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Authors POV 

"Oh umm", Yoongi clears his throat fixing himself in his chair. He looks at the 3 other boys beside him but they were already looking at him. They didn't say a word but they were talking with their eyes. 

Jimin, Joon, and Kook didn't mind since it gave them time to fix themselves up. Yoongi sighed before putting his head down and the rest smiling in victory. Yoongi lifted his head up and looked around the restaurant. 

It was fairly empty but not completely, with another sigh. Yoongi pulled out his phone sending a text out. 10 minutes later 3 cars pulled up with buff men with tattoo, some stood outside the rest came inside and stood place. 

"Jin, clear out the place", Yoongi starts. Jin signals and heads to the tables with people asking them to leave. Then to the staff letting them off early. After e comes back and lefts Yoongi know he finished. 

"Hoseok and Taehyung, make sure the doors are locked as well as the windows and close the curtains." 

"On it boss", The say at the same time. Yoongi then signals a big guy that was waiting behind them to come closer and tell him. 

"Make sure that know one gets in the restaurant and that no one can hear the conversation understand." 

"Understood boss", The man walks away to tell the rest of the body guards. 

By now Hoseok and Taehyung are back in their seat waiting patiently. Jimin, Joon, and Kook watch in confusion as well as awe at how smooth everything came together. To them it was almost out of a movie. 

Yoongi turns back to the 3 in front of him and starts talking. 

"I sorry about that I'm sure your confused and have many questions." 

The 3 boys shake their heads yes, but let yoongi finish speaking. 

"To but it bluntly we are a mafia." 

Silence fills the restaurant as the 3 boys stare at the men in front of them who stare at them in seriousness. 

"EXUSE ME", All three of them said. 

"We are a Mafia and not just any mafia the biggest one in South Korea." 

The 3 look at him as though he had said they were pregnant with triplets. They closed and opened their mouths like fish before they look at each other. Then hell breaks loose as they start screaming at each other and questioning "How The Flip Flap Fuck did this happen". 

After a few minutes Yoongi clears his throat and the men stop and look at yoongi, he just raises a brow that says may I finish speaking. They closes their mouth and motions for him to continue. 

"As I was saying We are Black Swan Mafia. I'm sure you have heard about us and heard to stay away from us." 

The 3 shake their as a yes they have heard and to continue. 

"I'm sure you have questions and we will answer them and I want you to know that what we are doing is a big deal and a dangerous one so don't take this lightly. You may ask your questions."

The 3 look at each other then back at them before back at each other.

"Um this is a lot we do have questions its just umm give us a minute.", Joon says with a smile. 

"Of course take your time", Yoongi says. 

Silence fills the restaurant as the 3 boys try to mentally process what they've been told. But some breaks the silence with a question they have been thinking, but afraid to ask. 

"You said that you will answer any question we have right?", Jungkook asked looking at Yoongi. 

Yoongi looks Jungkook in the eyes as he answers, "Yes any Question." 

"Who is the Notorious leader of Black Swan", Jungkook ask not breaking contact. 

Gasp fill the air as everyone looks at the young man who asked looks unafraid. 

"Kook!", Joon exclaims. 

"Jungkook!", Jimin exclaims. 

"What! He said he would answer any question we had and all three of us were thinking it. I wanna know who the man that has put fear in everyone is. For all we know it could be a friend.". Jungkook says with dedication. 

"Jungkook you do that once you know their is no going back. He has keep himself secrets for a reason. This is your chance to back out.", Yoongi said with seriousness in voice. 

Jungkook looks at Joon and Jimin who are staring at him then looks at taehyung who has keep his eyes on Jungkook from the beginning. In that moment he made his choice and he knows he won't regret it. 

"I want to know, I don't care about you guys being in the mafia I'm here to stay. Plus you guys know my dark story." 

"I see, Okay then-" 

"Actually I think Kook meant We want to know and We don't care about the mafia thing." Jimin said grabbing Joon and Kooks hands again. 

"I see...Well I'm glad that you came to the choice together. I will tell you who leads Black Swan.", Yoongi says 

In this moment it may seem like a non big deal but it was really huge deal. They say the leader of Black Swan is one of the hardest people to find any information about. As well as they have killed every person that has seen their face. 

They have the police rapped around their pinky as well as have most of Seoul under their control. Many gangs have tried to get some information on who the mysterious man is. Some have made it and found out, but they died before they could tell anyone. 

So finding out who the leader is, is kind of like signing a contract to part of the mafia that is if you want to live. It's not something to take lightly, it's told not even some of the mafia members know who their boss is.

"The Leader of Black Swan is...Me", Yoongi says with a smirk. 

The 3 boys look at him with wide eyes then look to Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung for conformation. They nod their heads yes and the said boys who ask fall back into their chair in confusion. Joon and Jungkook soon get the same idea and look at Jimin. 

Who looks like a ghost and then they start laughing. The other five look at them in worried and confused. Then the reality hits Jimin at what their laughing at and he starts hitting them to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry for them laughing their stupid", Jimin said with a smile. 

"Excuse you speak for your self.", Jungkook said with sass in his voice. 

"Bitch-", Jimin starts, but is cut off before he can cuss out Jungkook. 

"Gentlemen lets not fight right here hmm", Jin says calmly. 

The 2 look at Jin then at each other before apologizing and going back to the topic at hand. From the outside it looks like the three are taking the information lightly but serious. However on the inside they are screaming inn fear. 

Because they don't know what the fuck they are gonna be now! 

Um..Chile....Anyways, Fuck Jason Derulo Didn't like him in the first place. Stream Blueberry Eyes. 

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