Chapter - 27

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In that previous afternoon~

"Minho, use a private number to call the Jung organization and fix an appointment. Jungkook and Taemin, arrange some fake money to bemuse them." Min Yoongi said, while he was getting up from the chair.

"Sir, can't we just penetrate into the mansion with our entire force?" Taemin, a newly recruited police officer asked him.

"No, Taemin, we're not sure if Jung Sonbeok was living there or not. Entire force means more people will know about it and we can't trust many people in this. What if Sonbeok get alerted and leave the house or just hide into some secret tunnel." Yoongi explained.

"Now I get it sir. Just hope we can catch him tonight." Taemin saluted and left the room.

"Sir, I should call the Jung organization now. See you after an hour." Minho followed Taemin after showing his formal homage.

"Jungkook, I have some important things to discuss with the commissioner." Yoongi said when he went out of his office.

"I'm going to take a nap, couldn't sleep very well in the flight, call me if you need anything, ok?" Jungkook yawned lazily as the mention of some sleep.

"Go on buddy, I will call you after an hour." Yoongi gave a light push on Jungkook's shoulder when they were parting ways in the corridor. He went straight to the Commissioner's office and knocked twice.

"Yeah, Officer Min, please come in." Jeon Sewook called him from his chair. "I was just talking with Mr President, a few minutes ago. Here take a seat."

"Sir, we're going to enter the Jung organization's office tonight. Here is our plan, please look." Yoongi forwarded the blueprint and the drone-cam pictures to the head of the Seoul police and explained their plan in detail.

"Good but it is very risky. Do you have any other back up plans?" The commissioner asked him after placing those papers on his table.

"I was thinking that we shouldn't involve many people at first, if our plan fails by chance, our swat team will attack the building after an hour." Yoongi sighed, the man sitting across the table, could sense the slight hesitation in his voice.

"Alright, all the best to you and the team. One more thing, please guide Jungkook well, he's still learning." Sewook said with his same old brisk, businesslike seriousness. Yoongi assured him with a smile, thanked him and got up from his chair to go but Sewook stopped him. "Officer Min, can I have some of your time, only if you don't have any work to do now."

"Of course sir, I was going to take some time off before getting ready for our mission." Yoongi replied politely as he settled down on the chair again.

"Uh, it's about, what to say-" Sewook hesitated a bit before coming to the point. Yoongi paid full attention to his commissioner. After a heavy breath Sewook started again from the beginning, "Yoongi, your dad and I, are best friends since our college days. When we were raising our children, we sometimes bring this topic occasionally that if we become in laws someday, it would be a fabulous thing."

"Oh! Really? I'm agreeing with you sir, it is a very good thought." Yoongi's face lit up instantly. The thought of getting married to the Jeon family was like a dream came true for him.

"Yes but now that your dad is no more, I want to ask you this." Sewook paused to take a deep breath, then said, "I'm talking about Jimin. As you know he's my stepson but I raised him as my own son. He's almost 26 now, so I'm thinking about his marriage."

'Oh my gosh! Am I dreaming, somebody please pinch me.' Yoongi thought. He wanted to jump on the spot and twerk on the table but the serious face of Mr commissioner brought him back to reality. He cleared his throat and spoke without showing any excitement, "Sir I also think Jimin should date someone."

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