chapter - 17

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"Here, eat some more." Jimin said after serving Yoongi a plate full of bibimbap. Yoongi was stuffing his mouth with food quickly, because he's getting late for his office. Jimin stopped him when he left the table to departure, and said "Have some milk at least, you'll become weak, hyung."

"Jiminah, after what happened in bed last night, you think I can become weak this easily?" Yoongi winked and booped Jimin's nose with his. Jimin smiled shyly and lightly hit him with his paw. Yoongi held his hand and pulled him in a hug but they both moved away from each other instantly when Jungkook came out of his room.

"Jiminie hyung, just put something on my plate, quick, I'm getting late." Jungkook said while buttoning up his white shirt.

"Hey, I told you to take the day off, where are you going now?" Yoongi asked him.

"Hyung, I have a mission to do, did you forget what the chief said?" Jungkook said while gulping some food. "I don't want to go Jeju island."

"But you said you're tired," Yoongi came closer to him and put his hand on Jungkook's head, "are you sure you can handle pressures?"

"Of course, don't worry." Jungkook assured his senior and put a fried egg in his mouth in one go.

"Ok buddy, I'm waiting for you in the parking, just eat slowly, huh." Yoongi patted Jungkook's head, took his car keys and went out.

"Is it because of him?" Jimin asked Jungkook, pointing at Tae, who just came out of their room. "You don't want to go anywhere because of him, right?" Jimin smiled cunningly.

"Hyung how did you know about us?" Jungkook put down his glass of milk and rested his eyes on his brother's.

"You were being obviously predictable since the last two days. How could I not notice?" Jimin smiled and gestured him that he's getting late. Jungkook just nodded in response and quickly released from there. "Come here Tae, let's eat together." Jimin called Tae and started arranging their plates.

"Sir, these are the post mortem reports of 9/11 bomb explosion case." Jungkook handed Yoongi a thick case file and then started describing the case, "There are some weird things misleading the case, I just found out today. First look at page number two," Jungkook was sitting across Yoongi in his cabin.

"Oh! Finally the reports came." Yoongi said with a sigh and opened up to see what was hidden under those pages.

"The female body we found is not matching with the description given by that guest house owner. According to postmortem, the accurate body height is one point six seven meter but as the owner of the guest house said it was approximately one point five six meters. I think the owner was lying." Jungkook paused for some moments, then continued, "suppose, he wasn't lying then how can a person change overnight?

"Are you suspecting him?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, but not fully. All of this happened at his place, this can go against him or can save him." Jungkook said in a serious voice. When Yoongi asked him why, he started explaining, "I've checked his whole background. He was inhabiting that building, over fifty years. It was built by his father,  so it was a matter of emotional to him.Nobody wishes their house to be destroyed easily unless one has reached their bottom limit of poverty."

"He was not that poor, I checked his register. The building was old but he had some old guests who visit there from time to time." Yoongi told him the information he collected.

"I know sir, please go into the fifth page," Jungkook showed his senior a photograph of a burnt revolver. "Can you recognize this? It says, made in Thailand."

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