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Author POV (trigger warning chapter will have rape)

"Well I guess I'm the only one to explain what Jungkook meant. Theirs no need for me to sugar coat nor drag it on so I will tell you how it was and what happened(author being lazy). We were stuck in the house for weeks. 

And we were tired and bored we only went out if we had to get groceries or it involved with school. While I was bored I was more scared of our safety that is why I put up with it. But I guess I had more patience and the most mental strength.", Jimin said with a warm smile. 

His gaze switching to Joon and Jungkook who's heads were down. Their hands still wiping their tears, Jimin grabs their hands and holds them. His smile never leaving his face as he keeps talking. It's almost like he was telling them to its not their fault with out saying the words. 

"Joon and Jungkook wanted to go out and do something but I refused and didn't allow it. We fought about it for days until. I finally gave in and said fine that they could go some where for a little while. 

The day after that they got ready to go out they were going to movie, and of course they asked me to come but I choose to stay home. Now knowing what was going to happen I should have went to the movie. 

After they left for the movie and me making sure they had what they needed. They were off, I went to my room to work on some work that needed to be done. I had my headphones in so I didn't hear the the front door open. 

I was so focused that I let my guard down, I mean I was in my house but I shouldn't have. He-.....Gunwoo was in the house and stood behind me watching me do my work for who knows how long. 

He never stopped watching us he didn't quit he just got smarter. He waited until we had our guard down and chose to strike, sadly I was the victim. He grab me from behind his had on my mouth and a knife to my throat. 

He whispered into my ear saying how I should have been more carful and that the police can't help me. He threw me out my chair and of course I fought back, I was able to land a few hits on him ,but he landed more on me.  


He  was able to throw me onto my bed and he pinned me down with one hand. Then he started feeling on my clothes and putting his mouth on my neck. I can still feel the his teeth biting down to the point he drew blood. 

I keep fighting back and screaming for him to stop but he didn't I would just hit me and continue. He ripped my clothes of me and I keep trying to get away but I wasn't as lucky. He....he gripped my legs lifting them up above my head. 

Then pulled his pants down and...he held my legs in place and tried to get me to stop moving, but I didn't stop. He...pushed himself inside me ripping my walls apart. I was screaming so loud and crying for help.(lol this reminded me of the killing stalking rain scene)

But I guess suddenly everyone is deaf or my house is sound proof cause no matter how loud I was no one came to save me. He keep thrusting in and out each thrust becoming rougher and sloppy. 

It felt like it went on for an hour but it was no more then probably an hour. He finally finished himself inside me, he watched as I tried to cover myself. Then chuckled before leaving soon after that. Joon and Kook came back home a little after that. 


I didn't get up from the position so when they saw me they kind asked what's wrong and what happened. But everything they came near me I backed away, it wasn't that I was afraid of them. But just the thought of a another humans skin touching my own, made me afraid.

 It took 20-30 minutes between me crying and backing away from them to figure out what was wrong. They called the police and they came and did some test and took the the mess he left behind in a tube for DNA. 

I took a shower and Joon and Kook sat in my room waiting for me just incase something happens. After that it went like that for months, Joon and kook would watch me and make sure I was alive. 

I would have nightmares, never leave my room, would barely eat anything. Joon and Kook never asked to go out again after that, and to this day I'm still reassuring them that it isn't their fault. I stayed like that for a while. 

Until I saw that what I was doing was taking a toll on me and the ones I love I chose at that moment to Seek professional help in getting better and Joon Supported the idea since I was going and we were able to convince Kook to take a few. 

Though it sound like  nice happy ending it wasn't that nice, while therapy was happening we waited for the police to catch woo, but they never did. It was like they stopped looking after 22 days. 

He went missing but not before leavening a note to us three. And the note said, "The police won't find me . I've went MIA, but that doesn't mean I'm gone I will always be watching my three favorite play dolls."

We choice not to give the police the notes cause we doubt it would do them any good since they weren't even trying. But that's the story of how we met Gunwoo and How we wish he was dead but he's not."

Jimin finishes the story and takes a sip of his drink. Joon and Kooks head are already leaning on his shoulder as they look at the 4 boys sitting across from them. They still held onto each other, Joon and Kook still had tears in their eyes but not as much as earlier. 

 They sit in silence waiting for of the 4 boys to speak their mind. After a few more minutes in silent Yoongi fixes himself in his chair, clears his throat, and looks at each of the boys in the eyes before speaking. 

"Well to start off I would like to thank you for telling us this story I'm sure it was hard thing to do and to push your self to tell us especially since you don't know us that well." 

Jimin smiled at yoongi before saying, "It is no problem at all. To be honest we told you because we wanna get to know you well and for those of us not in a relationship yet.". They look at Namjoon who hid himself in Jimins shoulder embarrassed. 

"We want you see and know the dark side of us and if we don't exactly act like the prefect partner or open up like that. Hold hands with you of kiss you like normal partners immediately with you know why. We have been to therapy for what happened but it sill effects us." 

Jin was the one to speak up know, "We understand what you mean and even if we didn't know we wouldn't blame that on you. People go at their own pace and we respect that. When me and Hobi decided to date Joon he tried to warn us that it wouldn't be a good idea and tell us that he isn't as fast paced as us. 

But we didn't care and when we first met he as shy always tensed up when gave him hugs or held his hand. Now its a litter easier but we understand that skin ship is gonna be hard and we respect you for that. We are also glad you got therapy, if you didn't we probably would have made you." Jin finished with a warm smile. 

The 3 boys looked at each other smiled and looked back at the 4 boys in front of them with the smiles. The 4 for boys returned the smiles and at that moment it seem like everything stopped around them and they knew they were gonna be together forever. 

"Oh yea Yoongi, didn't you say that you had something you had to tell us", Jimin said with a smile. That sentence brought the 4 boys into the crushing reality they had to face. Let's hope that it ends well. 

I CAN NOT THANK Y'ALL ENOUGH FOR 1.7K LIKE I WAS SCREACHING. But being serious serious thank you so so so much for reading this book like Genuinely thank you. I hope you have a great day and remember you are loved and safe over here.

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