinah growl at her but Lauren refused to back down.
"She's my girlfriend. I can't go near her if I want." Lauren said glaring at Dinah and taking a step forward but Dinah pushed her back.
"I bet you did all of this because you wanted some stupid story to tell your friends or maybe to set us up for disaster. Maybe if you didn't pry into our private lives so much none of this would be happening." Dinah growled. "You are a selfish bitch." Dinah said to Lauren earning a slap. Lauren backed away in fear as Dinah transformed and growled at her. I transformed back and hid my body behind Dinah who was standing strong infront. Just then the noise of the officers got close and I heard a gun fire and Dinah whimper. The gun went off once more Dinah whimpering again and then I heard the officers saying 'we did it' and stuff along those lines before footsteps leaving. I looked down at Dinah as she transformed back and was bleeding.
"Dinah I'm going to take you home ok. You can make this Dinah. You're going to make this." I said while sobbing to Dinah moving to lift her.
"No Camila." She said softly and grabbed my hand. "It's to late Camila. All I need you to do is listen." She said lifting her hand to my cheek as she spoke wiping my tears. "Camila I never admitted this because I wanted you to be happy and I knew it wasn't mutual but Camila I'm in love with you. I can't believe it took until I was about to die for me to say it. I love you with every fiber of my body but I held it in because I saw how Lauren made you feel and I couldn't ruin that for you. Why do you think I got so mad at her or why I wasn't very fond of her? I was jealous that she had you to hold and had you to kiss and could call you hers." She paused her eyes sliding shut and then open again. " I have been in love with you since the day we met and all I ask is that before I die I at least get one kiss from the girl who owns my heart." Dinah said and I broke down into more tears and nodded. She lifted her head up and sealed her lips with mine in a slow kiss.
"You said you'd never leave me Dinah." I whispered after we pulled away and I swallowed back some tears.
"And I won't. I'll always be in here." Dinah said pressing her hand to where my heart is. "And in the memories you have here." She said pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.
"What will I do without you Dinah?" I asked and cried more. "You're my best friend and you mean everything to me. I'll be lost without you."I said crying harder.
"You'll do what you've always done Camila. You'll still have me Camila. Not physically but that doesn't matter." She said as her breathing got short and her eyes looked empty. "We will meet again one day Camila." She said and with that she was gone, her hand slipping out of mine to the ground and just like that my world crumbled. I closed her eyes gently and kissed her forehead.
"Don't ever leave my heart Dinah." I said to her cold body and began crying again. I grabbed her lifeless hand and just held it. I felt a hand on my shoulder reminding me that someone else was still there. I stood up and turned to Lauren. "Get the fuck away from me." I spat. "This is your fault. You're the one that got curious. You're the one that told your friends. You're the one that told the station that sent the police officers that killed her and you're the one that tried so desperately to get involved in my life. So get away from me. We're done." I said and she started to cry.
"But Camila.." She started her voice shaky and I cut her off.
"It's over Lauren, leave." I said and turned back to Dinah's body lifting her up and walking away from Lauren.

Something changed in me that day. I saw someone who meant so much to me die and I pushed away the other one. The day Dinah's body got lowered into the ground and I really got hit hard with just how true it all was, I changed even more. I no longer sat with anyone at school. I no longer smiled. I no longer felt emotions for others. The most important one though was I no longer spoke. Words where not needed anymore. I had lost everything. All it was now was just memories and they tore me down day by day. I couldn't help but think that maybe I should've died with her or maybe part of me did. All I knew was nothing about my life was the same anymore. I was empty, broken and alone. What a mix.

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