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I decided to continue writing the book and writing the fan fictions I will write in the future.  And if you have some ships then let me know. And not to care about other people's opinion and plus I highly doubt this will become really popular book. Also Um, i'm thinking of putting smut(not rape) in the book if you would like it then let me know. Now on to the story

Author POV (Jungkook is the one telling story)

After a few minutes Jin came back with the drinks and bagels. They ate in silence some afraid of the rest of the story, some angry at that the Assaulter, and some just tired of all the sad memories. 

After they eat they get comfortable enough to listen to the story. Then turned their attention to Jungkook who still seemed to be in his thought. Jimin shook him and Jungkook flinched from the sudden motion.

He realized he was supposed to be talking.Putting down his drink he looked at everyone and cleared his throat and started talking. 

"Okay, my side of the story isn't as long but it is as bad. So when all of this went down Joon was 16 and Woo was 19. Jimin and I were 15 we skipped a grade so that's how we were in the 11th grade. 

When what happened to me happened Joon was 17 and Jimin and I were 16. But we'll get to that in a minute. I'm gonna start where Joon left off. After Joon feel asleep me and Jimin did as well. 

We woke up in the middle of the night to Joon crying. We obviously comforted him until we could get him back to sleep. It went on like that for a week, since Joon was to scared to be home with out someone. 

Which we had no problem with it since we do it all the time. After a week we sat Joon down and asked what happened and thankfully he told us. To say we were angry was an understatement we were furious. 

But we didn't do anything cause Joon asked us not too and well cause we didn't look good in orange. Joon went to school soon after that we stayed together and did what we could to help. And slowly he was getting better. 

We had gave him his phone back as well cause in school we couldn't always be together. And we were doing well for about a month, Joon never went back to the library and we were able to convince him to go to a counselor that wasn't that expensive. 

But because we can never seem to be left alone. Gunwoo showed back up again, as it turned out he would go to the library and wait for Joon. And that went on for about 2 weeks. After a while he figured out Joon wasn't coming back. 

He decided to find him and that's when he started following Joon around basically stalking for about 3 weeks. But stalking wasn't all he did with in those 3 weeks he tried contacting Joon through phone calls and text. 

Thankfully we already blocked his number but that didn't stop him. Cause he got a different phone number. He went through so much to contact and get to Joon. We keep blocking the numbers.

But it wasn't enough he keep going, he would say he want to talk and then he would threaten him. Jimin and I wanted to go to the police but Joon said no and we respected that. Wrong choice. 

After those three weeks he decided to get bold and would leave "gifts for Joon". Like chocolates and roses with pictures of Joon that he would take. They would have writing that said, "You look beautiful", Or "Your mine remember that". 

We would throw them away and rip up the stuff. But we could tell it was getting to Joon, he would constantly be anxious. And close himself off and not talk, and we tried to get him to talk but he wouldn't. 

It went on like that a while and it progressively got worse and worse. Joon basically leaved at Jimins and went to school online. We were really worried and Honestly thought about not listening to Joon and going to the police. 

But every time we even mention the police Joon would break down and beg us not to. After fighting like that for a month we convinced Joon to tell us the real reason he didn't want us to go to the police.

 As it turns out Woo threatened Joon in person when he was in the bathroom. He said that "If you go too the police, I will make sure you friends will wish they never met you", and that "What I did to you will be much worse for them". 

Sacred that Woo will keep his promise Joon made sure we didn't go to the police. After Joon told us we sat down and talked it out. And that no matter what we would put or lives on the line to protect each other. 

And that the police will protect us and that going to them would help all of this end quicker. We can't keep living in fear, and that he needs to be in jail. I would rather him be dead but Jail worked as well. 

After a lot of convincing Joon agreed to go to the police after school it was Saturday when this happened so we would go on Monday. Soon enough Monday rolls around, and I said when what happened to me was after Jimins birthday. 

It was, Jimins birthday was that last Friday, we talked Saturday and we were gonna go to the police that Monday. I was like the world was planning every thing so perfectly a line and hoped it fell in place. 

And it did, that Monday Jimin and Joon started heading to the station and I was gonna be late cause I had to talk to my teacher. After I started heading to the station and to get their quicker you can pass through an alley way. 

And I did but little did I know I was walking into a trap of my own choice. I could have taken the long way but I wanted to get their quicker cause I was already late. I really wish I didn't cause what happened the moment I walked in that alley way. 

Well lets just say he keep his promise of doing something worse to us." 

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