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Grayson POV

Bennett was Lexi's twin.




"What do you mean was?" I asked and Connor shook his head.

"I've said too much already. Lexi will kill me." He sighed and I shook my head.

"Just tell her we forced you into it. No biggie." TJ stated before leaning forward and placing his hand on Connor's shoulder. "What happened?"

This must be something bad for Connor to keep it a secret. His whole demeanor has changed since we mentioned Bennett's name.

"Bennett was murdered. They say it was an accident but deep down... I know it was deliberate. We don't know how it happened, one minute we were all planning on what to do for Hudson's birthday, the next he was gone. He never came back, his body was found in Lake Rivera." Connor wiped away a tear that slipped down his cheek.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen anybody of elemental nature cry. I've said it before, its not in their nature to show fear, to show weakness yet these four seem to be living with trust issues, anger and sadness.

"They were so close. Inseparable. We all are. I was closer with Bennett and Lexi while Hudson and Billy were closer. When he died, Lexi didn't speak to anyone for months. Not even her own parents." Connor croaked, the tears were pouring continuously now. "They said there was no trace of supernatural magic on him but we know otherwise. Our familes found out that wizarding magic was behind it."

"Wizarding magic can't fight against Elemental magic can it? Thats how its been for centuries," TJ whispered.

"I don't even know anymore. They found out that the Zinapanini family have something to do withs whats happened-"

"That's why Alexina told me-"

"To mention Bennett to Lucian? Yeah we heard your converstaion with him. Thanks for standing up for us by the way. I think it made Lexi like you," Connor wriggled his eyebrows. His face still damp but his usual smile on his face now.

A smirk played on my lips when he mentioned Alexina liking me, TJ laughed while I ran a hand through my hair.

Why wouldn't she like me? I'm sexy as hell.

Alexina is one crafty lady.

She knew all along. I think they all knew.

I thought Bennett was an ex-boyfriend or a very close friend they had but I was wrong. Alexina's twin brother was murdered. That's a peice of herself that she will never get back.

Everybody thinks that these four elements are rude, ignorant and big-headed. They are the complete opposite.

They lost someone that they shared an incredible bond with. Someone that they never imagined living their life without.

"Don't try and tell me you don't like her Grayson. I've seen the way you both look at each other. Lexi hides it better but not enough. Whether you guys know it or not. There is something there." Connor winked as he stood up, his eyes looking tired as he rubbed them.

Reaching his door, Connor geustured to his own phone and TJ shot him a confused look.

"If you can Grayson. Call Lexi. I have a feeling she will answer you."

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