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Authors POV (Jungkook still telling the story)Warning this getting explicit, close to rape. Don't trigger yourself

"I walked into the ally way, and I didn't feel anything off. But then as I was walking I didn't see a figure approach me. Next thing I know I was pulled against the wall hands pinned. I was caught off guard and as I was about to scream. 

My mouth was covered it was dark some so I couldn't fully see the person holding me face. But their was someone else and that was Gunwoo. He started talking mocking me saying, how we should have listen to what Joon said. 

And I was so focused on Woo that I forgot the other male, it wasn't until. I felt the hand on my mouth move to my thigh, I went to move his hand but remember my hands are pinned. I start moving around frantically trying to get this mans hand of me. 

But I wasn't strong enough, he started moving his hand rubbing my thighs looking at me as if I'm a damsel. I was crying looking to woo as if he would suddenly repent and help me. I was wrong of course he looked me in the eyes and smiled. 

If I wasn't crying before I was now, the mans hand started moving up toward my crotch. One of his hand pinning my hands to the wall, the other rubbing my crotch. Me, well i'm crying and begging to be let go. 

The man stopped rubbing my crotch through my clothes and I'm thinking their done. Oh no, he started unbuttoning my pants. I was crying so so much, trying to wiggle out anyway I could but I couldn't. 

I was so busy crying that I didn't realize the Woo was recording and taking pictures. He started pulling my pants down to my feet. Then-", Jungkook stop choking on his words. Jimin and Joon hold and squeeze his hands. 

He breathes in and out and starts talking once again. 

"Then he turned me to the wall and where they could see my ass. He grabs my ass and starts saying sweet nothing that only me feel dirtier and dirtier. I was praying for something to happen, for someone to come through the ally way. 

I could hear a belt unbuckle and pants fall to the ground, hands grip my underwear and pull them down. Lord knows I am practically screaming for them to stop, and for a minute it seemed like my prayers were answered. 

Someone came walking into ally way and heard me screaming. He threaten to call the police and pulled his phone out to show he wasn't lying. I couldn't see woo face but I could tell he was angry. 

He gripped my hair and said that I was lucky to get away this time, next time I won't be lucky. After that him and his friend left me and the stranger, they came over and were trying to help me. 

I was blinded by tears and I wouldn't let him near me. He gave me his jacket and let me use it to cover my self and comforted me from a far until I was calm enough to get back dressed. Once I did he told me his name. 

And that's how I met Kim Yugyeom. I told him my name and he thankfully didn't ask much questions and walked me to the station. Jimin and Namjoon immediately jumped when they saw me. 

Asking what happened and I couldn't say anything. It was like my mouth was sew shut I started crying again and apologizing for being late. I could tell Joon and Jimin were taken back but none the less held me until I stopped. 

When I did I remembered Yugyeom I went to turn to him to thanked him and gave him his jacket he was gone. A officer came up and asked us what was wrong and if we were ready to talk. We went with the officer and we told him what was happening. 

And of course they wondered why we didn't tell sooner and Joon told them the truth. Then they asked if Woo has tried to hurt me and Jimin, and while Jimin said no. I was quiet I open and closed my mouth like I was a fish. 

The officer reassured me that they would catch him and he will go away. And that what pushed me to speak. And i told him everything that happened before I got here. Lucky Joon had a picture of woo to give to the police. 

From the way the police officers face went when Joon showed him the picture didn't exactly give us a good sign. When we asked him whats wrong and he told us that they were already looking for him. 

In the officers words "THAT BASTARD, look we were already looking for him. He's been charged with association to a gang and this just add to the cake!". We were shocked to hear that he was in a gang. 

But just a little somethings made since and to this day I wish it didn't. After listening to the officer and answering some more questions we left and went home. I'm not sure what Joon and Jimin were thinking or feeling at the time. 

But I think I can say around the same thing I was feeling. The feeling of anger, despair, and lost, I mean we were attacked by someone that murdered someone and I'm sure if we asked him he would brag. 

And that made me sick to my stomach, after a while though the idea doesn't faze me and I'm okay with death and the gang thing. As long I'm not told and I don't see it, I'm not sure about Joon or Jimin. 

I know its a weird thing to say but you never know and well since then we aren't exactly left alone and from the gang world. But, we'll get into that later, after the police chat we were told to be care and to not leave the house so often. 

And of course we listened but from this point of view it didn't seem like that was enough, because. Because he still got to us no matter what we did he got to us, and when when we got distracted. 

The one time we weren't together he striked and hurt the someone who we thought was safe.", Jungkook finished with his head down and tears streaming down once again.

Joon and Jimin by his side and comforting him, from the others eyes it seemed like they were reliving those moments. They were scared of their reaction to when it was their time to talk but they knew that if they loved and wanted to be with these 3 boys they had to tell them. 

They just hopped that they got an good reaction but they knew their was more to the story before they even got the chance to talk their was an ending to the story and they were about to find it out. 

"Well I guess I'm the only one left. Huh, well my side isn't that long but well it hold as much pain.", Jimin said with a small smile

GOOD GOD this took forever to write but here you go I hope you liked it and the next chapter will be better and will finally be the ending to this shit show of Gunwoo backstory. Have a nice day Y'all!

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