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Alexina POV.

"Oh my- you managed that spell?"

"Yes. That's what I just said,"

"Alexina? What do you think?" I turned my head to the direction of Malin and Abigail.

Malin is actually a sorceress and a lot a nicer than what I expected. Her and Abigail are both lovely.

"Erm, I think its great," I smiled before standing up and heading to my room.

I have to say, the academy really do go all out. My bedroom is red, clearly they got the fire element right. Everything had already been set up for me. My bed was next to the window while my wardrobe, desk and TV are all against the wall opposite.

As I sat down on the bed, I pulled out my vibrating phone from my pocket and saw Billy's name on the screen.

"Hey Lexi,"

"What's up Billy?"

"There is a party tonight, like a new academy year."


"Well are you coming?"



"Jheez, you sound like you've just proposed,"

"Shush! Anyway. Be ready at nine."

"Bye Billy."

Ending the phone call, I threw my phone onto the bed. Taking a deep breath I opened my bedroom door and leamed against it.

I have to make friends somehow.

"Whats up Lexi?" Malin smiled as she turned her head from the current conversation she was having with Abigail.

"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" I smiled and looks of disappointment appeared on their faces.

"We don't get invited to parties," Abigail mumbled and I raised my eyebrows and frowned.

"Why not?" I asked.

"People think we're weirdo's," Malin whispered and I nodded my head, my lips pursing together.

I feel bad for them. I mean, I haven't known them for long but they seem lovely. I don't understand why people see the need to make others feel inferior.

I don't like bullies.

"Would it make a difference if I went?" I asked both girls.

"Sorry Alexina, no," Malin gulped and I smiled softly at her before pulling out my phone and finding Billy's name.

"What are you doing?" Abigail asked but I ignored her while messaging Billy.

Me: hey, won't be going to the party. Changed my mind

Billy: What!? Why?

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