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Alexina POV

I finished the food that the boys had ordered.

Malin and Abigail have been talking amongst themselves once I handed them the book back.

Billy has been sure to interrupt me and Grayson every time we try and have a converstaion.

TJ and Connor have been arguing while Hudson has been watching it all go down with a smile on his face.

"Lexi, your phone!" Malin called out as she threw my phone to me.

Catching it effortlessly, I stood up and answered the call from ny mum.

I headed to my bedroom before speaking.

"Hey mum,"

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Xavier informed me and your father on what's happened. Is it true?"

"Is what true mum?"

"About you and the Melvin boy?"

"Would there be a problem if it was?"

"No no, you can do whatever you like sweetie. I'd rather you date a vamp then a wizard. That damn Zinapoli family are pushing my buttons."

"What now?"

"I know they have something to do with Bennett and this damn crystal. Do you think that Alexandor has something to do with it? Hence why you spoke to him today?"

"Yeah. I don't trust him. He is in the picture of the Lake Rivera Massacre mum. Standing proudly, not showing an ounce of guilt. And Professor Liani, something is up with her too."

"Ria Liani? A few people have said she is an odd one. What has she been doing?"

"Just being weird. Asking if merging would cause destruction and things that just don't make sense. But TJ did say that she is always asking students about the laws within their magical abilities."

"This is so messed up kiddo. If Xavier and us as parents knew sending you to this academy would cause problems, we wouldn't have sent you."

"Its okay mum. Its nothing I can't handle."

"How is your sleep?"

"The usual. I'm just trying to get some whenever I can. Its just with all of this going on and I'm constantly worrying about Abigail and Malin-"

"They aren't your problem Alexina."

"I know but I just worry."

ALISTAIR ACADEMY: THE CRYSTAL OF HAVEN.Where stories live. Discover now