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Warning: Chapter contains Sexual Assault and topics of assault. I will try not to be really detailed. I am not trying to trigger anyone, and If you are uncomfortable at all don't continue.

Author POV (Still Namjoon Telling the story)

"He stared at me, I couldn't see his eyes since mine were closed. But I could tell he was it gave me the same feeling when he would stare at me on dates. Neither of us said anything, I was afraid of what would happen if I did.

But I took a chance so I a deep breathe and opened my eyes, and when I did his face. It was like I was looking at a person I barely knew. But I couldn't let that stop me, he basically kidnapped me and Cheated on me.

I wanted to be away from him as fast as I could. So I went to talk to him but as I opened my mouth. He....He started laughing, like what was happening was funny. He pushed back to the passenger said and let go of my hair.

He kept laughing and by that time he finished I was practicality hugging the door. After he turned and looked at me. He started moving toward me, and I flinched scared of what he would do.

"Woo what- what are you doing", I asked him, and I was shaking while asking.

He didn't answer he just stared at me in the face. Then he moved his hand to my face and caressed my cheek. I moved my face away, I remember repeating in my head that I wanted nothing to do with him. He obviously didn't catch my drift.

So I pushed his hand away and this time I laughed. All I wanted was to spend time with my friends and have a loving boyfriend but I couldn't have that. He just had to ruin all things good. So I turned and looked at him, and I slapped him, and man it felt good.

"What the Hell are you doing. You don't get to touch me, have me, love me. You cheated on me, made me feel like the bad guy constantly. Then kidnap me from my friends cause what?", I said trying not to scream.

His head was still in the direction I slapped him. After a minute I pushed back to his seat, his head was down. It was like he was-I don't know in a trance. I looked at him waited for him to say something, but he didn't he stayed their with his head down.

I sighed looked at him and said, "Look it was a wonderful 6 months, but I think this is where it ends. I'm not the bad guy, you are. I'm sorry, please don't contact me or my friends. Don't look for me, were over."

He said nothing. Looking away from him I said my last goodbye and unlock the door to leave. And just when I open the door to get out, a hand grips my wrist. I look at Gunwoo and I hear him mumble some.

"What was that woo, I couldn't hear you?", I asked

He brought his head up and looked at me with a blank expression. And the words that come out of his mouth next. Well at the time was scary, thinking of it now it felt like a fan fiction movie villain.

"I'm the bad guy, fine I'll show you a bad guy"

I was confused buy what he meant and I thought he was just being dramatic. So I ignored him and tried to get out of the car. But he still had my wrist so I tried pulling my wrist from his grip. And as soon as I did he pulled me back harder.

I turned to him to get him to let go of my wrist, but when I turned around his face was already in front me. I was surprised by his face already but then....he kissed me. I didn't kiss back I just sat their in shock.

He didn't like that and pulled my head into the kiss more. When he did that I finally came back to my senses. I started pushing him away trying to stop him, but he was bigger then me. He pulled my body closer to his.

That gave him the chance to close the door. When I heard the door close I remember my mind and body screaming in fear. When were dating we had only gotten as far as make outs maybe a few hand-jobs or blowjobs.

After constant pushing and pushing he let go of me. But before I could say anything he leaned my chair back and far as it could. At that moment I started hoping that I was just over thinking and he wasn't gonna try too...and well.

I was wrong, oh boy was I wrong. I tried sitting up, but he pushed my body down and he got on top of me. I was begging him to get off of me, I kept pushing him and pushing. But he pinned my hands down.", Namjoon stopped trying to hold back the tears that already fell from his eyes.

Jimin and Jungkook immediately went to Namjoons side to comfort him. They hugged him and held his hands. The rest let them have their space, they were in their own thoughts anyway. After a while Joon calmed down some

"I'm sorry for suddenly crying and stopping the story.", Joon said with a sad smile

"Love you have nothing to apologize for. We understand and as we said don't push yourself and if you can't continue we understand.", Hoseok said with a caring smile.

"Thank you and I can finish the story, well at least my part", Joon said.

They nodded their heads as a understanding sign. Joon took a sip of his drink before he got ready to finish his side of the story.

"He was on top of me and he started kissing me from my lips to my neck and down. I was begging him to stop. But..he didn't I was crying and crying. He just keep going and going, his hands started roaming my body.

Touching what is supposed to be the untouchable. He put his hands under my shirt and then. ......He started making his way to my pants, and I wanna scream at the top of my lungs to stop. But all that can come out is tears.

His hand started to unbutton my pants and I start moving even more and squirming to stop him. But it was no use I was stuck and he was to strong. He got all of the buttons on my pants undone and slip his hand into my underwear.

Luckily it seemed like I had faith on my side just a little bit. I could move one of my legs and with all the strength I could and I kneed him in the balls. He fell over and I took that chance to push him full off me.

He didn't lock the door back so it was no problem when I opened the door. I immediately took off running. I could hear him calling for me, but I didn't look back. I keep running and running tears running down my face as I did.

I don't know how long I ran for but I didn't care I was away from him and I was happy enough with that. I walked to catch my breath when I saw a convince store. I walked in and nearly collapsed.

Thankfully the cashier came and saw how i looked and helped me. And that's how I met Jackson Wang (TEAM WANG). He gave me some water and let me use the employ bathroom to clean myself up.

After I asked to use his phone to call Jimin and he let me. Luckily Jimin was up and he had Jungkook with him. I told them where I was and they were on the way to get. Me and Jackson talked until they were here.

I remember Jackson was telling me a funny story to cheer me up when the door was slammed open. And standing their was Jimin and Jungkook, they came running at me and crushed me in a hug.

After I said bye to Jackson we walked to the car and we went back to Jimins. They asked me what happened and of course I wanted to tell them but I just start crying. They immediately comforted me until I fell asleep.", Joon said squeezing Jungkooks hand.

"That's my part of the story at least for right now.", Joon said with a small smile.

"Thank you for telling us.", Yoongi said.

"Oh its no problem you were bound to find out sometime soon anyway"

"Well I think it's my turn now huh", Jungkook said

"How about we get something to eat and refill our drinks before we continue."

"I think that's a good Idea, plus it will give Joonie a break and time to calm down a little", Jin said while getting up.

"Same thing like last time. And I'll grab some bagels and cream cheese hm.", Jin said with a smile.

They all agreed and let Jin get the drinks and food.

Hey guys I changed Jungkook telling the next part of the story instead of Jimin. So it'll be Jungkook for now, sorry to confuse you and tell you it was Jungkook My notes got scrambled. 

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