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Grayson POV

Is she for real?

I hope she is joking?

I just got blanked when asking Alexina out on a date.

Does she realise that any girl would kill to be in the position that she was just in?

Am I aware that I currently sound like a dick?


Am I aware that I should stop?


Can I help it?


I can't believe she didn't answer me.

Here I am thinking that she would have been jumping up and down with joy.

I really did think that Alexina liked me. I see the way she looks at me and smiles anytime I come into the room or she sees me and I know for a fact that she loved that kiss as much as I did.

I've never kissed lips so soft and tender in my whole eighteen years of living.

Strolling out of her dorm, TJ followed me along with Connor. Their faces told me that they found this hilarious.

Its not funny at all.

I do not find this funny at all.

"What happened Grayson?" Connor asked as we walked into the boys dormitory building.

"Why would you ask him that? He has clearly been turned down and doesn't want to talk about it," TJ spoke but I can hear the humour in his voice.

"Grayson Melvin? Rejected who would have thought we'd live to see the day?" Connor cackled and I threw him a glare before bursting through our dormitory door and threw my keys onto the table.

"Nah, seriously though G. What happened?" TJ asked as he sat down on the opposite couch from me.

Connor leaned on the table, his eyes filled with amusment at my current scenario.

He folded his arms and crossed one leg over the other while containing his grin.

"I got rejected." I answered and both boys laughed hysterically. "Not funny."

"In all seriousness dude, did Lexi say no or just not speak?" Connor asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Does it matter?" I questioned him back and he nodded his head.

Why does it matter? I got rejected. Bottom line. She just doesn't like me..

"With Lexi it does. Did she answer or did she not speak?"

"She didn't speak."

"You're an idiot."

"What?" TJ chuckled. "Why is he the idiot?"

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